《台灣社會研究季刊》 第48期:


以「全球化」這個符號為統領的措辭大軍裡,有我們耳熟能詳的「資訊」、「金融」、「網絡」、「流動空間」、「即時」、「無時之時」、「無重量世界」、「知識財產」、「創投資本」、「全球城市」、「達康公司」…。但這些概念,或更正確地說,這些激勵鼓動某種未來世界圖像的馬賽克片斷,經常在它們合力鼓吹某個趨勢時,也在遮掩一個現象,這個現象即是「勞工流移」(labor migration)。所謂勞工流移,既是流亡(diaspora),也是移動(movement),是現代性從黑奴買賣開始以來,從沒有間斷過的被迫或半被迫的人口遷徙現象,只是於今尤盛,不僅是跨城鄉,更是與日俱增地跨越國界甚或洲界。





騷動流移的虛構商品:「勞工流移」專題導讀/夏曉鵑(48 民 91.12 頁 1-14)



台灣的情況從來無法孤立於世界局勢而觀之,移民問題亦然。睽諸世界,號稱「民族熔爐」的美國已進入第四波移民潮,二十世紀末移民已佔總人口近10%;歐洲各國也正經歷移民衝擊,外籍居民在德國佔總人口的8.2%,在法國佔6.4%,瑞士更高達16.3%(Brettell and Holifield, 2000),即使在原本嚴格限制移民的日本也在八年代准許外籍勞工進入;而在發展中國家出現的大規模人口流動,包括非洲的難民,及亞洲和中東地區的客工(guest workers),更引起部份論者稱為「全球流移危機」(global migration crisis)(Weiner, 1995)、將二十世紀後半葉定性為「流移的年代」(age of migration)(Castlesand Miller, 1993)。



跨國移工、台灣建國意識與公民運動/成露茜(48 民 91.12 頁 15-44)

本文企圖以台灣境內移駐勞工(外勞)為例,介入目前國際學界對兩個彼此相關的問題討論:跨國主義 (transnationalism) 與新跨國勞動力流動;及移駐勞工、公民權及人權之間的關係。




This study of foreign labor in Taiwan attempts to contribute to contemporary discourses on two inter-related problematics: 1. Transnationalism and the formation of new transnational labor migration; and 2. Migrant labor, citizenship or human rights.

Current transnational migration is non-linear but diasporic. Since Asian nation-states do not provide a system of citizenship acquisition based on naturalization, and the prevailing contract migrant labor regime in the region, "migrant labor" has become a permanent "guest-working" phenomenon. How does the changing conceptualization of the nation-state in Taiwan relates to the
idea of nationhood and citizenship? And what is its implication for the incorporation of migrant labor?

This study theorizes the relationship between migrant orientation, state-building ideology, territoriality, and the basis for rights-claims of migrants. It shows that traditional Chinese emphasis on lineage and ancestry, though still a dominant role in the conception of nationhood, is modified by geopolitical concerns in Taiwan's on-going state-building project. As a state-in-formation in need of outside labor, Taiwan must reevaluate its state-building ideology. This analysis points to three potential routes: to privilege transnational foreign labor over mainland Chinese and change its descent centered exclusionist policy; or to privilege ethnic Chinese and relax its political vigilance toward PRC ; or to insist on resident participation in public
affairs and in the economic, political and social lives of Taiwan as a new basis of citizenship. The former two alternatives require the construction of a new concept of nationhood that is based on a forward-looking principle of citizen participation; whereas the last one is unbounded by any predetermined nation-state framework. Regardless of which is adopted, it will be a new model capable of meeting the challenge of contemporary global labor flows.

Keywords:transnational labor, citizenship, state, ideology, migration

誰來上崗:中國城市勞動力市場的不平等競爭/鄭怡雯(48 民 91.12 頁 45-94)



The Chinese peasants now enjoy the freedom of movement in the reform period, a privilege they were not allowed during the decades of the planned economy. The article first discusses the change of Chinese rural society under which rural labor began to flow into the towns and cities, striking a blow against the household system under the planned economy. The breakdown of the household system has not meant, however, that the system itself no longer functions. On the contrary, it has combined with the market economy to provide new rules to manage the movement of Chinese peasants. On the other hand, as from China inlaying with global economy system, more and more state-own enterprise (SOE) workers are laid off in the deepening reform process. And to prevent unrest labors resulting in a big disturbance, SOEs are enforced to pay those un-employees pensions by month for at least 3 years until they get next jobs. (In China, these laid off SOEs labors are called "Xia-Kang" workers.) Moreover, to let the "Xia-Gang" workers have more chances to be employed, the government also adopts household system as means to try to make peasant migrants get job much uneasily. Thus, under the dual forces between economic suction and social repulsion, almost Chinese peasant migrants have the same living experience from flow to roam, which also reflects the deep change of China society structure.

Keywords:peasant migrants, Xia- Gang, household system, market economy

現代化的幻影—消費和生產的雙人舞/嚴海蓉(48 民 91.12 頁 95-134)



Through my ethnographic study of one labor export station in Anhui and a training session for domestic workers in Beijing, I examine how the power ofpost-Mao modernity relies on pas de deux of consumption and production in inciting and disciplining young migrant women, which produce them as longing consumer subjects in the countryside and as producers of labor power for consumption in the city. The bodies of domestic workers, inextricably grounded in labor, are caught in contradictions of production and consumption
that are specific to their subject position. I argue that the process of migration,imbricated with pas de deux of consumption and production, is a process of re-collecting the self in contradictions. I also link this with contradiction of production and consumption in my analysis of the minor cultural battle waged by Anhui readers against the publication of a virulent satire of migrant women in Shanghai and argue that migrant women are largely
erased in the battle that is putatively waged on their behalf. I will show that migrant women,particularly domestic workers, will be further erased, rejected or symbolically disowned in the campaign for the new image of Anhui. The problem surrounding migrant women straddling the contradictions further reflect the difficulty of contemporary Chinese society in articulating a structural coherence and integration.

