《台灣社會研究季刊》 第56期:



獨大的科學理性與隱沒(默)的社會理性之「對話」—在地公眾、科學專家與國家的風險文化探討/周桂田(56 民93.12 頁1-64)

本文從風險感知與風險溝通觀點出發,分析在全球科技競爭的發展下,在地社會之公眾、科學專家與國家間對科技風險(case 基因改造產品(GMO))之認知與互動關係。文中指出,在地持續隱匿風險的社會系統「重科研、輕風險」,導致主流科學理性結合優勢的科技政策資源,輕易的發展出支配性的科學(制度)論述,而壓抑了生態理性的異議與高度不滿的社會理性,形成了獨大的科學理性與隱沒、隱默的生態與社會理性。




In light of risk perception and risk communication, this article analyzes
the perceptions and interaction relationship between the local public, scientific experts, and the state toward technological risks, e.g. genetically modified organisms (GMO), under the development of global technological
competitiveness. This article also points out that "valuing scientific research and neglecting its risk" in a local social system which is continually surrounded with hidden risks would result in combination of mainstream scientific rationality and prominent technological policy resources. A dominant scientific view (system) easily develops and oppresses the opposite opinions from ecological rationality and high discontent of social rationality. As a result, monopoly of scientific rationality and submergence of ecological and social rationality are formed.
This relationship lies in the gap of risk perceptions between the public, the state, and scientific experts: the public highly distrust scientists and specialists; scientists and specialists are dissatisfied with the state for lacking of a risk communication mechanism with the doubt of technological policy being misled or legitimacy of scientific research being deprived; the institutional capacity withers for not actively constructing a risk communication mechanism and social risk assessment. Namely, this article explores how a local social system surrounded with hidden risks devastates trust and accumulates unpredictable technological social consequences.
In order to review and examine the development of high-tech countries and society, this article suggests that a sequence of particular problems in local and less advanced countries should be carefully examined based on an institutional constructed mechanism of risk communication and assessment. Also, active interventions are critical for reshaping the relationship between science, the public, and the nation.

Keywords:trust, technological risk, risk perception, risk communication, risk assessment, scientific expert, technological policy, institutional capacity, delayed high-tech risk society

從在地走向全球:台灣電影全球化的歷程與類型初探/魏玓(56期 民93.12 頁65-92)

在全球化的趨勢下,傳播媒介領域逐漸形成一個由跨國媒介集團所主導的全球媒介市場體系(global media market system)。而長久以來主控世界電影市場的好萊塢,已成為跨國媒介集團的一部分,也在這個全球媒介市場體系的架構上,主導著一個發展中的全球電影市場體系(global film market system)。面對這樣的全球電影條件,台灣電影市場被以美國電影為主的外來電影壟斷,電影工業基礎接近崩盤,但是卻在這樣貧瘠的環境中,發展出幾種與全球電影市場體系結合的「生存之道」。第一種類型從1980年代就出現,以產品區隔形式獲得外國資金並對外出口的本地藝術或作者電影,侯孝賢、蔡明亮等導演為代表。第二種類型是以勞動力的形式進入核心的好萊塢電影體系,以導演李安為例。第三種類型則是體現承包生產形式,以陳國富導演的《雙瞳》為例。這三種「從在地走向全球」的模式,各自演化出相異的生產過程和創作風格;但是其共同點是必須在一定程度上,接受外國電影體系和市場的結構限制,而且他們對於台灣本地電影工業基礎與電影文化的生存和發展,也是負面影響多於正面。因此,尋求在全球化趨勢下台灣電影工業和電影文化的生存之道,還必須有更基進的思維。


