《台灣社會研究季刊》 第39期:










在台灣,對複製人的期待與憂懼、對基因工程遺傳解碼的欣悅、及 對模仿國外制度解決健保財務問題等,相當容易獲得高度共識的情境而 言,科技發展本身又何嘗不是蘊涵著某種社會想像呢?本文採取論述分 析的方法,探討科技發展和衛生政策相關的論述形成,旨在彰顯目前轉 型中的台灣文化霸權所蘊涵基因科技研究的社會文化意義,藉以闡釋馬 庫色所倡導的新感性,導引關於科技論述的人文思潮。藉由歷史的回顧, 本文期待進而開啟基因科技與衛生政策視野,促成合適的台灣市民社會 發展,彌平科技與人文必然衝突的思想陷阱,嘗試擺脫台灣國家與社會 衝突的歷史經驗,開創新的台灣社會與文化變遷可能。



壓榨人性空間-身分差序與中國式多重剝削/吳介民(39 民 89.9 頁 1-44)

本文剖析中國農村自從改革開放以來出現的新形式的剝削機制。作者提出 身分差序的概念,以之建構一個多重剝削的分析架構,用來詮釋當前中國農村 內部的社會經濟關係。根據此一架構,我們發現中國農村,尤其是東南沿海地 區,正在浮現兩個新的階層:身分資本家,以及民工階級。身分資本家乃掌握 土地控制權的農村幹部,作為跨國資本進入中國的掮客,而收取經濟租金。而 由內地農村移動而來的民工,則處於這個多重剝削結構的最底層,成為最弱勢 的群體。在研究方法上,本文採取個案式的田野調查,深度描述珠江三角洲地 區一個從事加工出口的村落,以之印證本文的理論觀點。


This article explores a new form of exploitation in coastal China. A concept of differential status is set forth to analyze multiple exploitation in the process of rural industrialization. Based on the analytical framework, two emerging social strata can be identified: status capitalists" and migrant labors. The former, composed of rural cadres, control land rights and are thereby able to collect economic rents from foreign capital in exchange of their patronage. The latter, as non-native residents in the village, are underprivileged and severely deprived. The article adopts a research strategy of what Michael Burawoy calls extended case method. A case study was conducted in a village in the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong Province.

Keywords:class, exploitation, property rights, differential status, land institutions, foreign capital, Taiwanese businesses, China studies

資本國際化下的國際婚姻-以台灣的「外籍新娘」現象為例/夏曉鵑(39 民 89.9 頁 45-92)

「外籍新娘」現象是來自較低度發展國家婦女嫁往較高度發展國家的全球性現象的一 環。本文提出分析架構,將「商品化跨國婚姻」視為資本主義發展下的副產品。資本 主義發展導致不平等國際分工,並分別在核心、半邊陲及邊陲國家內部產生扭曲發展 。而「商品化跨國婚姻」即為雙邊因扭曲發展而被邊緣化的男女,在資本國際化及勞 力自由化的過程中,藉由國際婚姻謀求出路而產生的結果。而此跨國婚姻進一步對核 心/半邊陲及邊陲國家反饋,使資本主義獲得更進一步發展。再者,藉由跨國婚姻, 國際分工具體化為不平等的人際關係,因此可稱為國際分工的人際關係化。


The phenomenon of "foreign brides" is a global phenomenon whereby women from less developed countries marry and then move in with the families of men from more developed countries. The analytical framework of this paper views the "commodified transnational marriages" as a by-product of capitalist development. Capitalist development results in an unequal international division of labor, and separates countries into core, semi-peripheral and peripheral nation-states, while also distorting development within nations. "Commodified transnational marriages" are one way that men and women cope in societies distorted and marginalized by global capitalism and increasingly liberal labor markets. However, these transnational marriages, often in turn, reinforce the international division of labor into core, semi-peripheral and peripheral states, and in the end bolster capitalism's strength. Furthermore, "commodified transnational marriages" manifest the international division of labor within interpersonal relationships, localizing the international division of labor as an unequal relation between people.

