《台灣社會研究季刊》 第67期:


獨立的司法、不獨立的法官?民主化後的司法獨立與民主監督/王金壽(67 民 96.9 頁 01-38)



This paper argues that judicial independence has been much achieved mainly by the reform actions carried out by the reform-minded judges of the Room 303 at the Tai-chung District Court. The achievements of judicial independence reform included case assignment reform and attending the Judicial Personnel Council. Although the status of individual judge became more autonomous and independent, the internal control and hierarchy of the judiciary still somehow existed. No matter what, political parties and politicians could not control the judiciary anymore. It is not like the common impression that Taiwan’s judiciary is lack of independence. On the contrary, democratic politics does not have a proper mechanism to make the judiciary accountable. In the meantime, the hierarchy of the judiciary still exists and it is the most serious issue for judicial independence in Taiwan. So far the issue of the relationship between judicial independence and supervision under democracy did not receive proper attentions either from reform-minded judges or from social movement organizers.

Keywords:Judicial independence, supervision under democracy, judicial reform, judicial personnel council, case assignment, judge, judge law

我用身體寫政治:2004年320到520抗爭事件/楊祖珺(67 民 96.9 頁 39-104)

本文從中華民國第十一屆總統選舉後持續兩整個月的「2004年320到520抗爭事件」的行動脈絡中,辨識出四種曾經浮現在抗爭場域的抗爭主體的身體樣態──「逃離國家規馴的身體樣態」、「眾聲喧嘩的嘉年華身體樣態」、「父親扮演的身體樣態」、以及「執著強求的身體樣態」,用以備望那一段曾經呼喚出至少有五十萬台灣人民,積極使用著她(他)們的身體,針對2004年總統大選前 「民進黨式台灣主體性論述」的國家主義認同政治及其實作的技術操作及效應,進行著想要言說卻不知如何言說、想要飛躍卻不知如何破格的抗爭身體樣態呈現後的歷史記憶。此外,本文也將「非國家政治的身體部署」當作一個解放概念,理述在「多重的生命形式」的扣連以及身體部署的創造性動力下所建構出來「非國家政治」的思考,是促使多重身體樣態現身在對抗國家政治將人民赤裸裸的生命放置在管理之甕的可能希望。


This paper identifies four key modes of the protesting body during the process of the “Incident of the Protest from March 20 to May 20, 2004” immediately after the campaign of the Election for the 11th-term President and Vice-President of the Republic of China in Taiwan. The modes of the protesting body in this incident are: the “mode of the body escaping from the disciplines of the State”, the “mode of the body in the state of carnival-like heteroglossia”, the “mode of the body in the state of Father- role-playing”, and the “inflexible and demanding mode of the body”. My objective is twofold. First, I intend to present an analysis which can be read as a historical memorandum of the incident. During the incident, there were at least 500,000 Taiwanese people who had protested actively in front of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of China to react against the political influences of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s dogmatic and nationalist identifictory politics and its relevant practices surrounding the construction of Taiwanese subjectivity. During the incident, the momentum of the protest was constrained within the national symbolic orders and nationalist ideologies and was finally eliminated by the national disciplinary power. Second, by identifying the four modes of the protesting body in the incident, this paper encourages the emergence of multiple modes of the body mobilized by the active forces from the state of the “a-statist despositif of the body” in the future whenever the protest aims at pursuing happiness and radical democracy for the people.

Keywords:Incident of the Protest from March 20 to May 20, 2004; body; modes of the body; dispositif of the body; a-statist politics; a-statist dispositif of the body

機會開放或結構限制?台灣青年從學校到職場轉銜過程中的Yo-Yo現象/李易駿、古允文(67 民 96.9 頁 105-152)

西方先進國家自80年代初開始出現青年失業議題,到了90 年代,隨著勞動去管制化及非典型化發展,就業與失業間的界線日益模糊,青年就業型式也趨多樣化;又因就業與就學間的界線亦同時變為模糊,在二者共同作用下,青年轉銜(youth transition)歷程乃因具有可回復性,而變為更多樣性與複雜,學者們以Yo-Yo稱之。本研究的研究主題為青年們轉變為年輕成人(young adult)的從學校到職場的歷程,檢視其中青年轉銜的Yo-Yo現象,並分析轉銜中的機會開放與結構限制效應。研究主要發現:台灣亦如西方的研究發現般,存在著青年轉銜中的Yo-Yo現象;以及確有部分青年持續停留在非典型、不穩定的工作中變動的情形;青年的Yo-Yo轉銜現象同時是機會開放與結構限制的結果,唯機會開放或結構限制與青年的家庭支持能力間具有若干的關連。研究發現台灣的青年就業現象,除有如同西方般的Yo-Yo轉銜外,亦有屬於台灣的獨特性,即台灣青年另有補習、準備考試的停滯類型Yo-Yo。又資源較充足之家庭對青年參加補習、準備考試亦提供實質的支持。最後,本研究歸納出值得進一步檢證的三個命題:「Yo-Yo是朝向教育開放、朝向就業限制的結果」;「Yo-Yo是對家庭資源充足者開放、對家庭資源不足者限制的結果」,進而「Yo-Yo是表面上開放、而具有部分實質限制的結果」。最後研究者建議可朝向思考對家庭支持較不足的青年提供協助,以減少結構限制所造成的被迫性Yo-Yo轉銜。


