《台灣社會研究季刊》 第65期:


戰後台灣經濟成長原因之回顧:論殖民統治之影響與其他/瞿宛文(65民 96.3 頁 01-34)




How to account for East Asian economic development has been an important and controversial topic in development economics. This paper uses Taiwan’s postwar development as an example, and examines the various explanations of Taiwan’s superior postwar growth record, hoping to shed some light on this complex problem.

This paper first explores the controversy regarding to what extent, if any, the Japanese colonial legacy was responsible for the postwar industrialization in South Korea and Taiwan. The debate on the Korean case is discussed. Regarding the case of Taiwan, most scholars would agree that the colonial government introduced colonial modernity and helped to lay the foundation of subsequent industrialization. The contention hence lies in whether the colonial legacy had “automatically” brought forth sustained economic development in the postwar period. For those economists adhering to the free market doctrines this would be self-evident, but for others the claim remains unproven and needs to be carefully scrutinized.

Other explanatory factors include: the postwar cold war framework and the US role, the Chinese Republican legacy on the Mainland, and the actual policy actions undertaken by the Nationalist government in the early postwar period. Different theories assign different weights to each of these factors. We will need further studies to examine the actual development process in the early postwar period in Taiwan to verify the validity of the relevant theories.

Keywords:Taiwan, causes of economic growth, Japanese colonialism, Nationalist

移工、跨國仲介與制度設計:誰從台越國際勞動力流動獲利?/王宏仁、白朗潔(65民 96.3 頁 35-66)



In this paper we argue that the common discourse on labor export as a kind of economic development policy to raise poor people’s social welfare is doubtful. The question we raise is “who benefits from this labor export”. Through the analysis of Taiwan-Vietnam labor migration, we document how most surpluses produced by these migrant workers are appropriated by elites in the two countries. All activities involved in the migratory process are profit-oriented. This highly commercialized international labor market, constructed by numerous intermediary agents scattered in both countries, set in the institutional context of Taiwan government’s guestworker scheme and employer-bonded regulation, creates the bonded migrant workers in the bottom of a transnational social hierarchy. Based on extensive fieldwork in Vietnam and Taiwan, this paper offers a detailed example of the context and problems with the international market of migrant workers within Asia.

Keywords:Institution, migrant worker, placement agency, Taiwan, Viet Nam

愛美有理、奢華無罪?從台灣社會的皮草時尚風談自戀、誘惑與享受/黃宗慧(65民 96.3 頁 67-116)

有鑒於當代的台灣社會對於各種自戀的追求乃至各式各樣的享受都表現出包容甚或鼓勵,本論文以皮草時尚風為例,檢視這些對於自戀與享受的歌頌在遭逢特殊狀況時—例如當動保人士發起反皮草運動、瞬間引發媒體批判皮草穿戴者時—會產生怎樣的變化。論文分三部份,第一部份分析時尚論述在台灣造成的「女性自戀」如何被草率地等同於「女性自主」,並以皮草時尚為例,討論在反皮草風波下被點名批判的穿皮草者,其反應背後的心理結構與自戀機制的運作如何相關;第二部份針對波希亞(Jean Baudrillard)的理論作深入闡釋:由於當今主體坦然接受被誘惑的命運,看似和波希亞所謂以「致命策略」顛覆自啟蒙以來的主體觀頗有呼應,故論文擬從波希亞本身的理論來看,他談論時尚與誘惑的說法能如何用以解讀當代社會的這些現象;第三部份則就反皮草運動所遭遇的壓力,探討反皮草運動是否干預了他人享受的自由?此部份主要是以精神分析的理論,將享受一詞不同層次的意義作更深入的探討,以思考在全球化的年代,個人的享受與他者之間的衝突應如何處理。


In The End of Dissatisfaction? Jacques Lacan and the Emerging Society of Enjoyment, Todd McGowan claims that the American society has taken off the straitjacket of prohibitions and transfigured itself into a society oriented around enjoyment (2004: 2). Contemporary Taiwan seems to be no exception. In our society, fashion reigns supreme and narcissism becomes the norm primarily because people are instructed not to shy away from enjoyment. Nevertheless, does the narcissistic subjects’ unbridled pursuit of enjoyment indeed anticipate their emancipation from the regulation of the symbolic order? Moreover, if Jean Baudrillard is right in construing the ludic seduction as a figure of freedom, does it make any sense to take the ludic simply for having fun, and then laud the subjects’ surrender to the spell of global capitalism as the Baudrillardian seduction? In this paper, the heated controversies over fur fashion in Taiwan will be the point of departure to address the issues of narcissism, seduction and enjoyment.
In 2005, the Environment and Animal Society of Taiwan showed a video footage of the Chinese fur farm, in which animals such as foxes and minks are skinned alive. Being sensitive to the general antipathy toward animal cruelty in public opinion, mass media coverage sets out to launch scathing criticism of the fur fashionistas for endorsing the inhumane fur industry. Noticing that the fur fashionistas’ narcissistic self-empowerment is dislocated in the wake of the anti-fur campaign, in the first section of this paper, I argue that the narcissistic structure can never be independent of the symbolic determination and thus the self-sufficiency of the narcissistic subject is nothing but an illusion. The second section elaborates on Baudrillard’s theory of seduction, especially his analysis of the characteristics of fashion, in order to rectify the misconception that Baudrillard has unconditionally celebrated all kinds of postmodern seduction. The last section examines, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the confront
ation between the imaginary enjoyment of the fur fashionistas and the real enjoyment of the animal activists. While the animal activists are accused by the furriers and their cohorts of depriving the other’s enjoyment, I contend that it is they that should be faulted for maximizing the enjoyment of human beings at the cost of the animal-others.

小國的學術困境:臺灣社會科學研究、教學與評量的反省/黃樹仁(65民 96.3 頁 117-180)





This paper employs a series of assumptions, deductions, simulations, and empirical references to infer the impact of small scale on the development of social sciences in small nations like Taiwan.

It is found that the small scale of social sciences community in small nations would reduce not only the overall quantity of academic production, but also the average quality of research, teaching, evaluation, academic leadership, and academic policy. These shortages are caused by the material condition of scale, therefore could not easily be corrected by institutional design or individual endeavor, or even larger research budget.

It is inferred that the most essential steps to alleviate these predicaments of small nations would be, firstly, to significantly expand the scale of social sciences community; secondly, to enlarge the size of universities and departments; thirdly, to establish in each discipline several leading departments sizable enough to be endowed with several distinguished scholars as a core to lead the research and teaching in these departments and their discipline in large; and, finally, to encourage translation of foreign works in order to increase the reading material available to students.


台灣戰後民主運動的反思與檢討編案(65民 96.3 頁181)

台灣戰後經濟發展與民主運動/瞿宛文(65民 96.3 頁183-190)

台灣戰後政治思想與民主運動/江宜樺(65民 96.3 頁 191-199)

主權政治的苦腥滋味:關於晚近政潮的幾段劄記/錢永祥(65民 96.3 頁 201-213)

台灣民主困境的社會根源/李丁讚(65民 96.3 頁 215-225)

做為社會動力的社區與城市:全球化下對社區營造的一點理論上的思考/夏鑄九(65民 96.3 頁 227-248)

台灣民主政治困境,還是自由民主的困境?/王紹光(65民 96.3 頁 249-256)

東亞民主困境與當代思維陷阱/朱雲漢(65民 96.3頁 257-263)

他山之石可以攻錯:從對照中重讀香港與台灣的民主經驗/丘延亮(65民 96.3頁 265-276)