《台灣社會研究季刊》 第73期:


電視與現代生活:電視普及化過程中的「國」與「家」,1962-1964/柯裕棻(73 民 98.03 頁 01-38)



Focusing on the national policy of production, promotional strategy of merchandisers, and consumption in everyday life contexts, this research explores the installation process of television in Taiwan's society, from 1962 to 1964. This research specifically discusses the political and pedagogical aspect of “nation” that has been initiated and extended by the introduction of television into familial space. The tension between the state and the family has been transformed and re-negotiated within and without the television.

Keywords:television, Cold War Era, modern life

科技追趕與創新的國家模式:台灣與南韓的專利比較/王振寰、蔡青蓉(73 民 98.03 頁 39-76)



This paper discusses different patterns of innovation, and their institutional paths in Taiwan and South Korea. By using the USPTO patent data as indicators of innovation, this paper finds that both Taiwan and South Korea have progressed rapidly in terms technological innovation since the 1990s, overtaking many of the advanced countries. Nevertheless, there are major differences in the patenting behavior: while individuals and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) comprised of a large part of patents in Taiwan, the chaebols are the major contributors of South Korea's patents. Moreover, although electrics and electronics are the sectors that gain most of the patents in both countries, Taiwan's patents are more dispersed into other sectors while South Korean counterparts are heavily concentrated in the electronics sector alone. These differences, this paper argues, come mainly from the institutional roots of their economic catching up era in which Taiwan was based on a SMEs-dominant industrial structure while the South Korean was the Chaebol-based, instead. This paper further argues that the institutional roots have largely shaped both countries’ diverse roads toward innovation-based economy: the South Korean case is transitioning toward a scale-based model where big firms are the major actors of innovation; while the Taiwanese one is transforming toward a densely networked cluster model in which both big firms and SMEs are major actors.

keywords:Taiwan, South Korea, innovation, patent, catch up

中國高新區域的政治鑲嵌:以長三角半導體為例/范淑敏、周志龍(73 民 98.03 頁 77-118)



This paper provides a theoretical framework to help explain political embeddedness of China's high-tech regions, how it forms and operates. It also illustrates how the relationships and approaches of political embeddedness influence and constrain the strategic choices of focal firms or among firms. The semiconductor industry in Yangtze Delta is discussed as a case. Our empirical findings show the context of political embeddedness differs depending on time variance, which didn't fully support the Guthrie's(1998)claim that the art of guanxi (i.e. guanxi practice) may occupy a diminishing role in China's urban industrial economy as the economic transition progresses. It also diverges from Chen's(2001)findings that the level of political embeddedness was relatively high as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC)was even dominated by Taiwanese government in the beginning, but as the firm progresses and becomes more adept in its function, the level of political embeddedness declines gradually. We argue political embeddedness should be a dynamic process, but the significance of political embeddedness does not necessarily decline depending on time variance.

Keywords:political embeddedness, high-tech region, Yangtze Delta, semiconductor industry, gaunxi

疆域化、縫隙介面與跨國空間:台北市安康市場「越南街」族裔化地方研究/王志弘、沈孟穎(73 民 98.03 頁 119-166)



This paper discusses the formation and dispersion of Vietnamese ethnic place in a traditional market at suburban Taipei. The ethnic place was formed through the spatial dynamics of “territorialization” which includes cross-bordering and border-making of different scales. Firstly there were the transnational flows of Vietnamese contract workers, marriage immigrants, and oversea Chinese that transplanted on the Taiwanese society. At the regional level, the interstice resulted from the decline of traditional retailing market, unfavorable location, rent gap, and the stigma of low-income housing was confronted by the change of population composition and life style induced by middle-class housing development, leading towards exclusion and remaking of borders that ended the interstice, and it is a middle class “territorialization” driven by the appeal of safety and “de-stigmatization”. However, in the inner space of An-Kang market, there was an ethnic consumptive space acted as “interface” between Chinese-Vietnamese businesses and their customers connected through commodities and services full of ethnic meaning and symbols. In view of the transnational family network and hybrid identity of Oversea Chinese-Vietnamese, and the trans-border flows of Vietnamese immigrants and commodities, we can specify the market as an “transnational space”. And, since the consumer demands and social network that support the transnational space persist, there emerges an even more prosperous ethnic-consumptive landscape after the shutdown of An-Kang market.

Keywords:territorialization, boundary making, interstitial interface, transnational space, ethnic place, consumption, Vietnamese immigrants


解構公仔社會文化現象/張依依(73 民 98.03 頁 167-188)



This research deconstructs the prevailing socio-cultural “figure” phenomenon in Taiwan to analyze, from a narrative perspective, how Family Mart in a time of economic recession, successfully leveraged consumers’ embedded desire through its HUSKY and Auspicious Deity figures to great economic advantage in 2007.

Keywords:figures, cutism, aesthetics, narrative analysis, healing style commodity

產業化與商品化:全球化下韓國的文化策略/崔末順(73 民 98.03 頁 189-210)

「魯迅」的「現在價值」:對韓國學者劉世鐘教授的回應/錢理群(73 民 98.03 頁 211-218)

丸山真男政治學中的「政治」/孫歌(73 民 98.03 頁 219-242)