《台灣社會研究季刊》 第54期:


專題導言:醫學、帝國主義與現代性/李尚仁(54 民93.6 頁 1-17)

醫學史近年來在台灣已經成為一個相當有活力的研究領域,探討的主題涵蓋了從先秦到明清的中國傳統醫學史、民國時期的現代中國醫學史、日殖到戰後的台灣醫學史乃至歐洲醫學史。回顧這十餘年來的發展,成果最豐碩的還是中國傳統醫學史研究,不過對現代醫學史(history of modern medicine)的探討也出現了一些相當令人振奮的著作。然而,相較於傳統醫學史研究的自足與自成一格,台灣醫學史或清末民初的中國醫學史的研究雖然探討的議題有所重疊,像是現代醫學引進當地社會的過程以及國際強權或教會組織所扮演的角色等,但是截自目前為止這些研究之間還沒有出現共通的問題架構(problematic),把看似獨立分散其實有其內在歷史關連的一些研究議題關聯起來,進而勾勒出一個有助我們更寬廣深刻地理解這段歷史的大圖像(big picture)。



衛生為何不是保衛生命?民國時期另類的衛生、自我與疾病/雷祥麟(54 民93.6 頁 18-60)



While Hygiene was translated into Chinese as Weisheng, (literally meaning "guarding life") during the Republican China, there existed an alternative discourse of Weisheng which was distinctively different from hygiene imported from the West. From the viewpoint of the advocates of public health in China,
this popular discourse of Weisheng was no less than an abuse or a hijack of the Modernist idea of hygiene. As the result, they saw no value of this popular discourse except for hindering the progress of the real public heath enterprise in China. This paper takes seriously this discourse and practice of "guarding life" and investigates how this alternative discourse took shape through a mutual definition between Western hygiene and traditional Chinese practice. The question is this: since this alternative hygiene was not about defending the body but rather about guarding life, how did it shape and reflect the new understanding, value, and comprehension of "life," including the body, the psyche, thoughts, emotion, desire, and the life.

Keywords:Hygiene, History of Body, TB, Chinese Medicine




Almost three-fourths of Japanese in Taiwan suffered from one or several vague somatic or mental symptoms attributable to tropical neurasthenia. Along with other epidemic and endemic diseases, neurasthenia in its tropical form was associated with administrative consideration of productivity, the discipline of colony labor, the quality of colonizer's life and health, and the cost-benefit of
colony policies. No less importantly, it aroused the fear for national degeneration. This negative sentiment manifested in common sayings like 'Formosan Papaya', which represented the contemporary disdain for the Japanese in Formosa as inferior nationals and dangerous to the national destiny. By shifting from somatic explanatory model and climate determinism to psychological model (Morita's theory and practice in particular), Japanese psychiatrists in Formosa repudiated both the degeneration theory and any plea for 'abandoning the southern colonies'. They instead emphasized the everyday reality and psychological difficulties experienced by the colonizers, especially those who possessed the highest of Japanese spirits. They suggested that the colony life helped preserve Japanese morals, such as perseverance and perfectionism. In so doing they criticized the contemporary extravagance and indulgence introduced by modernization to Japan proper. On the one hand, they demanded more investment of effort and resources from the government to mitigate the hard life in the colony. The psychiatrists, on the other, adopted the Morita therapy to discipline the 'sick' Japanese in Formosa in the name of spiritual and physical regeneration.

Keywords:tropical neurasthenia, colonial psychiatry, Taiwan history, Syuzo Naka, degeneration, Morita therapy, psychogenic disease

歸檔台灣醫療:初探醫師書寫的歷史與社會學/郭文華(54 民93.6 頁 105-148)




This paper focuses on writings concerning Taiwanese physicians and medical institutes. These writings cover a wide range of material, and are often cited in related studies as primary sources. However, seldom are these works subjected to intellectual scrutiny. Considering the unique role of Taiwanese physicians in
history and society alike, an investigation is needed to comprehend how these writing are produced and what their intentions imply. My argument addresses the following: 1. There are in fact two kinds of writings regarding medicine in Taiwan by or about physicians before the mid 1990s, which I named respectively "writing on Taiwanese physicians" and "physicians' narratives." They are written by different people and serve different purposes. 2. Two recent trends-the involvement of humanity researchers or journalist, and the advent of histories specifically concerning medical groups or institutes—make "physicians' narratives" not just personal accounts of Taiwan and its medicine, but also an "archive-building" endeavor to restore and preserve the declining social status and respect medical professionals once enjoyed. 3. Using the latest
publication of this kind as an example, I will examine in detail the issues on how the "archive" was processed and what its characteristics are. Observing that more scholars are being invited to pen some of these writings and more materials are available for critique, this paper intends to call forth an awareness required while being involved in the production and circulation of such archives.

