《台灣社會研究季刊》 第117期:


當圖書成為冷戰武器:美新處譯書計畫與馬來亞文化宣傳(1951-1961)/王梅香(117109.12 1-46


U.S. Information Service (USIS) was the official propaganda agency of the U.S. during the Cold War, and its book translation program was one of its cultural propaganda media. In contrast to the existing viewpoints of Cultural Cold War that focus on the US-Soviet framework and the top-down control and domination / subordination, the article analyzes the book translation program of Malaya by adopting the perspective of the “Anglo-American Negotiation Framework” and examining multiple resources of historical materials with the methods of reciprocal comparison and connected histories. The research results illustrate that the book translation program involving the U.S., the British Council, and the Federation of Malaya was a co-building process of the ideological domination. Firstly, the UK and U.S. took the “racialized division of propaganda” and their officials were in charge of the propaganda solely for the Malayan government and the Malay population. Secondly, under the leadership of the British government, the publishing center of the book translation program was removed from “Singapore USIS” to the “Kuala Lumpur USIS”, and the language used in translation was from Chinese to English and Malay. The overall plan of the publishing mechanism in Malaya of the British government was to “Malayize the form of propaganda” and the U.S. played the role of the “coordinator of British power.” Thirdly, the U.S.-Aid literary institution in Malaya at the time was characterized as “anti-communism”, “pro-Americanism”, “Malayism” and “Chineseness”. The first three characteristics were agreed and implemented by both the British and American officials, along with Hong Kong as a partner. However, the British and American were divergent on “Chineseness”. The British officials advocated the elimination of “Chineseness”, while the U.S. officials approved of “Chineseness” as if it represented “Free China”. Finally, the “Anglo-American Negotiation Framework” used keywords such as “Malaya”, “local” and “people” to promote their political ideologies of which the ultimate goal was to establish the imagined Malay community.

Keywords: Cultural Cold War, reciprocal comparison, Anglo-American Negotiation Framework, British Council, Hong Kong Union Press

「謝尖順事件」之媒體語藝框架分析:「跨性別國家主義」的觀點/王孝勇(117109.12 47-111

本研究旨在對1950年代台灣的「謝尖順事件」之媒體報導進行語藝框架分析。「謝尖順事件」是台灣欲藉由打造「自由中國」的形象以建立統治正當性的性別事件和關鍵個案,其中更揭櫫「跨性別國家主義」(transgender nationalism)的語藝運作。研究發現,在謝尖順報導的「過程敘事」中,看似多重異質的聲音腔調透過管道框架、責任/義務框架、個人化框架和策略框架所具體架構出的變性或雙性身體,一方面乃異於醫學知識或一般常識之病理域外狀態,另一方面更被迫持續困勉而行地往主流性別二分框架靠攏。再者,謝尖順「在場卻缺席」的可見性政治使得她的存在雖然挑戰了當時社會對於性的生物本質論、身體與性別認同間的連續性之既定慣性認識,卻釀成更全面地、更大規模地、更有「國家性」甚至是國際觀的對性別身體和個體的馴化管控。在此,約定俗成的異性戀霸權與性別僵化觀被回溯性地、無縫接軌地藉由性別重建手術而確立其優勢排他地位。性與身體的重新打造不但因此與個體的自我、自主意識無涉;更有甚者,醫療、軍隊和國家共謀的語藝奇觀更巧妙地把謝尖順微弱的現聲,論述為深明大義、以國家之名、以大局為重。


This paper aims to elaborate the rhetorical construction of “transgender nationalism” by analyzing the media reporting and its framing of the “HSIEH Chien Shun Event”. The “HSIEH Chien Shun Event” is a gendered event and a critical case in Taiwan in the 1950s; thereby, the then Kuomintang government attempted to construct its political legitimacy and technological advancement of the “free China” (by contrast to decay and the uncivilized of mainland China governed by the Chinese Communist Party). This paper argues that multiple voices referring to HSIEH exemplified a specific kind of “emergence narrative” via conduit frame, accountability frame, personalization frame and strategy frame. Herein, a transitional or intersexual body was diagnosed as an alien or abnormal state which was apart from existed medical knowledge and physiological common sense; nevertheless, that body status still edged up to the mainstream gender binary exhaustedly. Even though the media representation of HSIEH indeed dismantled the supposed continuity between biological sex and gender identity to some extent, HSIEH’s “present absence” and visibility politics still activated the overwhelming, nationalized and internationalized disciplinary control over individualized body under the then Kuomintang regime. My research findings suggest that both cisnormativity and heteronormativity were further maintained through the very sex reassignment surgery in this case. Furthermore, the reconstruction of sex and body had been deployed as the spectacle by the conspiracy rhetoric among medical system, military army and the nation state rather than the gender consciousness and the self of HSIEH. HSIEH’s faint existence and weak voice couldn’t be anything but the reified patriotic object served in the name of the country.

