《台灣社會研究季刊》 第84期:




陳映真的文學視野:陰柔理論的啟示/戴盛柏(84民 100.09 頁 05-58)

若要探討整體社會問題,就不得不面對最根本的合理化問題,亦即人類生活世界的日常生活實踐為什麼是合理的問題。面對此問題, 必須具有社會理論的要求。只是社會理論的使用,並非借用任何現有理論架構來維持既定的社會發展模式,而是一種啟示性關係的運用,以面對未來社會的塑造。研究者經由理論的啟示,進入生活世界來對行動者加以瞭解,再回過頭重新形構既有的想法與觀念,如此方能真正問及日常生活世界中那些行動者們認為重要且相關的問題,也方能展望未來。因此,社會理論的運用關鍵在於啟發。




Like political economics, sociology is used to treat society as a whole, and the most fundamental issue is about rationalization. Why the practice of human daily life is reasonable? Its' need approach of social theory to answer this question. The social theories have played an indirect role to enlighten the study of human behavior and daily life. For that reason, a researcher could build social theories from any dimensions of the world we live, even literature and fiction.

This article has tried to find a potential perspective of social theories from five short fictions of Chen Yingzhen, a famous writer in Taiwan. The main concern is the perspective about women and motherhood under the capitalist society in Chen's fictions. Is it possible to establish a Yin-Rou theory which is different from academic Western Feminism?

Through the revelation from the social theories revealed in Chen's fictions, an actor can make an agency from the conceptions of containing force and the rhythm of daily life, and obtain some meanings from the interaction between individual life and social collective development.

Keywords:Chen Yingzhen, yin rou theory, override patriarchy, the rhythm of everyday life, home, intertwine, containing force

從仰望聖城到復歸民眾:陳映真小說〈雲〉裡的知識分子學習之路/趙剛(84 民100.09 頁 59-135)



Core to the novel The Cloud is how to resist the sweeping capitalist modernity often under an innocent facade of "American dream." In an age of "end of ideology," Chen Yingzhen provides a third-world perspective for our rethinking of the old issue. He insists that the intellectuals of the third world have no way but to build up a new idealism which is rooted in people's cultural tradition and daily life.

Keywords:Chen Yingzhen, intellectuals, people, America, the Third World, labor union, realism

陳映真的第三世界:50年代左翼分子的昨日今生/ 陳光興(84 民 100.09 頁 137-241)



This essay is an attempt to trace the historical trajectories of the life and/or afterlife of the leftists in the 1950s Taiwan, through close readings of five key texts of Chen Yingzhen's five novels, written from 1960 to 1994. The result is a preliminary picture of the structural configuration of the spiritual history of the leftists from that era. The major discovery is that through writing practices, Chen Yingzhen inherits the thought and sentiment of the 1950s generation. Its contribution goes far beyond bridging the crucial link between the past and present in Taiwan into establishing critical connections with mainland China and the Third Word, especially in the upholding the socialist spirit of the world revolution. How to continue to recover, rescue, research and writing the postwar leftist history in Taiwan is a real challenge to the critical intellectual circle of thought.

Keywords:Chen Yingzhen, Third World, leftist, mental conditions, 1950s

民主化與經濟發展:台灣發展型國家的不成功轉型/瞿宛文(84 民 100.09 頁 243-288)




The East Asian tigers relied upon their developmental states (DSs) to achieve extraordinary economic development in the postwar era. Whether these DSs would remain effective after democratization occurred has been a subject of great interest. This paper addresses this question relating to the case of Taiwan. The formation and make-up of Taiwan's DS is discussed first from a historical perspective. It is argued here that the DS's will to develop came from modern Chinese nationalism, which had been formed during China's  lengthy process of facing up to the challenge from the West since the Opium War. Taiwan's DS consists of the following features: the ruling elite's will to develop, a capable economic bureaucracy with embedded autonomy, an industrial policy framework with an aim of further overall growth, and an arrangement to coordinate policies to give development top priority. All these facets have been affected by the process of democratization in the last two decades.

By the 1980s, the success of Taiwan's development has brought great pressure for it to transform the original economic model and the political institutions at the same time. This paper discuss the impact of democratization on Taiwan's DS in four aspects: in terms of broadening policy objectives to include social concerns besides that of economic development, it is found that the fight over social issues have become too partisan for the society to form a policy consensus; as to whether the policy objective is furthering of overall interests, the new mode of political competition has sometimes led to pursuit of divisive and partisan ways of distributing resources; regarding the guiding principle of economic policy, neo-liberalism has replaced developmentalism as the guide because the democratic movement had adopted neo-liberalism in its fight against authoritarian rule; and finally, because the newly formed democracy discourse is mainly for forging an independent nation and against integration with Mainland China, it hence fails to provide a vision and a feasible future development plan for the Taiwan economy. In sum, the transformation of Taiwan's DS has been less than successful.

Keywords: democratization, transformation of developmental state, Industrial policy, nationalism, economic development



1960年代的陳映真:訪談淺井基文教授/陳光興(84 民 100.09 頁 289-307)

三鶯大橋的兩端林麗雲(84 民 100.09 頁 309-318)

大國與小國的相互演進崔元植(徐黎明、趙莉譯;白池雲校訂) (84 民 100.09 頁 319-333)

最後一堂課:2011上海陳映真文學研讀班總結心得吳寶林 (84 民 100.09 頁 335-382)

跟上陳映真的回家路張立本 (84 民 100.09 頁 383-396)


「土地正義的堅持與實踐:大埔事件一年過後」專題引言/蔡培慧(84 民 100.09 頁 397-401)

建構民主人權的土地政策/徐世榮、廖麗敏 (84 民 100.09 頁 403-429)

公民農業與社會重建/李丁讚 (84 民 100.09 頁 431-464)

重識、介入與結伴前行的反圈地路途/蔡培慧、許博任(84 民 100.09 頁 465-479)