《台灣社會研究季刊》 第68期:


父系家庭與女性差異認同:中產階級職業婦女家務分工經驗的跨世代比較/林津如(68 民 96.12 頁 01-73)





This paper investigates complicated relationships between patrilineal kinship, divisions of domestic labor, and women’s identities in industrial times. By analyzing the oral histories of two generations of new middle class working women with regard to their domestic arrangements, I argue that patrilineal kinship formed the basis of family interactions and affected the ways in which household chores were organized.

In the 1970s, during economic expansion, the generational hierarchy declined and young daughters-in-law gained powers. To secure their old age, rural mothers-in-law might make efforts to take care of their grandchildren in the city. However, married young women were still trapped in the struggles between generation and gender. Meanwhile, in the newly formed nuclear family, women struggled to fulfill the image of a scientific good mother. In post-industrial Taiwan of late 1990s, the young working women gained greater autonomy than their counterparts in the 1970s. They left the patrilocal family to form nuclear families of their own. In nuclear families, they educated their husband to do housework and mobilized their matrilineal ties as resistance against patrilineal kin.

This case study shows that the interplay of patrilineal kinship and capitalism contributed to the transformations of divisions of domestic labor in post-war Taiwanese families. Women’s diverse identities were shaped by patriliny and yet their resistance contributed to transform patrilocal principles. However, constrained by the limited economic resources of the elder women, the divisions of labor in contemporary Taiwan society remains gendered.

Keywords:Gender, The Family, Patrilineal, Kinship, Industrialization, Divisions of Domestic Labor, Relationships between Mothers-in-law and Daughters-in-law

身體在世:傅柯和布爾迪厄身體觀和施為者之對比/吳秀瑾(68 民 96.12 頁 75-117)

傅柯與布爾迪厄身體觀對女性主義身體觀的相關研究影響深遠,從檢討女性柔順和習慣身體的社會絡印中,呈現男權中心的歷史與社會結構。此外,衡諸於傅柯和布爾迪厄的身體觀研究,也都企圖兼顧身體所進行的社會批判與身體的社會改造,使其身體觀理論具有政治實踐性。準此,本文將探討傅柯和布爾迪厄的身體觀,試圖從中找出某些共同的社會批判的方法,主張身體在世的優先性與超越自由與決定的二元論,成為分析女性服從、愛美與性貞節的有利社會批判工具。此外,本文亦將分別探討傅柯和布爾迪厄身體觀理論中柔順身體與習慣身體如何產生能動性的問題,換言之,兩者都企圖在身體中建立施為者(agent)的概念。最後,本文將根據女性主義者企圖兼顧身體的社會批判與身體改造的能動性(McNay, 1999, 2000),進一步分析比較兩者身體能動性的優缺點。



Although feminists’ concepts of the body have been greatly influenced by the analysis of body politics in the works of Foucault and Bourdieu, feminists have been studying their concept of the body in a separate way. McNay’s shift of theoretical concern from Foucault (McNay, 1992) to Bourdieu (McNay 1999; 2000) has brought out the important comparisons between them. Although McNay inclines to argue that their concept of body have more theoretical differences than resemblances, I aim to suggest otherwise, namely, docile body and body hatibus share more resemblances than differences.

The aim of this paper is to argue that docile body and habitual body (habitus) is not only similar at the surface. Deep down, both concepts of body share family resemblances. Both Foucault and Bourdieu explained their concept of body, implicitly or explicitly, through the concept of body-in-the-world, which puts an end to the prioirty of the subject on the one hand, and subsitutes the real is relational for the social substance on the othor hand. Moreover, both Foucault and Bourdieu aim to challenge all sorts of dualism (freedom/determinism; subject/structure; domination/resistance, body/mind; etc.), and to put great efforts to elaborate how body within the social constraints working its way toward the practices of freedom and action.

However, to McNay’s criticual assessments, by way of four sets of comparison, including atemporality/temporality, reflexivity/pre-reflexivity, negative paradigm/ positive paradigm, and resistant (domination)/ investment (negotiation), docile body and body habitus are different concepts with regard to the implied concept of agency. For Foucault, agent can be neither autonomus subject nor total subjection. For Bourdieu, agent incorporated with the feel of the game within social fields. To McNay’s judgment, Bourdieu’s body habitus is more satisfactory than Foucault’s docile body, because the former could provide the material contexualizations for Foucault’s technologies of the self.

But, as far as gendered habitus is concerned, Bourdieu’s body habitus becomes problematical in the sense that Bourdieu holds that women’s body habitus can not negotiate to their advantage within different social fields. The paper concludes with the promising suggestion anticipated that feminists’ works of body politics can be greatly enlightened by seeing both Foucault and Bourdieu on the body as a complementary whole.

