《台灣社會研究季刊》 第32期:


免洗餐具的誕生:醫學知識在台灣的社會性格分析/林崇熙(32 民87.12 頁1-38)

透過科學研究、利益團體、政治考量、人際關係、社會變遷等多種力量的交織塑造,B型肝炎在一九八年代初期,成為台灣公共衛生上的頭號目標。然而,當衛生署大力宣導如何防治B型肝炎時,關於B型肝炎的「正確知識」,如傳佈機制、防治辦法等卻仍在學界爭議中。在政策考量與民意代表關切壓力下,免洗餐具、公筷母匙、中菜西吃等不但成為衛生署宣導的「正確知識」,而且在環境變遷下,進一步塑造台灣人民新的生活方式。從免洗餐具誕生的過程來看 B型肝炎「正確知識」的形成與轉折,我們可以看到醫學知識在台灣的社會性格與動態共識的性質。


In the early 1980s, various powers such as scientific research, social interests, human relationships, and social changes shaped hepatitis B the primary goal of the public health policy in Taiwan. When Department of Health made great efforts to educate the public how to control hepatitis B, the so-called "correct knowledge" such as the mode of transmission or the way of control was still in controversy. However, under the policy considerations and the pressure from congressmen, the disposable utensils, the dining manner of "Chinese food, Western style," and the use of common chopsticks and spoons not only became the "correct knowledge" regarding hepatitis B control, but also reshaped Taiwanese forms of life. Examining the birth of disposable utensils and the history of the knowledge regarding hepatitis B in Taiwan, we can understand that medical knowledge in Taiwan is a social practice and dynamic consensus in nature.

Keywords:Disposable Utensils, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Taiwan, History of Science

美援下的衛生政策:一九六○年代台灣家庭計畫的探討/郭文華(32 民87.12 頁39-82)




This paper examines a salient example of medical policies in Cold War period Asia—the population control program in Taiwan. Influenced by America, Taiwan was singled out by policy experts as the successful story among East Asian countries attempting family planning. However, unlike those non-historical approaches, this paper places this topic within social and historical context, examining the rhetoric and reality of the population control program in 1960s Taiwan.

My argument addresses the following: 1. Pressured by the US, the Taiwanese government ignored the difference between the ideologies behind "individual birth control" and "national population control." Thus was accepted the US' suggestion that the over-growth of population was the most important concern of Taiwan seeking more rapid economic development—besides, the enforced control of the number of new births was the only way to solve the problem. 2. Furthermore, because of the limited health budget, the US, rather than the Taiwanese government, determined the medical policies in Taiwan. Thus, population control became a medical concern in the rhetoric of the Taiwanese health department; forced upon the people, this birth control program was practiced under the name of family planning. 3. In doing so, the health officers used IUDs and implanted them in Taiwanese women's bodies, claiming them to be the best choice for women to avoid unnecessary pregnancies and the best tool for the state to control new births.
In the meantime, because of IUDs' severe side effects, some women refused to use them, but had no chance to speak out directly in public.

Keywords:US aid, Population Control, Family Planning, IUD, Women's Bodies

產業政策與連鎖效果:台灣塑膠原料業發展的因素/瞿宛文、黃秋燕(32 民87.12 頁83-124)






This paper explores the history and causes of growth of Taiwan's plastic-material industry, which lies vertically between the upstream basic petrochemicals and the downstream plastic product sectors. The study focuses on the six common plastics, PVC, LDPE, HDPE, PP, PS, and ABS, which comprise over 80% of the sector. Almost all of them were established along with the state-run upstream naphtha-cracking plants. That is, forward linkage effects were effective.

All grew steadily until liberalization in 1986. For those sectors, whose inputs cannot be easily transported, their growth began to be restricted since the late 1980s when local protest postponed the construction of the fifth and sixth cracker. For other sectors their growth has been unhampered. PS and ABS sectors grew rapidly by expanding their exports, especially to the mainland, in the later period.

The downstream's demand has been the engine of growth for all six sectors. The backward linkage effects, however, are stronger in those sectors that did not face supply restriction and those that grew faster. The greater the downstream's growth rate, the better its prospects, the greater the linkage effects and the faster the midstream's growth. Market structure also matters. Moreover, industrial policy has been instrumental in bringing about industrial upgrading. That is, ladder-climbing does not come automatically for an NIC.

Keywords:industrial policy, linkage effects, causes of growth, NICs

科學園區的另一種發展版本─台南科學園區/周素卿(32 民87.12 頁125-164)



For less than two decades, the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park has successfully become the cradle of high-tech industries in Taiwan. It strongly enhances confidence for Taiwan's government in adopting the high-tech development policy. The second science-based industrial park, the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park, was established in 1996 to continue the progression of Taiwan's high-tech development. The purpose of this paper is to examine the possible features of the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park from three perspectives in comparison with the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park. First, the engine for the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park is the private sector, rather than the state. Second, establishment of the Second Science Park is no longer just a matter of the central state and private enterprises. The local state has been actively participating in the developmental process since its initiation. Third, there are some new industrial networks emerged in this newly created high-tech space. All of these will significantly make the development of the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park another version of science park development , either in Taiwan or around the world.

Keywords:Tainan Science-based Industrial Park、science park policy、integrated circuit industry、industrial networks


日治初期在台日資的生成與積累/黃紹恆(32 民87.12 頁165-214)



Between 1895 and 1905, the Japanese capital ad a limited existence and accumulation in Taiwan though politically this island had been already under Japan's colonization. The reasons for this mismatch between political rule and economic role could be accounted by the fact that Taiwan's economy was still orientated towards the mainland China. Additional factors such as insufficient bussiness knacks and relying its commerce too much on the colonial government contributed further to its being merely a participant in, rather than the leader of, the overall economic activities in this colony.

Keywords:Japanese capital in Taiwan, capital accumulation, the colonial government of Taiwan, the Russo-Japanese war


媒體在運動商品化過程中的角色/劉昌德(32 民87.12 頁215-247)



The commodification of sports in Taiwan has been getting more explicit in recent years. This thesis, drawing upon interpretation and compilation of relevant scholarships, data, and interviews, attempts to give a description of the role of mass media in the commodification process. The operational mechanism of media/sports complex, in short, is only to create even more profits. Media increases its circulation and advertisement by producing sports programs and reports; while sports organizations rely on media and increase their major three sources of income--tickets, sponsorship, and TV rights. Meanwhile, because of its domination of those profit sources of sports organizations, media is even able to hold sway over sports in various ways. Following this argument, this thesis moves to examine the operation of local media/sports complex according to the historical development of local professional sports industry since the 1990's. The transformation of local media market structure--especially for the electronic broadcasting--has intensified combination of media and professional sports.

Keywords:commodification of sports, professional sports, media/sports complex, media market structure, TV rights fee