《台灣社會研究季刊》 第53期:












後威權下再論「民營化」/瞿宛文(53 民 93.3 頁 29-60)






In the early 1990s, anti-authoritarian sentiment was high. The political movement partly relied upon neo-liberal arguments, calling for economic liberalization and privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), as a way to dismantle the authoritarian rule. As we have entered post-authoritarian times, we need to re-examine the issues of privatization, for anti-authoritarian motives no longer apply.

The results of privatization have not been satisfactory. Some cases are suspected of corruption. The government considers an SOE privatized once it reduces its share holdings below 50%. In most cases, the government retains control but escapes formal monitoring. Since democratization began in the late 1980s, political competition led to numerous rounds of tax cuts and consequently a continuous decline in tax revenue and an increase in fiscal deficit. The urgent need to raise revenue has gradually become an important motive for privatization. Neo-liberal doctrine reins supreme, providing justification for privatization.

Liberalization in the last couple decades has led to an increase in concentration of economic power and social stratification. The decline in social services has meant that people with less income and those in remote areas now receive fewer services. Privatization of SOEs has also raised the unemployment rate. The problems of social justice implicated in privatization have not received the attention in public policy
discourse they deserve.

It is proposed here that further privatization be put on hold until due process can be assured; that privatization should not be done merely to raise revenue; that there should be no unconditional liberalization; and that it is more important to establish appropriate rules of the game. There should also be a proper supervision mechanism, freeing SOEs from the influences of partisan politics. Most of all, we need to give SOEs a new mission, with social-justice-oriented policy goals.

Keywords:privatization, party-state capitalism, post-authoritarian rule, social democracy

都市空間的生產:全球化的上海/黃宗儀(53 民 93.4頁 61-84)

今日的全球城市上海,一如它傲人的浦東新區所示,是一個全球化的展示櫥窗,是勒斐伏爾(Lefebvre)所謂的「紀念性空間」(monumental space),亦是當前全球城市都市中心的地標。這樣的新紀念性空間(new monumentality)雄偉耀眼的外貌,凸顯國際資本的迅速集中,卻同時隱藏了國際資本透過紀念性建築得以快速地排擠替換當地人民的生活空間的事實。



This paper attempts to elucidate how Shanghai's rise as a global city in the 1990s brings to light the production of such a global space and its problems. After China's open policy in 1978, with its glamorous past as a cosmopolitan city in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai emerged on the map of the nation and the world as the most promising member of the global club. Exploring the urban discourse and the actual development of Shanghai's transformation into a global city, I argue that Shanghai is made in the image of existing global cities such as New York, London, Tokyo and Singapore. The logic is that the built environment and the social structures of Shanghai have to be rebuilt before it can work as one of the centers of the global economy. We might say that Shanghai was not born as a global city as many claim with the city's cosmopolitan past as an evidence, but becomes one because of the ambition to attract capital flows. The process of remaking Shanghai into a global city shows how the capitalist space takes precedence and subjugates the lived space of local people's everyday life. Moreover, the uneven development as seen in other global cities cannot be overlooked in Shanghai's case: the rise of the new elite class including expatriates and local "successful people" parallels the marginalized "blind flow" of migrant workers flowing in from neighboring provinces. While copying the image of a global city as a success story to pass on, the urban planners or government officials downplay the dual city problem as we saw in those "role-models."

Keywords:globalization, shanghai, global city

性工作與現代性:現代自我的社會條件/甯應斌(53 民 93.3 頁 85-144)



Why or why not is selling one's sex alienating one's self? This question can be traced back to a more general question which Hegel and others were concerned when paid labor became prevalent, that is, Why or why not is selling one's labor power or service alienating one's self? Like sex work, various types of modern work, especially in their emerging stage or in their informal sector, are also full of risks of alienating one's self in the form of self being appropriated, privacy encroached, or boundary of intimacy violated. To understand exactly how the alienation of self in question proceeds, the approach of social interactions instead of philosophy is required. As my essay demonstrates, it is through the techniques of self-presentation during the actual human interactions that the private self of the service worker is appropriated by the customer, or vice versa. Hence, for this phenomenon of alienation of self, Goffman's writings provide the most relevant interpretive analysis, which will be detailed in a subsequent essay. The present essay in its first half nevertheless develops the issue of alienation of self into a Goffmanian problematic: How does sex worker present herself in work? However, this Goffmanian approach to the question of alienation of sex worker's self still needs to be located in a
wider context concerning the dynamics and structural conditions of the modern self and its formation. Thus, the second half of the essay situates the interactions and the boundary maintenance of modern selves in five kinds of modern conditions that also constitute the core elements of(late)modernity. The implication of this discussion is to show that sex worker's success in not alienating herself during the interaction is not due to personal idiosyncrasy, but deeply rooted in the conditions of modernity.

Keywords:Sex Work, Modernity, Self, Anonymity, Privacy, Self-Presentation, Impersonal, Hegel, Goffman, Giddens, Sennett

初論台灣泌尿科的男性身體觀/成令方、傅大為(53 民 93.3 頁 145-204 )




There are many social forces contesting for expressing voices on masculine bodies, male body awareness and male body images. Amongst them, urology and its physicians are the ones actively and consciously managing and dominating the claims for the knowledge and medicine of masculine bodies. Especially in the past decades, many urologists apart from attending clinics and doing medical researches have been busy with public activities, such as appeared on TV, writing for newspapers and popular books and giving speeches, their achievement have been remarkable. The study is focused on the heterosexual discourses promoted by urologists from three resources: (A) The urologist study of Viagra and its critiques. The study based on I.I.E.F. questionnaires contains two distinct features, 'absence of women' and 'men deal with their own physiological reaction'. (B) The views on physician-patients interaction based on interviews of four urologists. Four aspects are discussed: (1) the sexual anxiety men suffered. (2) premature ejaculation, biological evolution and feminist discourses. (3) history of illness, sexual politics and elderly male bodies. (4) the technoscien-zation in the profession of urology. (C) The popular writings by urologists from the 1950s to 1990s.

This preliminary study is analyzed from the perspectives of feminist critiques on medicine and Foucaultian knowledge/power/discipline. In the conclusion, we propose three theoretical aspects for further studies: (1) Medicalisation and phallocentrism (2) Sexual bodies in partnership. (3) The politics of phallo-technology. We propose that medicalisation which divided bodies into 'normal/abnormal' should be reduced to minimum level. Sexual bodies in heterosexual relations should be viewed in the context of partnership rather than in soleship. The style of sexual bodies should be treated as a preference rather than medicalised normality/abnormality. If we see Viagra in the context of demedicalisation, it could become a special kind of vitamin which can be used for developing alternative 'sexual style' by elderly, homosexual and heterosexual users.

Keywords:sex, gender, Viagra, medicalization, urology, body, masculinity