Keywords:foreign brides, capital internationalization, globalization, transnational marriage, international marriage, marriage immigration

「外傭政策」與女人之戰:女性主義策略再思考/林津如(39 民 89.9 頁 93-152)

本文檢視「外傭政策」的設計並探討台籍與外籍女性家務工作者在此政策下之 工作經驗與抗爭手段,以期詮釋國家政策如何在有酬家務工作此議題上與性別、 族群、階級不平等交織作用;並進而分析此政策如何造成不同階級與族群女性之 利益衝突,以重新思考女性主義者對於家務工作的論述策略。本研究發現「外 傭政策」剝削了在台灣處於階級或族群弱勢之女性,使之在勞動市場上形成競 爭關係,而中高收入家庭則得利於此,並在僱傭關係中再度強化了不同階級女 性之衝突。台灣女性主義者若欲持續推動家務照護工作社會化之訴求,則須顧 及在非正式部門工作女性之需求,為提升有酬家務工作者之薪資與自主性而努 力,方可免於重蹈「外傭政策」之覆轍,再次壓迫處於階級及族群弱勢之女性, 造成女性在家務工作此一議題上之意見衝突。

關鍵字:女性、家務工作、家務工作者、外籍女傭、台灣幫傭、族群、 階級、外傭政策

This paper investigates foreign and native domestic workers' experiences and resistance under the 'Foreign Maid Policy' in the 1990s Taiwan. It also explores how the state policy of 'the foreign maid', intersected by gender, class and ethnicity, serves to divide the women's common interest of the socialization of domestic work. The finding suggests that the 'Foreign Maid Policy' exploits and impoverishes the unprivileged foreign and native domestic workers in legal and economic terms to unburden wealthier women by keeping the costs of domestic service low, which thus further reinforces the class distinctions between women. The state power is discursively practiced through ethnic and class inequalities to divide women's collective interests. To transcend these divisions among women, Taiwanese feminists should take account of the interests of the unprivileged women. Only by challenging the low-paid and privatized nature of domestic work, and promoting the autonomy of domestic workers could Taiwanese feminists continue to foster the socialization of domestic work successfully.

Keywords:gender, domestic work, domestic workers, foreign domestic workers, native domestic workers, ethnicity, class, foreign maid policy


中國大眾文化研究中的國家問題/王瑾著、王昶忠譯(39 民 89.9 頁 153-190)

自從鄧小平南巡加速中國經改的步調之後,資本邏輯戰勝國家邏輯之說不 徑而走。學院知識界以及大眾傳媒界經常引用後社會主義中國的個案,來引證 跨國主義此一理論範疇的共相性。本文引入「國家」與「政策」這兩個新範疇 來質疑「跨國」理論思維之有效性。將政策與國家概念引入當代中國大眾文化 研究,意在突破「市場」與「跨國文化」說的雙控導向,提供了複雜的理論新 視域。本文以1995年中國雙休日工作制的政策為地點,討論當代中國大眾休 閒文化的政治經濟學;引介一個以政策學與文化研究相結合的理論方案,來 突破經典馬克斯主義與後冷戰自由主義慣有的二元論的思維方式;闡釋後 1992年以來後社會主義中國國家話語的轉軌。

關鍵字:國家、文化研究、休閒文化、雙休日、大眾文化、政策研究、 跨國主義、主體能動性、本土、地方研究、公民權、新常識、話語霸權

Since 1992 when Deng Xiaping sped up China's economic restructuring, the logic of capital is said to have usurped that of the state. The Chinese case was often cited in critical literature to validate the efficacy of transnationality as a universal paradigm. This essay problematizes the explanatory power of this paradigm by reinserting the analytical tropes of state" and policy" back into a Chinese popular cultural studies that is being increasingly dominated by the tropes of market" and transnationalism." Taking China's 1995 double-leisure-day policy as a point of entry, this essay (1) offers a new political economy of contemporary Chinese popular culture; (2) introduces a theoretical program of a combined policy studies and cultural studies that circumvents the binary mode of thinking characteristic of both classical Marxism and post-Cold-War liberalism; (3) elucidates the transformation of the state discourse in post-socialist China since 1992.

