《台灣社會研究季刊》 第71期:


不可告人的秘密?一個關於性工作研究中的性、性別與知識生產的反思/陳美華(71 民 97.09 頁 01-39)



No knowledge is produced in a vacuum, devoid of social influences. The researcher's social existence greatly shapes and becomes embedded within academic knowledge. Using my fieldwork experience on sex work, I analyze the ways in which class, gender and sexuality are mutually reproduced and the process of knowledge production is politically charged. I argue that the ways in which researchers access the field are gendered due to the dichotomy of chang/liang(prostitute/non-prostitute; ‘madonna/whore’). Moreover, the differences between me/researcher and them/the researched in terms of class and sexuality also shape how I have come to understand sex work(ers) through my fieldwork. In many cases, my previous understanding of prostitution has had a great impact on how I have carried out fieldwork. I had believed that the sex industry was dominated by mafia organizations, which turned out not to be the case. In addition, the dichotomy of prostitute/non-prostitute is not so clear-cut in the field. My being ‘misunderstood’ as a streetwalker on the street turned me into an ‘insider’, albeit only temporarily, and enabled me to experience how it
feels to be a prostitute. Only after I entered the field did I realize that I had a deep-seated sense of shame regarding sex work; I felt uncomfortable being mistaken as a sex worker. This dramatic blurring of self and other has allowed me, as a feminist researcher, to reflect on myself as unfinished and incomplete, which is a condition that makes feminist reflexive research possible. In this paper, I also draw on my experiences interviewing punters and pimps to problematize the notion of the disembodied and de-sexualized knower that has been taken for granted in the mainstream scientific research. I conclude that the silence surrounding issues of class, gender and sexuality in the researcher's interaction with sex workers during academic fieldwork in the field not only serves to produce shamed researchers, but also reproduces and consolidates the tradition of disembodied and desexualized scientific knowledge.

Keywords:reflexive research, sex work, sexuality, gender, feminist methodology

文化產業與空間重構:塑造鶯歌陶瓷文化城/顏亮一、許肇源、林金城(71 民 97.09 頁 41-69)



This essay aims to explore the following questions: How does the deployment of physical space support the development of local cultural industries? What discourses and institutions intervene and dominate the social meanings of this space? How do various social groups interact in this space? After taking a close look at four symbolic sites, namely, Yingge Ceramics Street, Yingge Ceramics Museum, Wenhua Road and Yingge Ceramics Carnival, this essay points out that the major causes shaping “Yingge Ceramics Culture” are the followings: the change of urban structure, the invention of history and tradition and the spatial practices of various social actors. Finally, in order to envision alternatives for Yingge’s local development, three strategies are proposed by this study, including regaining cultural hegemony, relinking culture and daily life and reforming political coalition.

Keywords:themed environment, simulation, Thirdspace, cultural industries, Ceramics in Yingge

公民有拒戰的權利嗎?華瑟的自由主義論證及其商榷/陳宜中(71 民 97.09 頁 71-108)



Do citizens have a right to war refusal? What does such a right mean, morally and politically? Could it be justified? And how could it ever be partially realized in the present-day world of nation-states? Through a critical examination of Michael Walzer's liberal arguments, this article aims to clarify several important ethical and political issues regarding the “right to war refusal” and its realization.

Keywords:Walzer, war, war refusal, conscientious refusal, self-preservation

歷史唯物論中的結構與行動:資本主義起源論再探/萬毓澤(71 民 97.09 頁 109-156)

馬克思主義者向來對歷史唯物論持有不同見解,並且發展出幾種對資本主義起源的不同詮釋方式,至今仍然沒有定論。本文試圖在有限的字數內,以後者的相關討論為例,來勾勒一種比較靈活的歷史唯物論模型。本文首先追溯了第二國際以降馬克思主義歷史理論(尤其是G. A. Cohen)的發展(偏向結構決定論或某種版本的演化論),接著討論「政治馬克思主義」論者的作品(偏向唯意志論,強調資本主義純粹是階級鬥爭下的非意圖後果),最後本文引介了Alan Carling 的作品,以他對資本主義的起源(封建分裂命題)與資本主義的勝利(競爭首要性命題)的分析為例,說明歷史唯物論有可能適當地將結構與行動因素整合進解釋架構之中,而不致偏廢任何一方。


Marxists have developed different interpretations of historical materialism, which in turn have informed the debates among Marxists over the origins of capitalism. This paper is an attempt to outline a more flexible version of historical materialism by taking stock of the related discussion on the origins of capitalism. I first trace the development of Marxist theory of history from the Second International to G. A. Cohen (which accepted a relatively more deterministic reading of Marxism and encouraged a certain variant of evolutionism), and then discuss works by “political Marxists” on the agrarian capitalism in England (prone to voluntarism with their emphasis upon capitalism as an unintended consequence of class struggle). Finally,
Alan Carling’s works, which account for the rise and victory of capitalism on the basis of “feudal fission thesis” and “competitive primacy thesis”, are introduced to illustrate the possibility of incorporating both structure and agency into the explanatory framework of historical materialism.

Keywords:historical materialism, structure and agency, transition debate, Brenner debate, political Marxism, voluntarism, G. A. Cohen, Alan Carling


考察中國輿論監督的論說與實踐,1987-2007/馮建三(71 民 97.09 頁 157-195)



As one of China’s peculiar discourses, “supervision by the press” is not the same as the “fourth estate” concept that the Western liberals position the media. To broaden areas where media could have more critical coverage, progressives in China, both the liberal and the left, have however made constant efforts, calling and endorsing “the supervision of the press”rhetoric and policy that the Chinese Communist Party seems to have been emphasizing during the past twenty years. This research note examines what is meant and achieved by “supervision by the press”, and reflects upon whether the Party, the executive, the legislative and the judiciary branches of the state has conducted anything to promote or demote its practices. Related instances from other societies, Taiwan included, are brought into comparison that might better inform us of China’s media performances.

Keywords:Supervision by the press, watchdog journalism, Chinese Communist Party




和解的路障─東亞批判刊物會議:編案/陳光興(71 民 97.09 頁 197-199)

東亞和解的路障:兩韓的情況及其區域性意涵/白樂晴(林家瑄 譯)(71 民 97.09 頁 201-213)

如何超克分斷體制?/陳宜中(71 民 97.09 頁 215-219)

兩岸「分斷體制」:回應白樂晴教授/陳光興(林家瑄 譯)(71 民 97.09 頁 221-228)

《南風窗》對東亞問題的關注史/寧二(71 民 97.09 頁 229-237)

亞洲的病理/葉彤(71 民 97.09 頁 239-247)

泛華文知識刊物與區域溝通:《思想》的期望/錢永祥(71 民 97.09 頁 249-254)

東亞論述與「近代適應和近代克服」的雙重課題/白永瑞(71 民 97.09 頁 255-274)

複合社會/甯應斌(71 民 97.09 頁 275-279)

和解的東亞共同體如何可能?/沈松僑(71 民 97.09 頁 281-286)

當代史研究與當前中國的思想與政治/賀照田(71 民 97.09 頁 287-313)

「愛的奉獻」、公民社會的想像及批判的尷尬/張慧瑜(71 民 97.09 頁 315-332)

王石捐款、范跑跑事件及其公民社會的「公民想像」/張慧瑜(71 民 97.09 頁 333-347)