《台灣社會研究季刊》 第94期:




台灣人類學的未來?新世紀的省思/黃應貴(94 民103.3 頁1-50)


關鍵詞: 新自由主義、東埔社布農人、去脈絡化、心理學解釋之轉向、整體圖像、民族誌探討模式、多元中心的世界人類學

Since this century, facing new development of neoliberalization in Taiwan, whether anthropology in Taiwan would utilize this chance to avoid being periherized? By the result of a study case of Taketonpu Bunun, we are not only sure that local societies and cultures in Taiwan have had fundamental changes and entered a new age, but also sure further that anthropology in Taiwan has had some major difficulties in studying the contemporary: lacking historical consciousness or the consciousness of the times makes the study de-contextualized, the traps and burdens of the concepts derived from modernity, neglected psychology’s interpretive turn, without holding the totality of the studied socio-culture, the limitation of our past thoughts, etc. These prevent us from treating validly new issues in the contemporary. The solution is to go back to our fieldwork in historical context or in the context of the times for the ethnography which is a mode of inquiry. Of course, this kind of ethnography is concerned with various aspects of the studied in necessary width and depth. On the other hand, besides reflection on the past thoughts and necessary reinvention or creation of new knowledge, we need more the capability to synthsize rather than analyze the data for finding out the studied’s major concerns by which we would contribute to the emerging world anthropologies with multiple centers.

Keywords: neoliberalism, the Bunun of Taketonpu, de-contextualization, psychology’s interpretive turn, the totality of the studied socio-culture, ethnography being a mode of inquiry, world anthropologies with multiple centers


從「同性戀愛」到「走向革命」:〈我的童年〉與郭沫若日後的「自我改造」/許維賢 (94 民103.3 頁51-106)


關鍵詞: 郭沫若、〈我的童年〉、同性戀愛、自我改造、革命論述、法西斯衝動

The Years of my Boyhood records in detail Kuo Mo-jo’s  adolescent homosexual experiences. This article compares different editions of The Years of my Boyhood and tracks his homosexual desires in the context of a series of his autobiographical writings, poetry and personal letters. This article finds that after he moved towards revolution, Kuo constantly reformed himself and modified his earlier works on a large scale. In the midst of all these revisions, only the description of homosexuality in The Years of my Boyhood remains totally unchanged. This indicates that although Kuo did not proclaim homosexuality, he did not avoid it either. The fact that not one character of these passages was changed did not indicate that the author felt no regret for his homosexuality. For Kuo, his homosexual memories are a symptom of his rage and emotion in a crisis period of national decline and revolutionary setbacks.
The correspondence between Kuo in his later years and the young Chen Mingyuan can not only be regarded as a highly implicit return to The Years of my Boyhood, but can also be seen as a type of self-salvation after revolutionary setbacks. This article also indicates the symptoms of Kuo’s move from homosexuality to revolution over his whole life. Kuo’s “self-reformation” is not a “self-sublimation” as some academics believe, but the “self-fashioning” process of Kuo’s “personal myth” as it shifts towards a “collective myth”. The sexual energy of homosexual desire was pressured and warped by ultranationalism until it became the spiritual energy of facist impulses, drawing Kuo into the powerful magnetic field of totalitarian leadership. It was an idealized self in an endowed form of patriotism.
Even after many years of self-reformation, Kuo’s homosexuality was never completely removed by revolutionary discourse, but rather became a means of self-imagination and self-protection every time he faced revolutionary setbacks and subsequently retreated from the idealized character to the personified character. Each time the progress of the revolution was threatened, he would subconsciously call up repressed homosexual desire through his writings as a response to the contemporary spiritual environment. Throughout Kuo’s life, homosexuality became the affectionate power with which he absorbed and dispelled the broken dreams of revolution.

Keywords: Kuo Mo-jo, The Years of my Boyhood, homosexuality, self-reformation, revolutionary discourse, facist impulses


列管制度下的醫療治理:「人類免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例」與新道德威權/ 黃道明(94 民103.3 頁107-146)


關鍵詞: 愛滋、治理、列管、人口政治、用藥

Taiwan’s HIV Prevention Act in 2007 has been lauded as the landmark of human rights advancement and NGO advocacy, chiefly because of the inclusion of equal protection for HIV positive individuals. Yet ironically, all the punitive and stigmatising measures of public health control that have been in operation since the promulgation of the Act in 1990, measures such as name-based reporting, quarterly-based tracking, mandatory testing, and above all, the criminalisation of HIV transmission, remain firmly in place. Crucially the regime of name-based HIV Surveillance has also undergone a profound transformation under the new Act, thanks to the implantation of a certain Hospital-based HIV Case Management (HCM) Program in 2007. In this essay I offer a preliminary investigation into the apparatus of Hospital-Based HCM by examining its ontological transformations and constitutive effects in neoliberal Taiwan. Tracing its emergence to a context pertaining to the problematisation of drug use and harm reduction, I demonstrate how the apparatus, despite its claim to be ‘patient-centred’, operates as a diffuse form of medical policing in the state’s making of moral citizenship. Further, by marking out the apparatus’ linkage with the NGO sector, I point to the emergence of what I term the ‘AIDS case management industry’ and explicate its role in the intensification of HIV control. A biopolitical assemblage, this regime of HIV control, I argue, enacts a benevolent form of therapeutic domination that is premised on the logic of moral contagion. Contesting the self-purifying culture of compassion that the new regime of HIV control fosters, my analysis attends to the stigma around sex and drug use while questioning the foreclosure of pleasure in the enactments of HIV Rights in Taiwan today.  

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Governance, Name-Based HIV Surveillance, Biopolitics, Illicit Drug Use


基因(血緣)「擴散而稀薄」是否合理?回應黃樹仁的〈沒有唐山媽?拓墾時期臺灣原漢通婚之研究〉/陳叔倬(94 民103.3 頁147-153)

編按/夏曉鵑(94 民103.3 頁155-156)
人民民主20年後的尋思:反公民、反進步、反台灣的知識路/甯應斌(94 民103.3 頁157-179)
研究與實踐:福利/公衛/醫療作為反抗資本主義制度的場域/陳美霞(94 民103.3 頁181-198)
邁向「資崩世代」/林柏儀(94 民103.3 頁199-212)
會後感:野思想的可能性/張立本(94 民103.3 頁213-226)

崩世代之後,「新福利國家」?評《The Politics of New Welfare State》/王兆慶(94 民103.3 頁227-240)