Keywords:physicians' narratives, Taiwan, history of medicine


誰的杜聰明?從科學家的自我書寫出發/許宏彬(54 民93.6 頁 149-176)



This essay centers around the analysis of the diverse contemporary images of Du Congming, the most famous scientist in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period. In the first part, I will argue that the popular hagiological writings of Du Congming, which on the whole unquestioningly rely on the self-writings by Du himself, are inclined to portray scientific research as the activity confined to the laboratory and therefore they draw some problematic conclusions. Instead, based on the recently fruitful research into the history of
medicine/science in Taiwan, I will suggest some alternative perspectives to reconsider the role of science and scientists in colonial period Taiwan, including the external contexts, the laboratory practices, the scrutiny of the production of scientific knowledge, and the personality of scientists. Being a personal participant in scientific research, the self-writings of scientist Du Congming undoubtedly is a valuable resource for our understanding of scientific activities; but departing from these self-writings, I try to locate these personal accounts and knowledge in their local positions and explore the political effect associated with and inspired by science in modern Taiwan. In the end, through a comparison between the two important opium researchers Du Congming and Lin Qingyue, I will characterize the importance of personality in scientific activities and try to appreciate their research not only in the laboratory but also in their daily lives. Scientists are not only scientists, they are also human beings, like you and I.

Keywords:opium, scientist, Du Congming, Lin Qingyue, scientist, hospital, laboratory, history of medicine in Taiwan, Japanese colonial Taiwan, STS (science, technology and society).

馬戲團、解剖室、博物館—黑色維納斯在法蘭西帝國/戴麗娟(54 民93.6 頁 149-176)



By means of an initial focus on the case history of the "Hottentot Venus", the colored, South African human spectacle of 19th century Europe, this article reconstructs the practical context of French anthropology when it was still a new science, and shows how and in which places racial stereotypes that have
become the most prevalent and criticized part of the legacy of the colonial period were forged and diffused in the popular imagination by the continued interactions of scholars, government administrators and circus businessmen. Influenced by the practices of natural history, the developing anthropology concentrated on the collection of material and its classification, and also
comparative studies. For that purpose, long-distance networks were established and in which museums played a central role. Museums were the place not only for the display of research results but also for the elaboration of scholars' ideas regarding classification. In the conceptual order based on collection, each
ethnic type occupied a given place. This anthropological typification became the foundation that underlaid ethnic shows. Both the long-distance networks and the ethnic spectacles that profited from colonialism did not end with decolonialization, but instead, they continue to influence our vision about people of color and our academic activities even up to the present.

Keywords:Hottentot Venus, ethnic shows, history of French anthropology, imperial science





假名牌、假理論、假全球化/張小虹(54 民93.6 頁 219-252)


論文分為三個部份去探討名牌仿冒品的全球流通:第一部份將以法國時尚名牌路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的皮件仿冒品為切入點,探討此名牌在由日本領航的「東亞名牌熱」中迅速竄起的經濟消費結構與歷史文化因素,第二部份將討論台灣名牌經驗中的雙重複製,以及台灣由生產名牌仿冒品到消費名牌與名牌仿冒品的過程,第三部份則企圖由此世界名牌在亞洲地區的消費脈絡,發展出「名牌仿冒全球化」下的「假」理論——「假」的無所不在、「假」的無中生有、「假」的無法分辨——以探討在名牌仿冒品全球同步流通下「假全球化」的可能操作模式。「假全球化」既是假冒也是假借,既凸顯精品名牌王國中央集權式的品牌併購與全球直營,也同時開展仿冒跨國離散的「黑色暗流」。


This essay attempts to map out the global networking ofcounter-feit production and consumption by taking the historical and economic complication of fake logos in Taiwan as a point of departure. It traces not only the "capital logic" of the counter-feiting industry that duplicates the international division of labor structure, but also its "cultural logic" that creates the Euro-American superlogograms under the spell of Western imperialist ideology. The essay is divided into three parts to foreground the glocal circulation of fake logos. Part I takes the famous Louis Vuitton as a case study to explore the economic, historical and cultural formation of the logomania in East Asia piloted by Japan. Part II tries to discuss the double cultural reproduction of fake logos in Taiwan as both an imitation of Japan and an imitation of Japanese imitation of Europe. Part III seeks to theorize the fake in a new global way that would subvert the traditional view of counter-feiting by arguing that the fake logo has always already been the "dark flow" of the global capitalism that suppresses and creates, centralizes and disseminates its own fake.

Keywords:brand name, counterfeit, logo, globalization, logomania, cultural reproduction, Glogocentrism, fake dissemi-nation


我的野百合—一個1990年三月學運參與者的自我批評/陳信行(54 民93.6 頁 253-276)



The "Wild Lily" student sit-in in March 1990 was often praised in the latter political transformation process as a crucial moment wherein the "pure and innocent" students facilitated democratization in Taiwan. From the perspective of a participant in the protest, the author argues that the sit-in was actually a failure of the "popular democratic" wing of Taiwan's student movement in the 1980s, who championed a more radical vision of democracy. The idea of "popular democracy" was an anti-elitist ideology arisen from critiques on the elite-led political reform movement. However, due to its historical constraint, practices along this line was unable to alter the bourgeois democratic character of 1980s democratization process in Taiwan.

Keywords:Student Movement, Popular Democracy, Populism, Social Movements, Democratic Transformation in Taiwan, the "Wild Lily" Student Sit-In

