《台灣社會研究季刊》 第37期:














當代中國的思想狀況與現代性問題/汪暉(37 民 89.3 頁 1-44)



The paper aims at an analysis of how Chinese intellectuals lost their critical ability on reality in the transitional period from 1980 to 1990 through a comprehensive review on intellectual discussions in 1990s. In 1980s, the movement of thought liberation and cultural discussions started from the dichotomy of feudalism and modermization and transfromed the critique of modern history into a self-assertion of contemporary process itself. In 1990s, the dichotomy has been transformed into a new market ideology wich failed to reveal the internal connections between the process of marketization and politics and provide a theoretical thinking of democratic practice in mainland context. The intellectual discussions in 1990s were limited by the ideological teleology of modernization and failed to develop critical factors of new enlightenment in 1980 on the one hand, lost the ability to criticize the process of globalization and so-called "spontaneous privatization".

Keywords:modernity, modernization, new enlightenment, globalization

如今批判還可能嗎?—與汪暉商榷一個批判的現代主義計畫及其問題/趙剛(37 民 89.3 頁 45-74)



Various strand of thought in contemporary Mainland China witness severe depletion of critical potentiality—thus lamented Wang Hui. Writing by candlelight, Wang's core concern is to redeem critique as norm and as method. This review essay attempts to explicate the Wang's critical "project" (though a Latent and incomplete one) is a thoroughly modernist one in the sense that it premises a "depth model" and emphasizes the key roles of ideological critique, opposition, history, totality, and intellectuals. Wang's project is therefore a head-on confrontation with the prevailing postmodern and neoliberal strands of thought (or, structure of feeling). While in many regards sympathizing with Wang's project, this review essay takes its theoretically insufficient attention to the social to task. Social theory, this essay contends, cannot afford the loing of the spectrum of the social, otherwise the entire project of critique and inquiry shall lose its ground to start with. In the end of this essay, C. Wright Mills' "sociological imagination" is juxtaposed to Wang's critical modernist project in an attempt to highlight the latter's critical democratic relevance and to further future discussion.

Keywords:Keywords: critique, modernity, modernization,ideology, critical modernity, totality, history, intellectual, social theory, postmodernism, neoliberalism, sociological imagination, democracy

現代性業已耗盡了批判意義嗎?—汪暉論現代性讀後有感/錢永祥(37 民 89.3 頁75-90)



Invoking Habermas's distinction between cultural and societal modernity, this article—a response to Wang Hui's justly celebrated discourse on Chinese modernity—separates modernity from modernization by emphasizing self-reflection and self-legitimation as the defining characteristics of cultural modernity. It is argued that herein lies the critical potentials of the modern consciousness. The unbalanced state of Chinese modernity is then explained in terms of its ties to nationalism. It is further argued that in this age of late modern exhaustion the critical thrust of modernity is best represented by liberalism, which serves as a bulwark of post-metaphysical sobriety against all sorts of conservative/romantic regressions.

Keywords:Wang Hui, Modernity, Liberalism

全球化與後進國之經濟發展/瞿宛文(37 民 89.3 頁91-118 )



Examining the post-WWII globalization trend, this paper finds that the degree integration has increased in terms of trade and capital flows. The speed of integration, however, varies greatly among different aspects and across regions. Despite the progress, a truly integrated global market is still far from being a reality. What is the feasible development strategy for the LDC? Neo-liberalism emerged in the 1970s, and its proponents believe reliance on free market the only way to development. On the other hand, the revisionists think that strong and effective government intervention is required to achieve successful industrialization. The latter agrees that participation in the global market is necessary for the LDCs to learn the advanced technology, but managed trade coupled with industrial policy, rather than free trade, is requisite to fulfill the development objective. The fact that the successful East Asian NICs relied heavily upon trade but at the same time had strong government intervention lends support to this argument. The global capitalist system presents a daunting challenge to the LDCs, and many have failed to meet the challenge. Aid from the DCs and the neo-liberal recipe did not help much. Under the present circumstances, a revisionist type of development strategy seems a more feasible route to development.

Keywords:globalization, development strategy, neo-liberalism, revisionist


英雄與土匪:日本據台初期的敘事認同/方孝謙(37 民 89.3 頁119-162 )



Studying the narratives concerning Han-Taiwanese' identity in the early twentieth-century when they were under Japanese rule, we have two major findings. First, contemporary anthropologist, Kanori Ino's discourse on "this-islanders" (hontojin) initiated a series of Japanese commentaries on Taiwanese "bandits," which stereotyped the bottom stratum of the Han-colonized. Secondly, after two decades of the colonial rule, what informed Han-Taiwanese of their fundamental identities were still the moral teachings of traditional China, specifically Mencius' doctrine of a "real man" and an image of gentleman syncretized from the lessons of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.

Keywords:narrative identity, morality books, hontojin, Li Chuisheng, Xilai Temple

再論馬克斯的意識型態批判/陳宜中(37 民 89.3 頁163-190)



The present essay reconsiders aspects of Karl Marx's critique of ideology" in relation to his ideal of communist freedom. Through a critical examination of the German Ideology as well as the later theory of commodity fetishism, the author shows how a teleology of communist freedom was in vital ways constitutive of Marx's materialist theory of history and ideology. If the whole historical-materialist theorization of ideology had been inadequately formulated in the first place, the status of the critique of ideology" was thereby put in jeopardy. It was a failure to scrutinize his own ideology of freedom" which largely accounts for the deficiencies in Marx's theory and critique of ideology.

Keywords:Ideology, History, Freedom, Alienation, Commodity Fetishism