《台灣社會研究季刊》 第113期:


優生進化與罪罰變革:風化的解禁/許雅斐113 108.9 1-34



Modern criminal codes demonstrate that political decisions about negative sexuality are the core of sexual offense legislation. “Contra bonos mores”(sexual offenses) are thought as crime because they are harmful to the moral welfare of society. Indeed, the concept of gross indecency has much to do with the eugenics and evolution theory of the 19th century. Under the premise that ethnic genes are the “excellent” genetic basis, each family must inherit (excellent) blood and promote the progress of the national society. A complete reform of the laws concerning sex and sexuality was introduced on November 23, 1973. The reform was driven by the changing views about sexual morality in society, which rapidly ousted the traditional longstanding assessments about wrongdoing with respect to sexual conduct. In the 19th century, the relevant section was named “Offenses against Morality”(Straftaten wider die Sittlichkeit). In 1973, it was renamed as “Offenses against Sexual Autonomy,” to reflect the objective of these rules, which is to protect the rights of individuals, and not morality. The new sexual-political landscape braced for a major historical shift reflected the demarcation line of state protection. This article will take the decriminalization process of the third party in sex trade in Germany as an example to shed light on the inquiry of the changing regulatory policies in Taiwan.

Keywords: contra bonos mores (sex offenses), eugenics, evolutionism, legal good, sexual values, third parties working in the sex trade

容不下文化準公地的都市治理?臺北市補缺型藝文空間的困局/王志弘、高郁婷113 108.8 35-74



“Prosthetic art and cultural space” refers to venues for art and cultural activities that work to compensate for the insufficiency of official facilities. These venues tend to act as “quasi-commons” due to the social networks associated with them, and they tend to help cultivate new artistic or cultural groups. These spaces usually adopt a multi-sided business model that earns revenue from non-cultural and art activities to compensate for the low demand of such market, and are also much hindered by renting, the market, and the framework of governance. Through literature analysis, as well as field observation and in-depth interviews, we discuss the conundrum faced by these prosthetic venues. We will firstly review the vicissitude of the performance venues in Taipei that operate in multi-sided ways, and show how relevant policies and measures have been changing along with societal conditions, concerns of public security, and the recent focus on cultural strategies. We then juxtapose the official rules of business registration, urban planning, fire prevention and control, and regulation on buildings to highlight how the prosthetic art and cultural space is ill-fit with the current multiple framework of governance as well as the differed policies between departments. In particular, alcohol is both the catalyst for quasi-commons and the crux that triggers the intervention of official regulation. While concerns of cost and a desire to stay close with the artistic niche market have gathered the prosthetic space in given residential areas, these venues also become illegalized and hence prone to be reported, which puts their sustentation under threat. We argue that, while these spaces manage to survive within the fractures of governance, a more flexible and easy to abide governance pattern should still be constructed for their better development.

Keywords: cultural governance, compound artistic venues, artistic and cultural facilities, urban development, zoning

主體思考與「士大夫傳統」:從重讀葉榮鐘的《美國見聞錄》談起/徐秀慧113 108.8 75-125



Three years after the publisher Independence Evening Post published History of Taiwan National Movement, Yeh Rongzhong, the book’s author, finally visited the United States with his wife in 1974. He published Meiguo Jianwen Lu (Notes on My Journey to America), recollecting not only what he saw in North America but also his thoughts on Taiwan’s future. During his four-month visit in the United States and Canada, he read many books about Chinese Communist Revolution, social changes in post-1949 China, and history books about China and Taiwan around World War II as banned by the KMT government. Away from the KMT’s surveillance, Yeh Rongzhong considered Taiwan’s future in his letters to Lin Zhuangsheng when he was in Boston and Washington, DC. In these letters, Yeh expressed the idea of “sharing the same destiny with 800,000,000 Chinese people.” Yeh Rongzhong was one of the few Taiwanese intellectuals who having survived the 228 Incident, Land Reforms, the White Terror, the Korean War, and the Cold War, remained strongly identified with the PRC government. This essay traces Yeh’s idea of “sharing the same destiny with 800,000,000 Chinese people” in his Meiguo Jianwen Lu, a literary work which has been neglected by scholars for a long time.

Keywords: Yeh Rongzhong, Meiguo Jianwen Lu, Taiwan issues, anti-colonialism, the tradition of Chinese scholars, Confucianism



和解的障礙:中國內地與香港情感結構的比較分析/史唯、劉世鼎113 108.8 127-166



Hong Kong’s national identity and its tension with mainland China have been one of the most contentious issues since the 1997 handover. This article investigates the emotional structures of feeling manifested in the recent two films Ten Years (2015) and Wolf Warriors 2 (2017). In particular, we are interested in the emotional positions articulated by the films, and how the division of these positions entails different forms of imaginations about Others. In doing so, this article considers the reason why the tension between Hong Kong and mainland China remains unresolved. Moreover, it considers the predicament and limitation faced by the imaginations of the two films, as well as the possibilities for the future.

Keywords: emotional structure of feeling, fear, pride, subject, Other, tension between mainland China and Hong Kong, reconciliation

東亞去殖民主義思想的系譜與朴玄埰的民族主義論/延光錫113 108.8 167-194




The impeachment of President Park Geun-hye and the early presidential election in 2017 that ensued had brought about a profound impact on the political and social situation in South Korea. Situated at this conjuncture, the movies A Taxi Driver (2017) and 1987: When the Day Comes (2017) released in the same year have not only made a remarkable commercial success, but also gave impetus to thinking about how to “re-historicize” the South Korean history of the second half of the 20th century.
With a deep concern for the “de-historicization” tendency latent in these two films in mind, this article undertakes the task of contextualizing the historicity of narratives of decolonization in East Asia and the Third World, in order to rethink the issue of subjectivity in such context. For this reason, this article tries to tackle the somewhat unfamiliar and “precarious” intellectual task of restructuring the genealogy of “decolonialist” thoughts in East Asia.

By revisiting the regional landscape of the late-twentieth-century East Asia history of ideas, which was heavily influenced by Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Takeuchi Yoshimi (1910-1977), Mizoguchi Yuzo (1932-2010) and others, I try to reposition the ideas raised by South Korean thinker Park Hyun-Chae on nationalism, national economy and social characteristics, in order for us to better utilize these intellectual legacies to formulate new research questions, and to better understand and overcome the intellectual crisis of South Korea in the 21st century.

Keywords: decolonialism, Park Hyun-Chae, nationalism, national economy, social characteristics



從「撥亂反正」、「撥正反亂」到「病藥相發」:關於當代中國大陸歷史理解的省思/賀照田113 108.8 195-207




編按/黃道明(113 108.8 209-210

新自由主義的巨視世界與微觀世界:我們可以做什麼?Adrienne Chambon、王增勇翻譯(113 108.8 211-232

高教見聞錄/陳政亮(113 108.8 233-251

社會實踐的企圖和困境/鄧湘漪(113 108.8 253-264