《台灣社會研究季刊》 第64期:


風起雲湧半邊天-國族動員下的水噹噹婦女組織/鄭維鈞(64民 95.12 頁 01-57)



In Third Wolrd, both Nationalism and Feminism are impeling factors to push women to participate in National Liberation, and they exprss powerful siginificance in such a process. The article tries to describe and analyse why “Shui Dang Dang” women, who were organized by DPP for the presidential election campiagm in 2000, become willing to participate political activities, and how they identify themselves in nationalist mobilization. It argues that Shui Dang Dang women’s patriotic language linking women and Taiwan nation is similar to KMT’s National Women's League of the R.O.C.. Since 2000, Shui Dang Dang women indeed have started to get in public affairs and help DPP to ensure political power, but the effects on changing the patriarchy nature of Taiwan “Nation” is limited.

Keywords:Taiwan, Election Campaign, Fewinism, Women’s Movement, Feminist

帝國的新衣/張小虹(64民 95.12 頁 57-106)



This paper attempts to explore the historical connection and power complication between the emergence of “the nation’s new clothes” at the turn of last century and the appearance of “the Empire’s new clothes” at the turn of this century. It is divided into three parts. Part I focuses on the political fabrication of “the national dress” by taking the Indian khadi and the Chinese Chung-San suits as two major examples of sartorial decolonization in the process of nation-building. It will map out the ideological confrontation between the Western suits as “new clothes of Imperialism” and khadi and Chung-San suits as “new clothes of nationalism,” highlighting the latter’s powerful appeal from everyday local practice to international circulation of images. Part II will take Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s Empire as frame of reference to explore the possible formation of “the Empire’s new clothes” in the era of globalization by taking the summit fashion show of APEC as the major target. It will compare and contrast the national dress of the twentieth century as a sign of political opposition and the “national dress” of the twenty-first century as a window display of cultural diversity by delineating their differences in terms of historical context, body politics and power deployment. Part III will shift the focus back to the current debate on “Taiwan Shan” by contextualizing the issue in local politics and history. It will trace the emergence of “Taiwan Shan” as a sartorial naming in Taiwan for the purpose of differentiation under Japanese colonization. It will also argue why the design and promotion of “Taiwan Shan” in the present discourse of globalization as the new clothes of both the nation and the empire makes itself a (post) national mission impossible.

Keywords:decolonization, globalization, imperialism, empire, modernity, na-tional dress, ethnic fashion

合法的奴工、法外的自由;外籍勞工的控制與出走/藍佩嘉(64民 95.12 頁 107-151)



This paper departs from this empirical puzzle: Why are migrant contract workers trapped in a circumstance of “legal servitude” as opposed to the situation that undocumented migrants gain higher wages and enjoy enlarged freedom? The problematization of “runaway migrants” mirrors the stringent control and discipline imposed upon migrant workers in Taiwan. I underscore three major mechanisms of control in the “guest worker” system: quota controls and other rules that render migrants transient and immobile; aggravated competition among recruitment agencies; and deprivation of the freedom for workers to transfer employers freely. In such a highly regulated market, multiple forms of “fictitious commodities” have been created, such as quotas, job orders and passports. As a result, the state regulations punish those who abide by the law and induce the formation of irregular migration— undocumented migrants can escape the bondage of servitude and enjoy some “free illegality” in unauthorized employment.

Keywords:foreign worker, migrant worker, undocumented migrant, irregular migration

社會運動過程中的認同、共識動員與傳播策略/林如森(64民 95.12 頁 151-218)

2002年11月23日發生的「1123 與農共生」農民運動,聚集12萬農漁民到台北進行大規模遊行抗爭,反對政府採取「信用部分級管制」措施,讓農漁會無法生存,本次農民運動可說是歷年來規模最大,不但迫使當時的財政部長李庸三、農委會主任委員范振宗下台,行政院長游錫堃在運動過程中也三度請辭。





The Farmers Movement took place on Nov. 23, 2002, known as “1123 Coexist with Farming” had gathered 120,000 farmers and fishermen to a parade and rally in Taipei to protest the “Classified Control of Credit Departments of Farmer Associations” proposed by the government, which is alleged to fend off the survival of farmers and fishermen associations. This Farmers Movement was largest in scale ever and had not only to force the resignations of Mr. LEE, Yung-San, Minister of Finance and FAN, Cheng-Tsung, Minister of Council of Agriculture, the Prime Minister, YU, Si-Kun had also submitted resignation for 3 times during the course of the Movement.

In this research, we tried to review the process of communication in the context of culture, i.e. we take communication not as an independent operation mechanism, but is interacting with cultural scenario, public domain closely and all process of communication is itself a holistic shaping process. We tried to observe the ongoing and the feedback through case study, in the manner of participating observation, in-depth interview and direct site involvement of communication. We tried to search the ongoing situation of communication, particularly the relationship with specific culture, so to uncover the dynamic association among identification, consensus mobilization and communication.

The conclusion of this research indicated that a successful communication strategy is Building Issues through Media, Elevating the points of disputes to the argument of public domain level to be sufficiently for influencing the decision making in public policy. For example, the organizers “National Farmers and Fishermen Associations” put an advertisement on newspaper alleging that President Chen Shui-Bian had received scholarship from Farmers Association. It indicated tacitly that the President failed to be grateful. It led the President and officials of ruling party and the government busy in putting off fire. Within few days, the policy detoured rapidly and announced the suspension of Classified Control of Credit Department of Farmers Association.The researchers had found in the building of issues in public domain, the rapid change of government policy is related to the substantial strength of Opinion Climate. Viewing from this angle, it proved that the strong communication strategy employed by organizers of the social movement did awaken identification and stimulated the consensus mobilization capacity in the development process of the social movement and formed a collective action.

In this research, we made full scale research, verified the identification and consensus mobilization is linked with proper employment of communication strategy.

Keywords:identification , consensus mobilization , communication strategy , public


希望之苗:反思反貪倒扁運動/趙剛(64民 95.12 頁219-265)



The Anti-Corruption and Anti-Chen Campaign initiated in early September 2006 went through three major mobilization peaks and went into an abrupt decline in the mid-October. In spite of its uncertain future, it is time to explore into the processes of the movement and reflect upon its strength and weakness. Three characteristics of the movement are closely examined, which are non-organizational, hilarity, and a tendency to resist the sublime. Three factors are spotted for answering why the movement fell abruptly: disorientation of the leadership, failure in canvassing broader support, and, most importantly, the strategic leveling up of “ethnic” conflict by the DPP. I argue that for a healthy and substantive democracy to grow in the future, the cross-strait relation has to find a way to break the current deadlock. Finally, the US-backed color revolutions in recent years are juxtaposed with the red-shirted movement.

Keywords:Anti-Corruption and Anti-Chen Campaign, Taiwan over all, mass movement, democracy, divided nation, cross-strait relation, color revolution


去政治化的政治、霸權的多重構成與六十年代的消逝/汪暉(64民 95.12 頁267-323)

往來的"眼睛"和"冷戰"之旅-從綠島到北京/丸川哲史(64民 95.12 頁 325-340)

東亞批判刊物連帶:建設東亞和平的課題/岡本厚(64民 95.12 頁 341-349)