《台灣社會研究季刊》 第58期:



殖民地女性與民族/國家想像/任佑卿(58 民 94.6 頁 1-32)



Focusing on the issue of women’s "becoming people" in colonized Chosun society under the occupation of Japan, this paper deals with how the colonial experience is related to the women's imagination with regards to the nation/state. The locus of nation/state is an important foundation to build the modern women’s identity, whether it is imagined or in reality. For better or worse, women are also a subject who imagines and constitutes the nation/state. So, feminism should not only transgress/traverse nationalism as an apparatus of patriarchal ideology as Ueno Chizuko argues but also bring to light how imagined nation/state contributes fundamentally to the identities of women. To seek for the possibility of solidarities among women, first of all, understanding and consideration of the mutual differences between women of every nations should be emphasized. Especially, to explore the women’s solidarities between colonized and colonizing countries (such as Korea and Japan) in the past, how to discuss the distinctive and differentiated colonial experience and memory of the two countries which is the biggest obstacle for solidarity among women of the two countries should be debated before anything else. In this context, my paper will be divided into three sections to discuss the characteristics of women's imagination on nation/state: 1) nationalism in resistance, 2) collaboration with Japanese imperialism, 3) entangling between Japanese imperialism and western ones. In conclusion, this essay will suggest that an angle of East Asia is indispensable to feminism, which has been suffered from the colonial experience exacerbated by Japanese imperialism which is different from the western ones.

Keywords:women’s becoming people, imagination on nation/state, nationalism, feminism, colonial experience in East Asia, western imperialism /non-western(Japanese) imperialism

晚清帝國的臺北社會:論「國家與社會」關係下的次序運作/蘇碩斌(58 民 94.6 頁 33-84)



Taiwan historians had made brilliant contributions about the city history of Taipei in Qing dynasty. But those researches seemed to stem from two kinds of strategies: (1) a linear pattern that put emphasis on the chronological facts, (2) a two-stages patterns that put emphasis on the appearance of the aggressive role of the state. The two strategies had been combined as an epistemological dichotomy between "the state" and "the society". This paper is to explore how the practical order of the city be managed by the mediate-stratum (the gentries instead of the heads), and to inspire the disjunctive but also conjunctive relation between the state and the society. Also, some theories with sociological meanings are reviewed, especially the concept of "civil society" and the concept of "local society".

Keywords:civil society, gentry, guild, local society, Taipei, third realm

翻轉漢人姓名意像:「請問『蕃』名」系列影片與原住民影像運動/林文玲(58 民 94.6 頁 85-134)



本文所描述的個人(導演馬躍‧比吼、莎瓏‧伊斯哈罕布德)與團體(阿美影展策展小組成員),他們藉由影片拍攝、影展的舉辦與到各地進行放映,一方面拋出議題於社會空間的諸多層面,另一方面在影像推廣中,集結人們、進行活動、提供觀點並喚起意識。使得影片脫離單純(可閱讀的)文本層次,進入到Faye Ginsburg所提出的文化媒體的概念,進行想法與觀點的溝通與傳播。




From 2002 to 2003, the series films "What Is Your 'Real' Name", directed by Mayaw Biho of Amis and Salone Ishahavut of Bunun, which discuss the historical transformation of indigenous naming systems in Taiwan, played in the Amis Film Festival in urban areas, tribes, college campuses, and so on. In this paper, using this series films as prime targets of analysis, the author explains the sequence of image actions (including film-making, film-playing, and film-viewing) as both the cultural action and the social process of an indigenes social/cultural movement that is seeking to regain its indigenous name. As image actions are understood as collective action, the culture of the naming system is re-situated into a context in which people can articulate certain meanings of their own. In this social process, on the other hand, the identities affected by different social factors and events are shown as both individual and collective

Keywords:indigenous film, image actions, cultural media, identification

地方意象、地域意義與再現體制:1990年代以降的文山地區/王志弘(58 民 94.6 頁 135-188)



Place image and locality meanings are not naturally given, but embedded in complex social relationships and processes (social formation) inside and beyond locality. These images and meanings are products of specific local process, but act as the framework for recognizing and imagining local development at the same time. More specifically, local images and meanings are produced and diffused in and through regimes of representation, and in their turn mediate the local development and the shaping of local consciousness. The author chose Wenshan District of Taipei City as an example, using materials from real-estate advertisements, elemental school local cultural curricula, government reports and pamphlets, and community college courses and publications, to illustrate how different mechanisms produce and diffuse specific local images according to their respective social positions. The main theoretical argument is that the social process of local development can not be understand without consideration of local images and local meanings shaping, and local meaning shaping is a contesting field of historical local development projects.

Keywords:regime of representation, locality meaning, place images, Taipei, Wenshan


鄰居如何看待兩岸問題?/陳光興(58 民 94.6 頁 189-190)

淺析馬來西亞華人社會對台海兩岸的觀點/王維興(58 民 94.6 頁 191-204)

新加坡政府及人民對兩岸關係的看法/蔡明發(58 民 94.6 頁 205-210)

日本人的台灣認識/松永正義(58 民 94.6 頁 211-214)

一個和平主義者的觀點/簡錫堦(58 民 94.6 頁215-220)

華人群體的普遍性與特殊性/錢永祥(58 民 94.6 頁221-228)

現場提問與對談/馮建三等(58 民 94.6 頁 229-242)

中國革命和亞洲討論/賀照田(58民 94.6 頁243-256)

日本的「獨立」和亞洲的「屈辱」-關於東亞冷戰結構的形成/丸川哲史(58民 94.6頁 257-270)



回應佩里.安德森:不安的島嶼-再談「南中國海的藍與綠」/黃泰山(58 民 94.6 頁 271-294)

後國族的兩岸思考/陳宜中(58 民 94.6 頁 295-316 )



回應軍購案:對於「反軍購運動」的幾點建議/李樹山(58 民 94.6 頁 317-332 )



競賽作為一種生產:台灣職業棒球勞動過程的分析/蔡侑霖(58 民 94.6 頁 333-352)



評法農的黑皮膚白面具--黑色的俄爾甫斯(Orpheus)、白色的納西塞斯(Narcissus)/楊明敏(58 民 94.6 頁 353- )