《台灣社會研究季刊》 第100期:


繼受的他者︰台灣的運動與國族主義焦慮/姜穎(100 民104.9 頁3-52)


關鍵詞: 運動社會學、現代性、遲到的現代性、治理、在地化

Both nationalism and sport were established on the basis of Western modernity. This research built contextualized and historical understandings of the interrelation of sport and nationalism in Taiwan. As the “other” of inheritances, there is a perpetual, collective anxiety of sport and nationalism in Taiwan. Since the Japanese colonization, modern sport became a symbol of civilization. It caused both humiliation and proudness. On the other hand, sport/physical education became a significant means to achieve national goals, build national identity and arouse patriotism. The hunger for the “glory of Taiwan” and nationalistic sentiments are still the undertone of the imagination and practice of sport in the anxious nation.

Keywords: sociology of sport, modernity, belated modernity, governmentality, localization


餘命治理下的生死界閾照顧倫理︰以老年就養榮民為研究案例/趙彥寧(100 民104.9 頁53-90)


關鍵詞: 倫理、照顧、老年榮民、新自由主義、看護

Based on ethnographic research of elderly veterans’ terminal-care practices, this paper examines the ways in which neoliberal medical institution transforms life value into commodity. Reflecting upon conventional works on sociology of labor, it aims also to demonstrate the ethical essence of this form of caring work. It maintains that, without paying close attention to the mutually constitutive relationship between gift and commodity exchanges, researchers may overlook how the interlinking connections between class, gender, ethnicity and race, as well as geopolitics marginalize caretakers and further penalize them as the scapegoat of structural injustice. It highlights the fact that, while economic concern may affect significantly caretakers’ job decision, they choose to stay on, in spite of relatively meager income, mainly due to the ethical practice and empathetic emotion elicited by the process of caring and being cared for. In other words, the value of caregiving shall not be reduced into purely monetary terms. To rethink the possibility of creating emerging life potentialities under the shadow of neoliberal regime, the paper then argues for alternative forms of imagination that can bridge and also go beyond individual and social traumas. With such an imaginative blueprint in mind, radical modes of caring-and-being-cared-for may come into practice along with collective benefits.

Keywords: ethics, caregiving, elderly Veteran, Neoliberalism, caretaker


中國耽美(BL)小說中的情慾書寫與性/別政治/徐艷蕊、楊玲(100 民104.9 頁53-90)


關鍵詞: 耽美、情慾、性幻想、性暴力、性/別政治、中國

Boys’ Love (BL) fiction is a genre of male-male love stories mostly written by and for women. This paper examines the portrayal of erotic desires and the
mechanism of pleasure in BL fiction in an attempt to understand the sexual fantasy, violence, and politics of BL within the concrete sociocultural context of Mainland China. The paper first analyzes various types of the male body represented in BL. For the first time in Chinese society, women have actively created sexualized male images according to their own desires and circulated them widely in female community. Meanwhile, BL fiction has offered more diverse and transgressive modes of sexuality, each of which has unique implications for gender/sexuality politics. The paper particularly investigates how BL fiction uses rape, a common plot device, to offer women imaginary solutions to institutional violence. Freed from the heterosexual regime that legitimizes male dominance over women, BL not only fosters a more liberal attitude towards issues of role-playing, power distribution, and the production of pleasure in intimate relationships but opens up more space for exploration of taboo subjects concerning sex and politics.

Keywords: Boys’ Love, erotic desire, sexual fantasy, sexual violence,gender/sexuality politics, China


台灣天體主義論述與實踐之挑戰:田野調查報告與省思/黃斐新(100 民104.9 頁123-155)


關鍵詞: 天體主義、天體主義女性、性意識、異性戀霸權、父權社會

In response to the tendency of clothed society to highly sexualize naturists and their practices, mainstream Taiwanese naturist discourse applies “asexual” and family-oriented approaches to construct social legitimacy for naturism and naturists. Yet, core beliefs about the importance of biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation in heterosexual, hegemonic, patriarchal, and clothed society still take effect in naturist activities and organizations, leaving naturist women feeling ambivalent toward naturist practices. While naturist practices create a space for women to break free from clothing constraints and gender segregation in nudity so as to further explore body experiences, hence empowerment, naturist women still encounter conventional gender and sexual issues, such as male gaze and sexual harassment. Marginal Taiwanese naturist discourse, on the other hand, recognizes the problems of gender, sexuality issues and sexual activities in naturist practices, and hence is able to create naturist discourses that can better reflect real-life naturist practices. The gap between Taiwanese naturist discourses and practices pose a challenge to Taiwanese naturism. How to construct sexuality in naturist discourse so as to promote naturist practice in a clothed society while dealing with the disjunction between the reality of naturist discourses and naturist practices poses a challenge as well as opportunity for Taiwanese naturism to reflect upon naturists’ own gender, sexuality, and sexual practices in an effort to reconstruct naturist discourses that would better present a wide range of naturist practices.

Keywords: Naturism/Nudism, Naturist Women, sexuality, heterosexual hegemony, patriarchy


編按/瞿宛文(100 民104.9 頁157-158)
台灣土改評價之辯証/華昌宜(100 民104.9 頁159-162)
比較台灣土地改革與中共土地革命/陳永發(100 民104.9 頁163-170)
傳統與現代︰中共土地改革的歷史意義再思考/陳耀煌(100 民104.9 頁171-182)
土地改革與台灣經濟發展的再思考/薛化元(100 民104.9 頁183-195)
被誇大的台灣土地改革及其漸熾的意識形態戰爭/黃樹仁(100 民104.9 頁197-215)
農地改革、產權界定與土地市場/林子欽、丁秀吟(100 民104.9 頁217-228)
土地改革研究的現實化意義與可能/彭揚凱(100 民104.9 頁229-234)
一則與地主共進午餐的故事/李承嘉(100 民104.9 頁235-250)
回應:如何評價台灣戰後農村土地改革/瞿宛文(100 民104.9 頁251-256)
回應:為何土地改革的意涵爭議多?/廖彥豪、瞿宛文(100 民104.9 頁257-260)
回應:鄉莊與現代之間對台灣產權制度史的考察/何欣潔(100 民104.9 頁261-264)


編按/官大偉(100 民104.9 頁265-267)
複合式農林業與非都市土地使用管制:以石門水庫集水區為例/顏愛靜、陳亭伊(100 民104.9 頁269-282)
民間組織參與流域綜合治理的經驗/周素卿(100 民104.9 頁283-289)
泰雅族傳統領域與流域治理的啟示/林益仁(100 民104.9 頁291-310)