《台灣社會研究季刊》 第70期:


紀實攝影與意義建構的去/脈絡化:兩個案例分析/郭力昕(70 民 97.06 頁 01-32)



Social documentary photography has been enthusiastically prasticed in the second half of 1980s Taiwan, which is largely based on the notion and practice of Western realist photography as a way to engage in politics and society. And, propositions of social documentary photography are rooted in Western positivist epistemology, which claims that ‘reality’ can be represented by photography’s witnessing functions, and meaning thus produced. This paper examines two sets of photographic works from Ren Jian magazine and Give Taiwan a Chance, and argues that photographic meaning and political discourses are substantially constructed by contextualising the images in one case, and by de-contextualising it in the other. Further, the paper speculates on contextual differences in culture and society as seen in social documentary practices between the 1930s West and the 1980s Taiwan. While the former applies documentary photography in a rational, detached way to stabilise socio-political status quo, the latter uses it to summon a collective emotion against the state.

Keywords:realist photography, social documentary photography, positivism, de-/contextualisation, photographic discourse, collective emotionalism, rationalism

帝國搖旗,國族吶喊:棒球勞動國際分工與運動國族論述之轉變/劉昌德(70 民 97.06 頁 33-77)



As a result of the increasing number and excellent performance of Taiwanese players at the Major League Baseball (MLB), the American professional baseball has successfully expanded its labor pool and market in Taiwan since the mid 2000s. The development of the global sporting industry by recruiting migrant elite athletes, which constitutes the “new international division of cultural labor (NICL),” requires the collaboration of mainstream ideology in various societies. This paper examines the formation of MLB’s NICL in Taiwan, and how the nationalist discourse embedded in the media’s coverage and online discussions of Chien-ming Wang in recent years has associated, rather than resisted, the growth of transnational sporting corporation. Compared to the traditional sporting nationalism represented by relating news reports in local newspapers during 1980s and 1990s, nowadays the discourse of “capitalist nationalism” in Taiwanese baseball has been transformed into a worldview through “imperialist eye” that regards MLB as the center or the highest arena and the unique measurement of baseball.

Keywords:globalization of sports, NICL, capitalist nationalism, baseball, Chien-ming Wang

台灣的街頭塗鴉文化/畢恆達郭一勤夏瑞媛(70 民 97.06 頁 79-120)



Graffiti could be found in different spaces, like toilets, buses, parks, electric boxes, etc. The subjects of graffiti include romantic love, sex, names, politics, and humor. How to categorize graffiti with such complicated characteristics draws a lot of attention of researchers. In this paper, we first try to clarify the basic forms of graffiti and examine the developmental trends of graffiti from historical perspective. Since there are various kinds of graffiti with different developments, this paper only focuses on the street graffiti which belong to a global graffiti phenomenon and are influenced by New York subway graffiti movement. Based on interviews of graffiti writers and observation notes, we try to understand, in the specific Taiwanese culture, how street graffiti was introduced to Taiwan, how graffiti writers develop their career, the major types and characteristics of graffiti in Taiwan, and the meaning of writing on streets.

Keywords:street graffiti, hip-hop culture, urban space, resistance

空間規劃和論述的政治:對珠江三角洲城市化戰略的反思/柏蘭芝(70 民 97.06 頁 121-164)



This paper is a political economic analysis of the Pearl River Delta’s urbanization strategy for the 21st Century. The PRD, as the frontier of China’s opening and reforms, has experienced rapid rural industrialization in the past two decades. The decentralized development of towns and villages in the PRD, although full of dynamism, also creates serious social and economic problems. The development model of the PRD has been challenged in increasingly fierce regional competition since the mid-1990s. Entering into the new millennium, the PRD has proposed an urbanization strategy to improve the investment environment and promote regional redevelopment. The Guangdong Provincial government has been aggressive in forging pro-urbanization policies, enhancing regional integration, and promoting reforms of the land system and rural collectives to facilitate urbanization. This paper begins by pointing out certain crucial changes in the discourse of modernization and urbanization in China. Through a political economic analysis of the PRD’s urbanization policies and its decision-making and implementation process, this paper goes on to demonstrate the political and ideological function of spatial planning and regional integration in the PRD and beyond. Finally, this paper questions the conceptualization of these spatial strategies: strategies which from the very start exclude from consideration the millions of migrant workers, or ‘floating populations’ inhabiting the region.

