《台灣社會研究季刊》 第35期:


一個半邊陲的浮現與隱藏:國際鞋類市場網絡重組下的生產外移/鄭陸霖(35 民88.9 頁1-46 )


This article studies the offshore investments of Taiwanese footwear producers since the late 1980s. I argue that the production reallocation is and has to be studied as only a part of the network restructuring of the international footwear supply/sourcing market. In other words, the production site transition involves multilateral adjustments of and among footwear producers, trading companies, international buyers, and material suppliers in the market. The task requires us to conceive markets as socially embedded in trust-mediated transactions, instead of an asocial price mechanism matching atomic economic actors. On the supplier's side, I show that the Taiwanese footwear industrial district was implanted in China in the form of an internationally linked but locally enclave economy, which was buffered from disturbance by an institutional arrangement of "pseudo OEM." On the buyer's side, I demonstrate the difficult efforts of buyers in coordinating network restructuring. In the early 1980s, buyers of different kinds rushed to place orders directly to China. They failed and then adjusted to participate in the readjustments of the existing sourcing networks. The rise of Taiwan's semi-peripheral status in the restructured networks of international footwear supply urges us to rethink the "third world industrialization" in the new order of global capitalism, which is often masked with the "free market."

成長與產業組織:台灣與南韓自行車業的比較研究/瞿宛文、李佳靜(35 民88.9 頁47-74)


This paper compares the development of the bicycle industry inTaiwan and South Korea, and accounts for the different growth pattern. The performance of the bicycle industry in Taiwan has been much better than that of its Korean counterpart. The transaction cost hypothesis helps to explain the advantage of the specialized system of parts production. Timely emergence of numerous small firms in Taiwan was crucial for its success, for it allowed the industry to achieve scale economies and specialization in both the assembling and parts sectors simultaneously since export growth began. The Korean large enterprise alone was not able to achieve that. The Korean government was successful in pushing the assembling and parts sectors at the same time in 1982-86, but recent development proved that the effort came somewhat too late, for the overall economic changes have rendered Korea unsuitable for labor-intensive industries in the late 1980s. It would be hard for other LDCs to emulate Taiwan's success; while the Korean case might be more relevant to other LDCs.


流動的鑲嵌:新竹科學工業園區的勞動力市場與高科技發展/徐進鈺(35 民88.9 頁75-118)


戰後台灣民間資本積累之探討:以紅糖經營者為例/張怡敏(35 民88.9 頁119-162)


Taking the brown sugar industry, one of the lasting Taiwanese private capital dating back to the 16th century, as one example, this paper sets to explore how this capital survive the state's discrimination. Although the Taiwan Sugar Company, one of the government's enterprises, joined the Ryukyu brown sugar industry in squeezing it out of sugar business, its activities have not been disappearing but embedded themselves into the international division of manufacturing system and the Nationalist Party regime. Therefore, counter to one prevailing argument that this capital has always been since dominated or wiped away by the Nationalist regime, the author points to its 'relative autonomy' form or co-operation with the state power.


負顯化:觀看借竅儀式的一種方法/宋文里(35 民88.9 頁163-202)


科技神話的夢魘:民生別墅住宅輻射災害的社會心理衝擊/畢恆達、郭一勤(35 民88.9 頁203-254)



Over the past five years one hundred buildings have been detected as being contaminated by the radioactivity, Min-Seng-Bie-Shu is one of the most seriously contaminated buildings. From an environmental psychology approach, this research tries to explore the nature of the radioactive disaster, its impacts of the victim's self concept, sense of personal control, neighboring, the change of the meaning of home, and the sense of community, as well as the discrepancy and conflict between scientific rationality and the victim's daily experiences.