Keywords:labor migration, domestic workers, subjected labor, subjectivity, regional image, social integration

看/不見疊影—家務與性工作中的婢妾身形/丁乃非(48 民 91.12 頁 135-138)



This paper begins with one question that has recurred in the process of the sex workers' movement of Taipei from 1997-1999 and another question concerning migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. One way toward understanding these knotted questions of agency, individuality and moral choice put to sex workers by feminists and domestic workers by female employers is to critically juxtapose social historical and anthropological studies of the figure of the bondmaid-concubine with fictional representations of
her travails as she takes the difficult road into late twentieth century domestic and/or sex work. And to begin to trace the shadow of base personhood and projected shame haloing this figure in both contemporary social science studies of domestic and sex work as well as concurrent fictional imaginaries.

Keywords:sex work, domestic work, base femininities, feminisms, doubles

跨越國界的生命地圖:菲籍家務移工的流動與認同/藍佩嘉(48 民 91.12 頁 169-218)

本研究透過田野觀察與深入訪談的方式,探討菲律賓籍女性家務移工之跨國流動與階級認同。本文首先說明,菲律賓大量勞力移駐海外的政經脈絡,是與殖民背景、性別關係等社會文化因素密切連結。其次,我探討中產階級背景的菲籍海外勞工,面從事低技術、污名化的海外家務工作時,要如何因應衝突的階級流動,並在日常生活中協商自我的身分認同。我發現她們透過社會空間的前後台區隔(工作日vs. 放假日; 母國vs. 地主國)、隔離進行的勞動與消費活動、以及不同的時間向度(現在vs. 未來),來形塑多重的角色扮演與流動的主體認同。


Based on ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews, this article explores the transnational migration and class identification of Filipina migrant domestic workers. First, I argue that the economic motivation to work abroad is mediated by social and cultural factors such as the colonial legacy and gender relations in the Philippines. Second, I examine how Filipina migrant workers with a previous middle-class background deal with their contradictory class mobility, when taking on low-skilled, stigmatized domestic work. I found that they perform multiple roles and shifting identities through the front/backstage segregation in social space (working days vs. rest day; home country vs. host country) and the differentiation of temporal horizons (now vs. future).

Keywords:Domestic worker, migrant worker, identification, the Philippines


菲律賓移駐勞工在台灣的處境/亞太移駐勞工工作團(48 民 91.12 頁 219-234)



As a response to the call for capitalist globalization, the Philippine government has employed liberalization, privatization and deregulation in full scale, which has been greatly detrimental to the already backward, agrarian and pre-industrial Philippines and its ailing economy. Time and again, the Philippine economic crisis convulses. With such a condition, domestic unemployment becomes a permanent fixture in Philippine society. Since Marcos regime, the "labor export program" has served as a solution to the rising unemployment problems and it has become the top dollar earner for the country. Filipinos started working in Taiwan as undocumented workers even before the Taiwan government formally imported migrant workers in 1990. The migrant workers in Taiwan have to face very difficult situation, including excessive placement and brokers fees, oppressive and exploitative working and living conditions, and indifferent and subservient Philippine government officials. APMM is a cause-oriented regional center committed to support the migrants' movement through advocacy, organizing, and building linkages for the advancement of migrants' rights. With the support of local groups and other conditions, the organizing work of migrant workers in Hong Kong and South Korea are more successful, which can be emulated in Taiwan in the future.

Keywords: migrant workers, foreign workers, globalization, organizing work, Philippines, Taiwan

外勞政策的利益結構與翻轉的行政實驗初探—以台北市的外勞行政、文化實踐為例/ 龔尤倩(48 民 91.12 頁 235-286)

外籍勞工這一群來自東南亞國家,因為經濟弱勢而飄洋過海出賣廉價勞動力,在台灣勞動市場中墊底、在社會對待上被邊緣化、污名化。筆者從基層勞工運動出發,在外勞的組織工作中經驗了不同的社會位置,由中壢希望職工中心的救火隊式協助,到三年前進入了臺北市政府操作國家機器的外勞行政者,筆者透過過往運動累積的經驗,以「行動研究」(Action research )作為一個行政實驗的方法,利用行政部門的資源,發展出一連串包括了服務與文化活動的行動方案。



To these days, there are more than three hundred thousands' migrant workers in Taiwan, most of them coming from the neighboring South Eastern Asian countries. Coming of a relatively lower economic background, they are compelled to sell their cheap labor forces in this country. For this reason, they are also forced to live on the margin of our society, and are often stigmatized. My position as a labor activist in the past years has given me various opportunity to approach the issue of migrant workers in Taiwan, and to organize them in various levels. In this paper, I will give a brief account
of my efforts and transition in these different organizations, starting from the Hope Workers Center at Chung Li, a non-governmental organization, to the Foreigner Worker Counseling Center, within the framework of Taipei City Government. I will also give accounts to what I shall describe as the "Action Research", an approach that has continued to guide me in these years, helping me to promote the migrant workers' rights through various cultural practices and policy making. Finally, I will describe how the migrants' continuing participation and their response to these measures is immanent to the migrant worker's movement itself, and need to be closely. To make this report, I have thought and realized the work we do is just a start and it is a process. I am very clear about the rank, positions and structural problems, the complicated situation of migrant workers and their employers, desire to bring about a new and better understanding of migrants' society and thus transform the position and work situation. studied.

Keywords:migrant workers, caretaker, domestic helper, marginalization, stigmatization, action research, administration experiment, cultural policy on migrant workers, localization, engagement