《台灣社會研究季刊》 第34期:


發展型「國家」或發展型國家「理論」的終結?/鄭為元(34 民88.6 頁1-68 )


After the East Asian financial crisis of 1997, both the developmental state and the theory of the developmental state seem out of mode. The theory of developmental state consists of many propositions, which are unsystematic, contradictory, and taken for granted. This study grouped these propostions into five categories: universal, developmental, expedient, historical, and specific. This author checked the empirical bases of these propositions with literature from area studies. Results show many well-known propositons and concepts are problematic and subject to reconsideration. The author presented new interpretations for state autonomy, technocrats, generalization of historical and cultural factors, embeddedness, and even the meaning of development. In conclusion, developmental state's roles are still and even more critical in globalization. The only passing is the authoritarian and neo-merchantialist developmental strategy.


全球化,在地化與學習型區域─理論反省與重建/王振寰(34 民88.6 頁69-112 )


This paper intends to clarify three major issues in the current debates on theories of globalization. Does globalization really occur? Does locality lose its significance in the age of globalization? And, do the latecomers such as the East Asian economies have lost their competitiveness in the new era? I will argue that those who declinethe thesis of globalization miss the qualitative transformation of global capitalism. Also, this paper argues that some localities will not lose its importance in the age of globalization for their distinctive local resources or assets and due to the factors of transaction costs. I use the learning region theory to support this argument on the global-local nexus. Based upon the above discussion, I will argue that the latecomers will not lose their important role in the highly mobilized global economies. For these economies have learnt knowledge and skills in the former stages and these have become their social capital. Some industries that are based on low skills may have migrated to other regions, however those that need high skills and tacit knowledge have to depend on social institutions to support and these are not tradable goods and non-transferable. Finally, I will argue against various theories of development based on the above statements and emphasize the importance of learning and social institutions in the caching up economies.


歐洲的民族國家與全球化的壓力/哈伯瑪斯(34 民88.6 頁113-132)


Responding to the pressures of globalization, the European states can be divided into four camps, those arguing for or against globalization, and those looking for a Third Way defensively or offensively. The blanket for or against positions originate from neoliberalism and nationalism respectively but might meet in the camp of Market Europeans. Eurofederalists in comparison aim at transforming the existing international accords into a political constitution, while those adopting a cosmopolitan stance regard a federal European state as a starting point for developing a network of transnational regimes that can, even in the abscence of a world government, conduct something like a global domestic policy.



公共性的詭譎:比較英德法義台的公共電視爭議/馮建三(34 民88.6 頁133-186)


Political and social contest over public television in Taiwan should not be evaluated independently from forces strugggling for more just broadcasting order in other countries. The author therefore studies the UK, West Germany, France and Italy to shed light on Taiwan's case, in which process, more emphases are put on how political parties interact with social activists than on structural forces limiting effectiveness of their effort. In comparison with more established party politics of above-mentioned countries, Taiwan's weaker party identites and less legitimate distribution of broadcasting resources do provide more spaces for TV reform movement, though such an advantage may well be offset by Taiwan's inexperienced and smaller campaign group. Operations of Civilian Campaign Group for Public Televison between 1993 and 1994 is analysed to illustrate this observation. In conclsion, this paper reflects if discontents with TV rising again in late 1990s could supply fresh impetus for future movement aiming at r forming Taiwan's television structure.


魚與熊掌:女性主義反性暴力之困境與省思/羅燦煐(34 民88.6 頁187-220 )



To promote gender equity and multi-cultural thinking in the indigenous practice of sexual assault prevention in Taiwan, this article reviews several discursive dilemma among Western feminists, including: 1) rape fear and fear immobility; 2) self-identity ofrape victims; 3) individual differences in rape resistance; 4) social control in rape prevention; and the hegemonization and medicalization of rape trauma. In an effort to cope with these dilemma and to engage in paradigm shift in sexual violence education in Taiwan, this study identifies the following issues for public discussion: 1) cultural de-construction and re-construction of sexual violence against women; 2) multi-cultural definition of rape resistance; 3) gender control implications in rape prevention; 4) the embodiment of empowering in women's self-defense training; and 5) male collective responsibility in rape prevention.



台灣原住民族的土地危機:山地鄉「平權會」政治經濟結構之初探/顧玉珍、張毓芬(34 民88.6 頁221-292 )




Pingquanhui (the association the promotion of rights of the Han people living in mountain district) was organized by non-aboriginals who live in aboriginal districts in Taiwan. This organization's main demand is "Authorize the market sale of all aboriginal reserve land". It is using its political and economic advantages to bring a halt to the "Return Aboriginal Land to Aborigines" movement.

This paper analyses data from field research and existing documents. It attempts to uncover why and how Pingquanhui organized, its discoursive and mobilizational strategies, and the political-economic power structure lies behind it. The research found that Pingquanhui was initially founded by some motel business owners in Jen-Ai District of Nantou County, and operated as a local pressure group. Later, a Pingquanhui's branch was opened in Taichung County. Taichung Pingquanhui President Wu Tien-yo used the organization's existing resources, as well as his own party-political and conglomerate background, to strengthen Pingquanhui's local force; furthermore he urged the establishment of new Pingquanhui's branches in other aboriginal districts.

Pingquanhui thus expanded into a national-level pressure group, which is trying to use its organizational power and political mobilization to force the government to legalize the free-market sales of aboriginal reserve land, in order to achieve the capitalismization of all aboriginal land.