《台灣社會研究季刊》 第69期:


從局限經濟到普遍經濟:鴉片消費的東方語藝?/邱德亮(69 民 97.03 頁 01-55)

本文從德希達(J. Derrida)〈毒品的語藝〉一文出發,探討鴉片(第一個毒品)如何成為一個現代的問題意識;也從比較文化史的角度探究何以在十九世紀歐洲和晚清中國各發展出兩種不同的鴉片消費文化:鴉片文學以及精緻的鴉片物質文化,並試圖解釋其間差異的文化意義。

本文借用Georges Bataille局限經濟與普遍經濟的區分,說明同樣做為消費/消耗文化邏輯的經濟思惟。十九世紀歐洲的鴉片消費文化,符合布爾喬亞的工作倫理的有意義的生產或意義之生產,亦即局限經濟的原則;相對於在晚清中國的鴉片消費則是毫無保留的耗費,毫無意義生產的消費形成普遍經濟。後者與情色、賭博一樣原本都只是傳統身份社會之下,透過無意義消耗達到象徵性競賽的舊(惡)習,都在以貯存、積累為未來保留之小布喬爾政治經濟學下,以戒毒為手段建國的現代國家認為是「該被詛咒的部分」。本文論證在1880左右以前的中國的鴉片消費是延續著傳統文人藉著養癖之變形。文人透過癖嗜的培養,展示其文化資本的炫耀性消費/消耗。這種變味的品味,原本屬於上流社會做為社會區判的物質消費,卻在清末民初文明崩解時,突然成為「不文明」、「落後」、「醜陋」舊社會的象徵。於是,新興民族主義健康新中國身體集體渴望,將原本已經被挪用為癖好文化的「煙霞癖」、「芙蓉癖」轉化成公開譴責的「鴉片癮」。


This article begins with J. Derrida's “The Rhetoric of Drugs”, discuss how Opium consumption became a problematic in the modern world. By a comparative perspective of cultural history, we try to explain the cultural meanings of the difference of two consumption of opium in the 19th century Europe and in the late imperial China: Opium literature for one and the material culture of opium smoking for the other.

G. Bataille's distinction of“restraint economy”and“general economy”help us to understand this difference of two opium consumption cultures. Opium literature in the 19th century Europe could be a product of the cultural production which obeys to the bourgeoisie's work ethic, i.e. under the principle of restraint economy. On the contrary, the Chinese opium smoking is a pure expenditure without reserve, consumption without meanings production, and non-meaningful production. This is why the later was regarded as the“accused shares”by the modern China which follows the petit bourgeois's political economy thinking, to reserve itself in order to develop in the future. Like gambling and prostitution, opium consumption were a part of symbolic competition of expenditure in the traditional status society, it became suddenly a symbol of“evil”of the ancient society.

This article argues finally that for the 19th century European writers and artists, opium consumption is a way of transgressing the interdiction to constitute their creative subject in the cultural production. And their creative products summit to the cultural commodity market, therefore, this subject is not Bataille's sense of sovereign life. Inversely, the Opium Smoking in China could be more near to this sovereign life, without reserve even the health and life, until and over the death.

Keywords:Opium consumption, Opium literature, habitus, restraint economy, general economy, sovereign life

靈力經濟:一個分析民間信仰活動的新視角/陳緯華(69 民 97.03 頁 57-105)



Because of the impact of secularization, new phenomenon such as “marketization of religion”, “crisis of the authenticity of magical power”, and “making temple activities into cultural festival” came into existing among Taiwan’s folk religion. On the practical side, this new phenomenon gave temples and believers an inevitable problem: “temple management”. On the theoretical side, they reconfigure the role of folk religion in social integration and make “the governmentality of religion” a significant factor for the development of the folk religion. These are challenges for established theories on Taiwan’s folk religion. This article proposes “the economy of magical power” as a new perspective to face these challenges. It regards folk religion as an field of exchange and analyzes its logic. This article points out, the magical power of gods needs to be produced by people. It is a process of mobilization of resource as the consequence of the management of social relations. Via the concept of “the production of magical power”, we can take the social integration as the process and result of the mobilization of resource. And the change of the mode of the production of magical power is the reflection of the change of the form of social relation. In the other hand, the analysis of the economy of the magical power reveals the cultural logics on which the various technics of the governmentality of religion are based. This makes us be able to discuss to the problem of religious governmentality on the ground of local knowledge. This article points out, because the measurement of the magnitude of magical power is of social and public, the estimation of whether a god is “ling” (efficacious) or not gets an objective ground---the accumulation of money and worshipers. And therefore, the production of the magical power is possible. There are two characteristics of the economy of magical power. The first is “consuming is producing”. The second is that “euphemism” is necessary for the operation of the economy of magical power.