Young adult unemployment problem has emerged as a public issue in European countries in the 1980s and then enlarged as a life course issues for academic and policy studies in the 1990s. The Yo-Yo trajectory is widely discovered in youth transition but its nature is diversified especially because of the indistinguishable boundary among employment, atypical employment, unemployment and schooling. In this study, we interview 14 young adults to collect their transition trajectories, which are analyzed and generalized from cases comparison and grounded perspective. The research findings are: firstly, just like most studies in the developed countries, there are various Yo-Yo trajectories withim Taiwanese young adults’ transition. Secondly, the initial young adult’ employment is easily trapped in between atypical/un-employment. Thirdly, after examining three assumptions about the dynamic interaction between employment, education and family supporting, we see the importance of family supporting in their transition from school to work that signifies once again the effect of social structure. In conclusion, this study suggests a policy to reduce structural constraints for young adults with less informal supports.

Keywords:Youth Transition, From School to Work, Youth Unemployment, Young Adult, Atypical Employment

男性氣概對監獄文化之形塑:一所台灣監獄的考察分析/許華孚、鄭瑞隆(67 民 96.9 頁 153-192)


在全控的監獄機構裡,男性治理男性的監獄中,管理人員對受刑人的管教上及受刑人間的日常生活互動上,可以明顯觀察出男性主義中的男性氣概 (Masculinity)現象普遍存在。這種論述自然地以要求男性中心主義的機制為主流,所呈現的現象則是要成為一個男子漢、不能軟弱、不許有同情心、不能輕易表達感情,甚至監獄內的暴力和受刑人間的極端化地位階級(上層以強盜犯為主,下層以強姦犯為主),以及監獄內的同性性行為,皆可歸因於這種結構化男性主義的宰制。而這些現象的發生應非偶發事件,而是一種男性氣概型塑下的監獄文化。

本研究旨在以社會學的角度分析男性監禁的經驗,透過質性分析的方法去探究男性監禁的經驗是如何被建構,以及在監獄管理運作當中一直為人所忽略的準性別議題。本研究發現,男性監獄是一個被霸權的男性氣概(hegemonic masculinity)所宰制的社會,男性受刑人與管理人員在他們日常生活中的互動方式與行為態度上,持續地呈現出男性氣概論述所投射出來的性別認同與角色期待。男性氣概是解構監獄管理方式及監獄文化的一個強而有力的文化論述,對於反思監獄管理現況及提升人道矯正制度,具有不容忽視的影響作用。


A remarkable feature of the sociology of imprisonment and criminology that needs to be addressed is gender issue. The impact of gender on men has always been neglected. The experience of men in prison has traditionally been tied to the understanding of the hierarchical arrangements of the organization. A significant new dimension to sociological theory is to examine the dialectical relationship between gender and power in social institutions. Gender theories regard gender identity as the sense of self associated with socially structured definitions.

A prison culture of masculinity shapes the prison macho─boys don’t cry. The prison macho is a real man who always hides his feelings and performs like a tough guy. These characteristics are much different from what happens in everyday life in general social spheres, where human beings need to be loved, need concerns and compassion from love ones and others and express these to others as well. In this study, there is a recognition of a multiplicity of masculinities and an emphasis on how subjects were continually constituting and constructing their identity. Based upon qualitative research, this paper analyzes the patterns of masculinity embedded in the daily code of conducts used by prison staff to deal with prisoners and by prisoners to interact with other inmates and to constitute their subculture. The investigation of prison sociology in the constitution of masculinity discourses in a prison at southern Taiwan contributes to both gender studies and to the literature exploring differences between western and eastern perspectives and policies related to incarceration.

Keywords:Masculinity, Male Prison, Prison Culture, Prison Management, Sexuality


二十一世紀農業文化/帕沙‧查特吉(張建琴譯)(67 民 96.9 頁193-208)

中國大陸六代知識份子“到農村去”運動的歷史回顧 /錢理群(67 民 96.9 頁 209-222)

重新思考辛亥革命的歷史定位/溝口雄三(孫歌譯;劉雅芳、鄭聖勳整理)(67 民 96.9 頁 223-236)

歷史視角的選擇:回應溝口先生/楊貞德(67 民 96.9 頁 237-244)

勉力獻疑:回應溝口先生/賀照田(67 民 96.9 頁 245-252)

立場與方法學的映照:回應溝口先生/鐘月岑(67 民 96.9 頁 253-258)