《台灣社會研究季刊》 第62期:











從玻璃圈到同志國:認同形構與羞恥的性/別政治—一個《孽子》的連結/黃道明(62民 95.6 頁 01-36)



This paper proposes a historically and movement-wise contextualised reading of Crystal Boys by examining the imagined communities represented within and configured through the novel respectively. It asks what it means for the tongzhi movement when political identification is made with such a particular cultural text, which represents, I shall argue, a specific mode of oppression pertaining to male prostitution. Reading against the narrative grain, it demonstrates that the novel represents a particular sense of male homosexual shame, one that is not only linked to prostitution but also configured through the discursive positionality of base femininity. It further historicises that particular sense of shame by situating the novel within the normative context of national culture in postwar Taiwan, whereby the imagined male homosexual community -locally known as the 'glass clique'-was equated with through prostitution and policed by the state as such. The sleazy world of male prostitution as depicted in Crystal Boys, however, ceases to exist in the imaginings of the tongzhi nation in present-day Taiwan. Such a regulatory exclusion cannot be understood without taking into account of the new normative context ordained by anti-prostitution feminism, which has come to encompass the hegemonic positionality of respectable femininity. The articulation of the two imaginaries thus constitutes a trajectory of identity formation process wherein the politics of sexual shame inseparably linked to prostitution is at stake.

Keywords:identity, tongzhi movement, the glass clique, sexual shame, male prostitution

進步、認同、與宗教救贖取向的入世性轉向:歷史情境中的人間佛教及其行動類型初探/丁仁傑(62民 95.6 頁 37-100)



Based upon Weber's characterization of Buddhism, Taixu's (1889-1947) and Yinshun's (1906-2005) ideas of inner-worldly Buddhist reform, and the unfolding of Buddhism in modern Taiwan, this paper explores the issues of "Human Realm Buddhism"in terms of its typological construction and through comparison. I find that Yinshun's construction of Human Realm Buddhism does shift the otherworldly mystical orientation within Buddhism and redirect Buddhism into a more socially engaged form. However, because Yinshun's Human Realm Buddhism is grounded on a base of "transcendental non-duality,"his plan is almost impossible to realize at the collective level. I compare three Buddhist organizations in modern Taiwan: the Tzu-Chi Association, the Buddha Light Mountain, and the Dharma Drum Mountain. Within each organization, it is crucial who embodies the inner-worldly social practices and who embodies the transcendentality of Buddhism. These characteristics further differentiates the three Buddhist organizations into three basic types of Human Realm Buddhism: "clergy-laity structural interdependence," "inner-worldly orientation embodied by clergy," and "transcendentality embodied by laity." Each organizations holds some, but at the same time deviates from others, of Yinshun's ideas of Human Realm Buddhism.

Keywords:Human Realm Buddhism, Yinshun, Taixu, Tzu-Chi Association, Buddha Light Mountain, the Dharma Drum Mountain, Inner-worldly Orientation

意識形態中的主體性形構/于治中(62民 95.6 頁 101-146)




No matter from the mechanism of formation or the social function, ideology considered as a projection of a group's ideal, works through the ego construction, the union of the group and the formation of the illusion. It includes the function of ideal, the identity of the idol and the projection of the idea. By means of the psychoanalytic interpretation, the mechanism of energy, the dynamic process and the structure of ideology can be revealed. In particular, this kind of analytic framework puts forward the dimension of desire and therefore demonstrates the inconscient activities in ideology. The theory of psychoanalysis can facilitate the comprehension of the "irational" factors hidden in the abstract discourses. But it does not mean that the whole phenomena of ideology can be reduced to the analysis of emotions. Although Freud's hypotheses based on the characteristics of human psychic activities do not provide a final answer, it indicates, however, at least a new direction of thinking.

The value of the psychoanalysis, for the theory of ideology, does not consist in that it constructs a constant and fixed model for the insertion of the subject, as if there were a social essence and an eternal relation between subject and ideology. In fact, the every importance of psychoanalysis remains on that it builds on an operational field in which the insertion and relation of different subjects can be clearly located, described and analyzed. It can reveal what kind of conditions of possibilities that different subjective positions are situated. In others words, the importance is not to define the content of Freud掇 theory of ideology, but to grasp the particularities of ideologies, to explore in every determined historic situation different kinds of repression, instinctual impulse, ideal object, idealization, identities, affective structure, social ties etc and finally to search for the possible sublimations.

"多元文化"的修辭、政治和理論/趙剛(62民 95.6 頁 147-190)



"Multiculturalism" in contemporary Taiwan is essentially a rhetoric celebrating formal diversity and paradoxically an ideological agenda for nation-building. Vital issues such as social equality, inclusive citizenship and radical individuality are silenced amidst the cacophony of multiculturalism. Under the cover of rhetorical reasonableness, multiculturalism in Taiwan is secretly against the cultural diversity as such by taking the latter as means to the final end of national unity. Multiculturalism is paradoxically monoculturalism. As a theoretical formation, multiculturalism is surprisingly numb in reflecting upon its relation to the idea of empire, the neo-liberal globalization and an idea of radical particularity. The paper attempts to offer an immanent critique to the idea of multiculturalism by pointing out its aporia and potentiality, and argues that only through a radical rethinking of three meta-dimensions of multiculturalism, i.e., time, space and subjectivity, can the idea of multiculturalism be rescued from its rhetorical excess.

Keywords:multiculture, difference, equality, rhetoric, nation-state multiculturalism, global


2006年文化研究教學營/何春蕤、陳光興(62民 95.6 頁191-196)

從香港中學課程改革反思大學的文化研究教學/許寶強(62民 95.6 頁197-208)

文化研究的政治性空間/劉紀蕙(62民 95.6 頁 209-222)

中國大陸文化研究的“熱”和“冷”:以上海為例/王曉明(62民 95.6 頁 223-234)

反文化研究/張小虹(62民 95.6 頁 235-246)

在台灣教文化研究的問題與問題意識/陳光興(62民 95.6 頁 247-268)

文化研究教學營之驅魔取暖筆記/蔡如音(62民 95.6 頁 269-278)

與文化相遇/王增勇(62民 95.6頁 279-282)