Keywords:folk religion, secularization, modernity, the economy of magical power, euphemism

電視的政治與論述:一九六○年代台灣的電視設置過程/柯裕棻(69 民 97.03 頁 107-138)




This paper examines the formation process of television in the 1960s Taiwan. A major move of industrialization, Taiwan’s television industry developed under several critical conditions: capital and technological supports from Japan, cultural nationalism against Japan, military and diplomatic competitions with Communist China, and the Cold War situation at large. With a focus on the political discourse of television in the early 60s Taiwan, this article analyzes how television was conceived by key actors at that time, how this political dialogue led to the creation of the television industry in a certain way, and how this process was conditioned by the Cold War structure in East Asia and Taiwan’s relations with Communist China and Japan in particular. As such, this article contributes to clarifying several important aspects of the politics and discourse of television in the early 60s Taiwan.

Keywords:installation of television, modernization process, Cold War, Japan

貝克特在台灣:當代劇場裡之跨文化演繹/高維泓(69 民 97.03 頁 139-179)



One of the controversies in Beckettian studies is whether his Irishness is discernible in his drama, much of which was first written in French. Although the debate remains unsettled, researchers, including Vivian Mercier, Sighle Kennedy, and Eoin O’Brien, have argued that the playwright presented humor and satire dear to the Anglo-Irish mind, which Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde had previously utilized to tackle Irish and British issues in a cynical tone. In the view of these critics, Beckett, succeeding to this satirical tradition and having been an exile to the European mainland, like James Joyce and many of his Irish contemporaries, renovated this tradition by utilizing minimalism and absurdism. A number of critics have thus endeavored to unearth the playwright’s disillusion about, or criticism of, religion, life, and politics in his most obscure art. More specifically, his sense of Irishness was re-characterized in his works, no longer confined to the highly politicized and insular definition agreeable to local activists. To more accurately elaborate how Beckett’s Irishness has created a dialogic platform for the Irish and the world theatre, this paper will exemplify the way in which Taiwan’s theatre groups have adapted and contextualized his plays in a post-modern Asian society which is not less politically divided than the Emerald Isle. Beckett’s drama, consequently, provides Asian directors with more than a utopian but physical approach not only to the issues of identity and language but to complex human conditions that predestine Gogo and Didi’s desperation and helplessness in Waiting for Godot. The intertextuality of Beckett’s drama and its re-adaptations for Taiwan’s audience may thus illustrate how the significance of Irishness can be made inter-culturally available in a border-crossing situation. The skepticism and obscurity of his works may be made more apparent by observing how Asian directors, who mostly received higher education at western institutions, have produced them as vehicles of their own cultural and political agenda, and as a means to connect Taiwan’s modern theatres with European ones in an age of globalization. Their productions demonstrate the extent to which Beckett has maintained far-reaching influence over his counterparts in world theatre. Materials to be examined include theatrical reviews of Beckettian productions in Taiwan, interviews with directors, journalistic reportage, and translations of the scripts. Beckett’s plays which have been staged in Taiwan since 1988 include Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Play, What Where, Come and Go, Footfalls, Act without Words I, Act without Words II, and Ohio Impromptu.

Keywords:Samuel Beckett, Taiwan, Ireland, Theatre, Postcolonialism

白樂晴小專輯/白樂晴小專輯編案陳光興(69 民 97.03 頁181-186)

韓半島的殖民性問題和近代韓國的雙重課題/白樂晴(苑英奕譯)(69 民 97.03 頁 197-203)

為了克服“分斷體制”運動的“日常化”/白樂晴(朱玫譯)(69 民 97.03 頁 205-228)

白樂晴與韓國之民族文學論以及分斷體制克服運動/李旭淵(69 民 97.03 頁 229-237)

韓國民族文學論的建構及其焦點:以白樂晴的民族文學論為中心/崔末順(69 民 97.03 頁 239-263)




Not unlike the situation in Taiwan, Modern Korean literature was established at the end of the 19th century when western countries and Japan invaded during their imperialistic expansion. It gradually established its literary direction during the 36 years of Japanese colonization and continuing national separation after restoration. Therefore, the national literary theory, primarily based on consideration of the plight of the people, has become a powerful force that drove the modernization of Korean literature in the 20th century.