Keywords:urbanization, modernization, Pearl River Delta(PRD), Guangdong Province, planning, region, politics

從城市「中心」到「邊緣」的「上海人」:上海市中心區拆遷戶棲居歷程之研究/宋郁玲、姜蘭虹(70 民 97.06 頁165-212)

本研究主要在分析上海拆遷戶的地方感——上海的「中心」與「邊緣」概念,如何在被拆遷居民拆遷的歷程中轉換,並且他們又是如何透過地方感的轉換過程來強化「上海人」的身份論述。研究的目的在呈現後社會主義中國大都市的快速發展下,這些受影響的拆遷戶在拆遷歷程中的處境,以揭示在學術討論中易被忽略的另一中國都市生活面貌。筆者於2004與2005年在上海中心城區對10位(2001年以後被動遷)動遷居民進行深度訪談(包括回訪),並以詮釋現象學的知識論基礎進行話語分析(conversation analysis)。


This research mainly aims to analyze how the sense of “center” and “periphery” of Shanghai changes among displaced residents in Shanghai during the process of urban demolition, and how their identity of “Shanghai people” are strengthened in the process. The objective of this study is to present the condition of these displaced residents who are affected by the rapid development in post-socialist China, and to add another easily-ignored dimension in the study of urban life in China. Fieldwork, which included initial and follow-up interviews of displaced residents in the central district of Shanghai, was conducted in the summers of 2004 and 2005 by the first author. Ten residents who were displaced after 2001 responded to her ethnographic interviews. Conversation analysis which was based on the foundation of hermeneutic phenomenology, was implemented to grasp the dynamics of everyday life experiences of these displaced residents.
Findings of this research show that gentrification has forced residents to move from the central district to the suburb after market economy was introduced to urban China. Displaced residents present their experiences and feelings in the process of demolition as discourses of “to move or not to move” and “having no choice”. However, “the periphery now becomes the center of the city in the future” is a general discourse showing the sense of place of displaced residents. This sense of place is constructed by the displaced residents with moving experiences and the dreams of Shanghai that reflects their perception of new places and the views of a changing Shanghai in the process of demolition. Moreover, the discourse makes them believe that they are still the real “Shanghai people” although they have moved to the periphery of the city, because the “center” can be replicated constantly in the city periphery. Eventually, they are still the “Shanghai people” who are living in the “center”.

Keywords:displaced residents, sense of place, center, periphery, Shanghai, conversation analysis


東亞視角的認識論意義/孫歌(70 民 97.06 頁 213-244)



The common characteristic of the three existing perspectives on East Asia is its high abstraction. This static character cannot account for the differences in the historical dynamics.
In the process of modern history, East Asian societies exist conspicuously unbalanced condition, which makes discourses on East Asia bear different intellectual functions in different societies.
One of the factors which shape historical differences in East Asian societies is Cold War. On the one hand, East Asia is a main battlefield for the struggle between US and USSR, with a result that discourse on East Asia cannot be indifferent to history. On the other hand, parts of East Asia perform its own historical function in opposing the structure of the Cold War; therefore discourse on East Asia cannot be the same as the Cold War world view.

Keywords:East Asia word view, unbalanced conditions, Cold War, historical perspective

記憶之戰:全球化時代民族記憶的裂變、縫合及其性別/任佑卿(70 民 97.06 頁 245-271)



「大學開門三件事:應付評鑑、擔心退場、賣力招生?」/小專輯編案吳挺鋒(70 民 97.06 頁 273-275)

標準化大學教育之下的「底層」憂鬱/王之相(70 民 97.06 頁 277-280)

高教評鑑中之怪現象/何東洪(70 民 97.06 頁 281-284)

刀口上的高等教育改革/吳挺鋒(70 民 97.06 頁 285-291)

在地自主發展或單一化管理/周芬姿(70 民 97.06 頁 293-303)

學術歧視與教育異化/曾建元(70 民 97.06 頁 305-315)

大學評鑑與勞力密集教育產業的關係/翁裕峰(70 民 97.06 頁 317-324)

一場唐吉軻德與大風車的戰爭/劉兆隆(70 民 97.06 頁 325-333)

性、警察、互聯網:陳冠希艷照門的社會攻防/何春蕤等(70 民 97.06 頁 335-378)