Keywords: the free China, homonationalism, transgender, transgender nationalism, rhetorical framing, HSIEH Chien Shun

中國當前思想狀況與「中國性」問題/周展安(117109.12 113-165



At present, Chinese intellectual circles are focusing on the issue of “Chinese character”. The so-called “Chinese character” refers to a problem domain, which refers to different researchers’ penetrating into China’s historical experiences and practical practices from their own perspectives, exploring its uniqueness and trying to refine “China” into a theoretical concept. The concern of the intelligentsia on the issue of “Chinese character” is closely related to the changes in the ideological situation of the ruling party and the people in the new era. The three dimensions, “traditional China”, “revolutionary China”, and “real China”, constitute the main entry point for the current intellectual community to think about the issue of “Chinese character”. However, this way of division cannot solve the tension between “tradition”, “revolution” and “reality”. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the historical texture and grasp the “question and answer structure” in the historical trend. It will be found that China since modern times and China since the end of Ming Dynasty have a kind of continuity that can be summarized as “downward transcendence”. This is also a kind of continuity that can be called “the era of matter”. The history of Song and Ming Dynasty can be called “the era of idea”. Reactivating Confucius’ historical view of “being gentle”(wen zhi bin bin) can resolve the tension between “tradition”, “revolution” and “reality”, and provide inspiration for the establishment of a coherent Chinese narrative.

Keywords: ideological situation, Chinese character, revolution, downward transcendence, idea and matter



鄉村振興、學者實踐和中國大陸集體未來的動力/嚴海蓉、古學斌、徐思遠(117109.12 167-197

中國大陸農村改革既反映了治國精英的現代化策略,也是對底層動力的反饋。它蜿蜒曲折的步伐說明,在國家策略中,農村發展是一個不斷變化的政治和經濟問題。我們認為,在「農民」問題上,中國共產黨採取了策略性的本質主義(strategic essentialism)。一方面,中國共產黨將「農民」視作一個階段內統一的範疇,同時利用這一範疇內部的差異,來推動長期變革的目標。在後毛時代改革的背景下,政策一方面強調保護「農民」,但也鼓勵農民分化,這一矛盾給中國大陸當前的鬥爭同時帶來了機會和障礙。我們也認為,中國大陸政府近期推動的鄉村振興是「國家主導的邊緣策略」(state-guided periphery strategy)的一部分,它的目標是使資本向國內外金融化程度低的地區流動。在這一背景下,本文考察了改革時期的政策和話語如何把握和界定農村問題,並討論了學者社會參與(scholar activism)的兩個案例─中國大陸的鄉村建設運動和人民食物主權網絡。


Rural development in the Chinese state’s strategy has been a changing political-economic problematic. The state has practiced a strategic essentialism with regard to “peasantry.” It has actively taken “peasantry” as a temporary unifying master-category while at the same time working with the differences within the category for the long-term goal of transformation. The post-Mao contradiction, emphasizing the protection of the “peasantry” while encouraging differentiation, offers contemporary struggles both opportunity and frustration. This essay examines how the rural has been conceptualized in reform-era policies and discusses two cases of scholar activism, the rural reconstruction movement and the food sovereignty network in China.

Keywords: peasantry, strategic essentialism, rural reconstruction, food sovereignty, China

新冠肺炎的「新聞併發症」:媒體、政府與民眾的新三角關係/魏玓(117民109.12 頁199-215)



中國傳播的社會主義現實主義:《依附之路》譯者序/吳暢暢(117109.12 217-240

人文的社會:烏托邦抑或可能?評《人文知識思想再出發》與《人文知識思想再出發是否必要?如何可能?》/張華軍(117109.12 241-266

《農民工與新工人》讀後/張智琦(117109.12 267-277

對《農民工與新工人:當代中國階級問題研究》書評的回應/潘毅(117109.12 279-282