In Korea, the establishment and the development of an ethnic literary theory has changed with different temporal exigencies and historical vicissitudes faced by Koreans in different periods of time. For example, national literary theory during Japanese colonization searched for its direction from the opposition between class literature and nationalist literature; in the early years of restoration, amid an atmosphere of criticizing the past’s narrowly conceived class literature, national literary theory was based on the very nature of nationalism. In the 1960s and 1970s, the focus had turned to pure literature, committed literature, popular literature, labor literature and creative techniques stemming from realism, generating heated literary debates and confrontational discourses. The goals, direction and nature of national literary theory have gradually gained the attention of, and emphasis in, the field of Korean literature. But in the latter years of the 1980s, with the decline of socialist countries and the ensuing global development, it has suffered from the impact of post-modernism’s diminishing concern for grand narratives and concurrent turn to everyday matters. Therefore, national literary theory, which was based on overcoming the discrepancies of classes and nationalities, was faced with new challenges.
This article will summarize the construction and foci of Korean naitonal literature through the nature of the contentions in each period. Furthermore, based on the national literary theory of Paik Nak-chung, a contemporary theorist, this article will introduce the core values and standards of Korean national literary theories.
I hope that these introductions and observations will not only help us understand how Korean literature has accommodated temporal exigencies and historical vicissitudes, but also bring reference to the literature community in Taiwan, which works hard on searching for a common ground in ensuring self-contained subjectivity and identity.

Keywords:Korean literature, national literature, national literary theory, Korean national literary theory



從粗放到精耕的高等教育改革—兼評《全球化與知識生產—反思台灣學術評鑑》/吳挺鋒(69 民 97.03 頁 265-280)



By restructuring the context of Taiwan Higher Education Reform, i.e. the stages of extensive and intensive developments, this article attempts to review this book: Globalization and Knowledge Production: Critical Reflections on the Practices of Academic Evaluation. The significance of this book came into being with Taiwan Higher Education System’s rapid inclination toward neo-liberalism. It points out how the evaluation system invoked by neo-liberalism dominates the autonomy of knowledge production. However, this book’s discontinuity in understanding the reform context has ignored the polarization within education and relevant issues. Sequentially, how the academic community defines, and maintains, and operates the ethics of solidarity in order to reproduce the links between the higher education and social democratization is still a challenge which needs to confront with.

Keywords:higher education, extensive development, intensive development, evaluation system, solidarity

觀察日本的視角/孫歌(69 民 97.03 頁 281-290)

二十世紀中國社會主義的歷史經驗和韓國社會/白承旭(69 民 97.03 頁 291-322)




From Mao to Deng and Zhang and the present time, historical experiences of contemporary China can be summarized as contradictions between modernity and anti-modernity. These contradictions involve two processes of de-linking from and re-lingking to the capitalist world economy. But during the re-lingking process the specter of Mao Zedong haunts us and poses us difficult problems.

“General line for the transitional periods” during the First Five Year Plan and following “General line for a socialist construction” during the Great Leap Forward appeared to be a distorted phenomenon that had been formed through forced self-reliance under the double de-linking circumstances. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution tried to solve the contradictions with ‘violent’ methods mobilizing mass initiatives in a way of“politics in command.” GPCR, however, failed as soon as the party became the target rather than a leader of mass movement, and was degenerated into campaigns against intellectuals with the statism and developmentalism intact.
Historical experiences of Chinese socialism gave some influences on Korean intellectuals as detours of debates on the nature of capitalism and socialism during the 1980s.China’s experiences could remain one of the important references that were used to interpret the internal history of socialism crtically and understand the history of capitalism from a non-eurocentric viewpoints. After China’s economic reforms, China’s new experiences give an intellectual stimulus to understand the world history from a wider view than before.
After GPCB China has been entering a new “re-linking” stage. The essence of ideological legitimation for the re-linking is development and “catching-ups” towards new nationalism that envies the accomplishments of the USA.

Keywords:China, Socialism, Mao Zedong, Korea, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, masses, de-lingking, re-lingking


重新發現或重新發明?「第十屆國際Karl Polanyi研討會」後記/許甘霖(69 民 97.03 頁 323-335)