《台灣社會研究季刊》 第120期:


唯物史觀台灣史的可能性:試論劉進慶《戰後台灣經濟分析》原稿的台灣史論/邱士杰(120110.12 1-37

劉進慶《戰後台灣經濟分析》是以戰後二十年台灣經濟為研究對象的名著,但其原稿即提交給東京大學的博士論文卻與正式出版者頗有差異。原稿保留了他以相當篇幅分析近世(Early Modern)晚明到戰後二十年的台灣歷史敘述,並以「半封建性」、「殖民地性」,以及資本主義等切入點,開展唯物史觀式的台灣歷史分期。他認為台灣自近世晚明以來就具有某種殖民地性與半封建性:前者根源於持續不斷的移民,後者則根源於漢人社會的封建性向半封建性的自主演化。然而近代(Modern)晚清卻開啟了另一種殖民地性與半封建性,並持續到戰後二十年:近代的殖民地性存在於二重經濟,即外來資本主義與本土半封建性之間的並存,近代的半封建性則因外國資本主義的支配與保存而失去自主演化能力。由於劉進慶試圖以上述解釋作為台灣在戰後二十年仍是殖民地性.半封建性社會的歷史背景,導致其原稿的歷史解釋與戰後台灣優異的經濟表現相當扞格,並促使正式出版的《戰後台灣經濟分析》努力淡化原稿的近世歷史分析以淡化半封建性。雖其淡化成效有限,未盡之處卻為1980年代及其後的劉進慶留下長期回應的課題,並為唯物史觀可否應用於台灣史留下實驗的印記。


Liu Shinkei (Liu Jinqing)’s Analysis of Taiwan’s Post-War Economy is a famous work explaining Taiwan’s economy in the two decades after the war, but its manuscript, the doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Tokyo, is quite different from the version officially published in 1975. The manuscript retains his narration of Early Modern (Kinsei) history of Taiwan, and uses “semi-feudality”(han-houkensei), “coloniality”(syokumintisei), and “capitalism” and other historical materialistic concepts to divide “Taiwan History” into different historical stages. He believes that Taiwan has been “colonial” and “semi-feudal” since Early Modern: “coloniality” is rooted in continuous immigration, and “semi-feudality” is rooted in the autonomous evolution of Han society from “feudality” to “semi-feudality.” However, Modern (Kindai) created another type of “semi-feudality” and “semi-feudality”, which lasted until 1965. Liu Shinkei’s characterization of Taiwan in the two decades after WWII as still a “colonial-semifeudal society” in his original 1972 manuscript could not explain Taiwan’s excellent economic performance after the war. Therefore, he rewrote the 1975 version of Analysis of Taiwan’s Post-War Economy with great effort in an attempt to downplay various arguments and concepts that had over-emphasized the premodern characteristics. While the 1975 rewrite as limited in achieving this goal, the unresolved intellectual tasks had guided Liu Shinkei’s work in the 1980s and beyond. In addition, this body of work has also left an important historical benchmark for its experimental attempt to apply historical materialism to the history of Taiwan.

Keywords: historical materialism, semi-feudality, coloniality, capitalism, history of Taiwan

國家不想要的人:《超級大國民》的哀悼政治/李淑君(120110.12 39-80



This paper focuses on film director Wan Jen’s Super Citizen Ko to explore the unmournable political suffering and the completion of its mourning. Previous researches have pointed out that after the Kuomingtang retreated to Taiwan in 1949, Taiwan became trapped in the frame of the conflict between the “communists” and the “liberal democrats” in the Chinese Civil War, and the “patriots” were differentiated from suspected “communist spies.” The unmournable nature of political suffering and the search for mourning are discussed in two parts, namely “Unmournable Scene” and “Two Graves in the Heart: Grave-Seeking, Mourning, and Atonement.” First, the death and wounds of the people unwanted by the nation became unmournable. Second, the monologues, madness, and withering of political victims, along with their evasion of subjects and the erasure of the places of their memories by the nation, has further increased the difficulty of mourning. Third, the value of mourning lies in understanding the connection and interdependence between oneself and others. Super Citizen Ko grants meanings to mourning through the worshipping of the unmarked graves in Liuzhangli, the ashes of the victims’ families, and wounds of the second generation, stressing the inevitability of mourning in the process of relieving sadness. Political victims who have lost their lives can be remembered only if they are the subjects of mourning.

