《台灣社會研究季刊》 第88期:


台北市人行空間治理與徒步移動性/王志弘  (88 民 101.09頁 01-40)



Walking is a field of social relation and cultural regulation as well as an issue of modern urban governance which involves various technologies,knowledge/power complex and subjectification. There are three trends of governance of pedestrian spaces historically emerged in different periods but overlapped with each other in postwar Taipei City: (1)the controlling of automobile city and disciplining of body movement with efficiency and orde as dominant ideas and technologies; (2)the civilizing of perception and pleasurable experience in a consumer city with commercial interest and leisure as dominant technologies; (3)taking safety and rights as dominant concepts to justify the a city for citizens and releasing pedestrians bodily capability. The formative processes of automobile city, consumer city and citizen city are the structural drives towards transformation of the governance of pedestrian space and walking mobility in Taipei City. Under these three modes of governance of pedestrian space, there is the tendency of civilization/modernization that focuses on different safety devices, but also a transition from managerial city to urban entrepreneurialism, or from authoritarian governance to consumerefficiency oriented governance, and towards self-reflexive governance. In conclusion, the author reaffirms the political and ethical significance of walking mobility by way of the geographical and social difference of pedestrian space and experience.

Keywords:mobility, walk, pedestrian space, urban governance, governmentality, Taipei

大稻埕異托邦:百年城市史裡的「福科問題」與文化閒逛石計生(88民 101.09頁 41-88)



To considerDwaduedia as our research object as mainly performing area for Taiwanese ballad, this paper focused on the urban culture complexities inthe Taipei three cities regions process becoming aheterhotopias via the realization of the Foucault Question. After debating with other theorists, I add one supplementary principle into the original six principles developed by Foucault. That is, we discoverheterotopias are places strolling and seeing, by flaneur in where inspired our space imagination to recognize the importance of counter sites, juxtaposing sites and dream sites and their relations to the Dwaduedia urban spaces. Dream sites are places being intentionally divided or excluded by the states power, flaneur is the only actor who can find the correspondences of heterotopias in those spaces. Other findings are that as the islanders streetand the old quarter in Taipei, Dwaduedia is not only a culture historical site full of punctum, such as the site for performing Taiwanese ballad, but also contains different dynamics of spaces for developing theselfspace” consciousness for Taiwanese identification.

Keywords:dwaduedia, taiwanese ballad, heterotopias, the foucault question, flâneur, geographic information systems, dream sites, urban culture

現代社會「教改」論述的演變及其發展的結構性條件:以台灣暨德國的教改論述為例齊偉先(88 民 101.09頁89 -126)



Some similarities can be found between the educational reform in Taiwan and Germany, which continue to occur in different cultural and political background. The similarities shall be viewed as the common characteristics of the modern societies. This study starts with analyzing three important agents in relation to the discursive construction of educational reform, i.e. the state, market and civil organizations. It shows that the market and civil organizations are becoming much more important nowadays. In addition, I shall argue that the criteria of efficiency and humanistic idea are intrinsically in conflict with each other in the educational discourses of modern societies. In conclusion, I shall clarify that the state will not play and should not play the dominant role in regulating the state educational policy any more. The balance between market and the influences of civil organizations becomes a key issue in the discourse of the state educational reform. The civil organizations shall continue to play an important role in the discursive production of educational reform.

Keywords:educational reform, the third sector, market, state, efficiency, humanistic idea

台灣地方法院裁判評議制度之實證研究/王金壽、魏宏儒 (88 民 101.09頁 127-169)



 This purpose of this study to understand what the reality of judicial deliberation in district courts is in Taiwan. The data in this study mainly came from the interviews of six judges in districts courts. There are several important findings in this paper. First, Training Institute for Judges and Prosecutors did not teach judges how to do judicial deliberation and what the related regulations are. Second, some panels may not really do judicial deliberation. Third, in some cases section chief judges have more power than the other two judges because they have power to evaluate the other judges in the same section. Puisne judge may have much less power in the panels because of unequal power relationship and information asymmetry. Fourth, judicial stratification may affect judicial independence during judicial deliberation. Finally, almost all interviewees agreed that judges should have a right to issue dissents.

Keywords:judicial deliberation, panel, judge, dissent


從商品虛構到批判論述分析:重新發現博藍尼的方法/許甘霖 (88 民 101.09頁 171-187)

 「虛構商品」是Karl Polanyi知識遺產裡最具啟發性的概念之一,也是其整體性分析的鋒銳。本文聚焦於Polanyi作品中一個與虛構商品有重要關聯卻未受重視的「商品虛構」概念,透過對這個概念的進一步釐清,重新發現Polanyi作品中的方法。作者認為,虛構商品體現了實質經濟與形式經濟學間在歷史上的偶連性相符,而商品虛構或商品框構則是這種相符得以實現的論述運動。商品虛構的重新發現揭示了Polanyi整體性方法學中長期被忽視的論述分析面向,同時也指向一個Polanyi 式論述分析的可能性。


Fictitious commodity is one of the most heuristic concepts and critical edge in Karl Polanyis integral analysis. This note aims to re-discover Polanyis method inherent in his works by focusing upon the concept commodity fiction conventionally ignored yet significantly relevant and analytically complementary to fictitious commodity.” “Fictitious commodity embodies the historically contingent coincidence between substantive economy and formal economics, while it was the discursive movement of commodity fiction that made the coincidence possible. A preliminary elaboration of the conceptcommodity fiction thus reveals in Polanyis integral methodology the discourse analysis aspect and suggests a Polanyian approach to critical discourse analysis.

Keywords:karl polanyi, economic sociology, fictitious commodity, double movement, critical discourse analysis



前路茫茫,還是柳暗花明? 中華民族認同的危機與再造之反思/姚新勇 (88民101.09頁189-227)

超越國家單位的台灣抗瘧史:回應林宜平〈對蚊子宣戰〉/吳易叡(88 民 101.09頁 229-247)


「台鐵公共性事件」(上)專題引言/許雅斐 (88 民 101.09頁 249-256)

上了火車之後/許人友(88 民 101.09頁 257-276)

主流之外的「不入流」/蔡育林(88 民 101.09頁 277-289)

台鐵性愛趴與壞性/別實踐所再現的罔兩基底:「反/猥褻」的性別正典與同志婚姻部署了哪些直未來想像/洪凌 (88 民 101.09頁 291-309)

性道德戒嚴下的罪與罰:台鐵公共性事件分析/許雅斐(88 民 101.09頁 311-329)