In the global age the world communications are forming into a global media market system of which the center is a group of transnational media conglomerates. The long-time dominating force in the world film market, Hollywood majors, has become a part of these multi-media conglomerates. They thus continue to play a dominating role in developing a global film market system. Being in this global film market system, Taiwan's film exhibition market is dominated by imported products (mainly American films) and the film industry base nearly collapses. Several models of
'survival' however have been developed in coping with the global film market dynamics. The first type is locally-made art or auteur film as a sort of differentiated product which is internationally financed and oriented. Hou Hsiao Hsien and Tsai Ming Liang are two major representative directors of this type. The second type is to enter into the center of Hollywood system as labor force. Ang Lee is the prominent and the only example by now. The third type is locally-made and Hollywood-financed film. The film-making team is as subcontractor of Hollywood and the example is Double Vision directed by Chen Kuo Fu. These three types of 'from local to global' evolve respectively into very different creating processes and styles. One of the common points among them is that they are constrained, to some extent, by the logic of foreign
film systems and markets. Partly because of that, they contribute Taiwan's film industry and film culture with negative effects rather than positive ones. To seek for the answer of reviving Taiwan cinema in the global age, therefore, a more radical thinking and practice is necessary.

Keywords:globalization, the globalization of cinema, Taiwan cinema, global film market system

中國「市場社會主義」電視媒體的探索/馮建三(56期 民94.12 頁93-132)



This paper puts forward a polemical questioning of whether it is still possible to imagine or construct China's media as socialist, or if the potential for bringing out a socialist media order in China has been exhausted. Some data, however insufficient, is presented to argue that, economically, the Chinese media has not yet totally failed its 'truth claim' of market socialism in China. For example, the taxation policy on broadcasting is used to raise revenue from the richer regions of China that is partly transferred to help improve the infrastructure and services available in the poor, remote and rural areas. Athough further reforms are required, China does not need to make its media ownership policy 'clearer' lest the policy becomes another method for legitimating private ownership. Issues related to the 'public sphere' under party-state control are also examined and it is demonstrated that there has been a rise in citizen involvement in the public controversy. The paper concludes it is not inevitable that Chinese media will develop into full market capitalism.

Keywords:state, market socialism, China's TV economics, public sphere, private ownership

台灣資本主義研究的問題:評論《誰統治台灣》、《台灣戰後經濟分析》與《台灣的依附發展》/姚欣進(56期 民93.12 頁133-178)




As a critical review, this essay proposes two theses. First, the specific nature and the historical development of Taiwan Capitalism are the basic referential points and the presupposition for the study of various fields of Taiwan society. The discourse of social sciences in Taiwan thus needs to have a coherent and profound political economy's theoretical explanation of Taiwan
capitalism. We will take Who Rules as an example, which discusses the recent transformation of Taiwan ruling power structure, to argue that even in the analysis of the strategic actions in the autonomous sphere of politics, this analysis inevitably presupposes the structural conditions of Taiwan capitalism. It is obviously the later is the argumentative presupposition of the former.

Secondly, in order to characterize the nature of Taiwan Capitalism precisely, we have to follow a coherent and consistent argumentative logic so as to employ the theoretical concepts logically. Also we could use the structural totality and historical phrase of capitalism as two main analytical categories of political economy. Seen in this light, we will take Economical Analysis of Post-War Taiwan and Dependent Development of Taiwan as two examples to discuss their merits and flaws. The two works follow a general perspective of political economy's discourse and employ the structural totality and historical phrase as the basic analytical categories to discuss Taiwan Capitalism—all of which are remarkable achievements. However, we will argue, the first author dose not provide substantial explanation of his theoretical concepts and those concepts does not correspond to the historical development and the reality of Taiwan Capitalism. To the second author, we will point out that the author's crucial concepts does not precisely reflect Taiwan economical reality; and his argument therefore could not analyze the development of Taiwan Capitalism
coherently and consistently.

Keywords:Taiwan Capitalism, Political Economics, Dependence


新自由主義全球化之下的學術生產/陳光興、錢永祥(56期 民93.12 頁179-206)


缺乏社會現實感的指標性評鑑迷思/葉啟政(56期 民93.12 頁207-222)


反思學術評鑑與學術生產:以經濟學學門為例/瞿宛文(56期 民93.12 頁223-236)


再哀大學以及一些期待與建議—當前高教學術評鑑的病癥與解咒的可能/顏崑陽(56期 民93.12 頁237-256)




國族主義在台灣/王超華(56期 民93.12 頁527-270)

臺灣的大陸想像/鄭鴻生(56期 民93.12 頁271-284)



作為武器的「真理」—評介《作為意識形態的現代化》/于治中(56期 民93.12 頁285-)