Keywords: Wan-Jen, Super Citizen Ko, mourning, white terror, frame of war

沒落手藝如何成為「低端非遺」?治理的轉接與代理效應/李舒恬、王志弘(120110.12 81-133



Based on the critical heritage studies viewpoint, this article examines the limitations of intangible cultural heritage preservation policies and publicity measures in the context of China’s development. Traditional handicrafts that have fallen into decline usually have to be transformed into mechanized production or integrated into the tourism industry in order to survive in a certain distortion. Intangible cultural heritage provides another framework for preserving traditional crafts, and is embedded in the context of cultural governance in response to urban transformation and competition. However, the cultural legitimacy provided by intangible cultural heritage often has to comply with the performance requirements of heritage governance, which in turn is closely tied to branding and marketing strategies, and is operated by a professional team of cultural intermediaries. Therefore, the heritage governance of traditional skills has the effect of switching the heritage from a tradition to a cultural commodity while making experts as proxy. The authors take the handmade bean-curd sticks in Wanjiang New Village, Dongguan, Guangdong as an example, and adopts participatory observation and interview methods to explore how the switch and proxy effects of heritage governance, while revitalizing traditional crafts in the name of intangible heritage, make the traditional crafts fall into the low-end position.

Keywords: cultural governance, cultural intermediary, post-industrial transition, historical preservation, cultural-creative industries



在「中華民國-台灣」之符號交融下的金門認同:於「第四空間」下所再現之金門地區博物館的「社會責任」/劉名峰(120110.12 135-183


關鍵詞: 博物館、社會責任、關係主義、第四空間、交融

The question of identity is critical in Taiwan, while the case of Kinmen plays a special role in this regard because of its geo-historical position. As such, this research elaborates a relational perspective to study the representation of its three main types of museums, which are the minan (閩南), battlefield (戰地), and qiaoxiang (僑鄉), and to demonstrate the communitas of Kinmen’s identity. These museums are constructed mostly in the course of democratization, within which the symbolic struggle between Republic of China and Taiwan plays a central role, and leads to the construction of Kinmen’s identity. In other words, Kinmen’s identity is constructed vis-à-vis Taiwan on the one hand, and represents the communitas of “ROC-Taiwan” on the other. This is because Kinmen not only takes Taiwan as internal Other, but also intertwines itself with Taiwan in the construction of an imagined community, named “ROC-Taiwan”, which is the mainstream discourse of national identity of the present time. Yet, Kinmen’s museums demonstrate much more abundantly the image of the “ROC-Taiwan” among others, with their respective configurations. As a result, these museums represent Kinmen’s local identity and nation identity at the same time. Thus, the concept of fourthspace is capable of demonstrating the elaboration of identity in Kinmen. Moreover, the representation of the three types of museums manifests soundly the fact that the existence of Kinmen itself realizes the idea of social responsibility since it leads not only to the social inclusion and plurality, but also and more importantly to the reminder of “ROC-Taiwan” as a whole.

Keywords: museums, social responsibility, relational ontology, fourthspace, communitas



導言/蔡鈺淩(120110.12 185-187

近思與遠慮:東亞論、新冷戰、文學史/王智明(120110.12 189-195

以東亞民眾的觀點摸索小國理想的新第三條道路/白真松(120110.12 197-209

小國-中國-大國主義:致崔元植、泰戈爾與譚雲山/陳光興口述,蔡鈺淩整理(120110.12 211-217

逢山開路、遇水搭橋/崔元植,宋嘉俳譯(120110.12 219-225

現場提問/白池雲、延光錫口譯,蔡鈺淩整理,白池雲校訂(120110.12 227-234