Keywords:state, cultural studies, leisure culture, double-leisure day, popular culture, policy studies, transnationalism, agency, local, studies of localities, rights of citizenship, new common sense, discursive hegemony

社會學要如何才能和激進民主掛勾-重訪米爾士的「社會學想像」/趙剛(39 民 89.9 頁 191-238)

米爾士的「社會學想像」是一個重新界定社會學知識的社會角色與操作方 式的努力,直接批判的對象是五年代美國的主流現代化意識形態以及受這個 意識形態支配的社會學理論與研究。在全球化的年代中,社會學想像更是讓社 會學直接面對激進民主的議題。社會學想像呼籲社會學家摒棄科層制下的知識 分工角色,進而成為具有主體性的知識工匠,直接肩負啟蒙知識份子的批判性 工作,維繫啟蒙傳統下的理性與自由的內在關係。米爾士認為在「後現代」狀 況下,這二者的關係已經消失,連帶地產生了「快樂機器人」的現象。社會 學想像即是一種民主烏托邦的理念付諸實際,重新培養民主社會中必要的積極 主體性。因此,社會學想像是站在現代性立場批判現代化的意識形態,這和傳 統主義、法西斯主義、以及保守後現代主義及文化研究是有重大差異的。最後, 本文呼籲在新自由主義——一種比五年代自由派共識更極端的現代化意識形 態——當令的今天,社會學想像更應重新被賦予新的批判的活力,對新的問題 提出發言,對新浮現的結構提出分析。


Sociological Imagination, a term coined by C. Wright Mills in the late 50s, is an attempt to redefine the social role and modus operandi of sociology or social science in general. It is a head-on confrontation with the post-WWII mainstream social science shaped by the ideology of modernization. In meeting the challenge posed by neo-liberal globalization, sociological imagination is especially relevant to the critical prospect of radical democracy. Challenging the prevailing dichotomy between the Method and the Theory, Sociological Imagination brings real and significant problems to the forefront. For Mills, significant problematics come initially from personally experienced troubles. But only through the knowledge of social structure can we transform personal troubles into public issues. And this transformation requires the intervention of sociological imagination. Therefore, the idea of sociological imagination is an appeal to sociologists to forsake their role of machine intellectual under fragmented bureaucratic knowledge production, and to become intellectual craftsmen, the latter assume the critical task of enlightenment intellectuals. Mills believe that, in the "post-modern" condition, the link between reason and freedom has been broken, and as a consequence, the "happy robot" phenomenon emerged. Sociological imagination is to realize the democratic potential inherent in modernity by empowering the subject as a subject of inquiry. To uphold the status of reason in contemporary life is what distinguishes sociological imagination from other strands of counter-modernity, such as traditionalism, fascism, communitarianism, and postmodernism. In the last section of this paper, sociological imagination is expected to update its critical potentiality in facing the challenge of contemporary ideology of modernization—the free-market neo-liberal globalization.

Keywords:radical democracy, sociological imagination, C. Wright Mills, critical modernity, globalization

生物科技產業與社會風險-遲滯型高科技風險社會/周桂田(39 民 89.9 頁 239-283)

本論文從全球化與全球在地化的角度,討論以基因工程為主體之生物科技產業所帶來的 高科技風險衝擊。經驗上,以基因轉殖作物之全球商業化趨勢,指出生物科技之全球化風險 時代的來臨,並以德國在地化的「反基因食品」風險運動擴散至歐體、世界各國之效應為例, 對照性的分析台灣遲滯性的風險政治危機。台灣一向由科技官僚主導式之生物科技產業政 策,近年來在全球競爭下依循產業經濟邏輯加速進行,以致形成缺乏社會基礎之後進學習的 「遲滯型高科技社會」。而此種科技社會遲滯結構,不僅反映在科技水準,更缺乏有效的風 險(管理)政治,進一步的導致社會沒有對風險溝通、審議與應變的能力,而形成更大的風 險。

關鍵字:風險社會、全球化風險、全球在地化風險、遲滯型高科 技社會、科技官僚、風險政治

From the perspective of globalization and glocalization, this paper discusses the high-tech risk impact brought about by genetic-engineering-based biotechnology. It takes a close look at the incoming era of global biotechnological risk by examining world tendencies towards commercialization of transgene plants. The local movements against "gen-food" in Germany as well as in EU will be analyzed, especially in comparison with the relative absence of risk consciousness in Taiwan. Taiwan's bio-industrial politics has long been dominated by a technocracy who follows the economic logic of global competition. This technocratic tendency has been accelerating in recent years, resulting in the formation of a "delayed high-tech society." The latter may reflect the technological level currently obtaining, but exposes seriously the lack of capacity for risk management. The resulting society is not yet capable of deliberation and reflexivity on the high-tech risk, and is running the risk of manufacturing more risks by itself.

Keywords:risk society, globalization risk, glocalization risk, delayed high-tech society, technocracy, risk politics