Keywords:Agency, body politics, docile body, symbolic struggle, habitus, Body-in-the-World

反身性的道德計劃?有機食品消費之銷售組織場域與引導理念/吳品賢、王志弘(68 民 96.12 頁 119-176)



The consumption of organic foods involves more knowledge and reflexive thinking than other kinds of consumptive practices. Considering the ecological awareness and self care/health consciousness often evoked in organic foods consumption, it can be viewed as a kind of moral project which needs ideas or discourses to intervene, support and legitimate expensive and often inconvenient consumptive acts. Practices of organic foods consumption usually embedded in specific organizations which act as fields for exchanging products, information and ideas. Consumers who enter these organizations are often guided by their operation logics and ideas, and forming networks of support and witness, then cultivate habitual consumption practices. We follow three dominant discourses for organic food consumption – environmental, religious, and health oriented – to choose three organizations as study fields and explore the relationships between their operation logics and ideas, and the characteristics of corresponding networks of consumer practices. Finally, the authors discuss the constraints for organic foods consumption as reflexive moral projects, and intervene into the debate between culture industry and consumer agency by our organization-network approach.

Keywords:organic food, consumption, green consumption, Hsinchu

從科技追趕到創新的經濟轉型:南韓、台灣與中國/王振寰(68 民 96.12 頁 177-226)



This paper sets out to analyze the divergent models pursued by South Korea, Taiwan and China in regard to technological catching up and their ongoing transition toward innovation-based economies. By adopting an institutionalist perspective, this paper analyzes how the domestic institutional arrangements of each country, they are the state, the financial system and the industrial structure in each country shape their ways of technological learning and development. It is found that South Korea’s former high-debt and chaebol-dominated model favoured it to pursue a scale-based technological development, while Taiwan’s former pro-stability, SME-based model tended to favour its emphasis on a state-led innovation network-based technological development. In contrast to the former two cases, China’s development of the information technology has largely depended upon foreign direct investments. However, in the development process, the foreign sector has been isolated from the domestic firms, while the domestic industrial sectors have also failed to develop organic linkages among themselves to facilitate technological learning and generate innovation. As a result, China’s institutional arrangement has not created a favorable environment for its technologies to further develop toward innovation. This paper also shows that, due to the characteristics of technological trajectory, each model tends to favor some but not all technologies to develop in its territory.

Keywords:Taiwan, South Korea, China, technological learning, technological innovation


科學哲學在「科技與社會」中的角色與挑戰/陳瑞麟(68 民 96.12 頁227-266)





This paper inquiries the role and challenge of the “Philosophy of Science” (PS) in the face of contemporary STS. It also tries to respond to the macroscopic articles on STS published in a special issue, the “Technology and Society,” of this journal (TRQSS, No. 45, 2002); they are Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei’s “Techno-science, Democracy and Society in Transformation: Challenges for STS” and Hsin-Hsing Chen’s “Superstitions, Imposture, Misunderstandings and Debates in the Science Wars”. The Editor’s Report in No. 45 contributed four pages to introduce and comment them. It concluded that both of the authors had eliminated the priority of Science Wars as an academic debate in terms of very different reasons; it claimed that both authors thought that the debate on realism and constructivism, which is a typical one in PS, had been no longer worthy of discussion.

Debates in PS, however, do not always occur within the philosophical academia. On the contrary, they happen more frequently among scientific fields. As a matter of fact, the Science Wars is a large-scale philosophical debate resulted from the attack of natural scientists on STS, a new born scientific discipline. Why do philosophical debates happen more frequently among different fields of science? The fact implies that philosophical debates are essential important to the scientific development.

In this paper, I shall argue, from the view of PS, that philosophical debates play a significant role even in the normal development of STS. Second, an old philosophical issue, the relationship between fact and value, will be examined. Lastly, I’ll outline a newly social status of PS in Science, Technology and Society.

Keywords:philosophy of science, STS, Science Wars, fact, value


越界的對話/鍾喬(68 民 96.12 頁 267-286)

解讀圍繞壟斷國企的政策博弈/張翔(68 民 96.12 頁 287-296)

美國的網際霸權:網路層、傳輸層與應用層的政治經濟分析/鍾兆真、蕭全政(68 民 96.12 頁 297-344)




The whole cyberspace is composed of code, which is also the core of cyber-power; who decides the design, distribution, and management of the codes, will also dominate in the cyberspace. Before the World Wide Web pervaded all over the world, the cyber-power was controlled by the United States due to historical reasons, but it has brought forth the challenges of Europe, Japan and China since the mid-1990’s.

By tracing back to the history, this article tends to analyze ‘why’ and ‘how’ the US can have owned her super power in the cyberspace and in the IT industry. Besides various kinds of economic and trade policies, the government and companies of the United States cooperated to dominate code and form the structure of the cyberspace. This analysis will be the most important part in the article; in addition, the modes of competition and the challenges from other nations will also be discussed in this thesis.

Keywords:United States, Internet, Super power, ICANN, Software, Intellectual property right, WSIS

率獸食人─從動物愛到動物權/甯應斌(68 民 96.12 頁 345-359)


科斯的傳媒論述:與激進的反政府論對話/馮建三(68 民 96.12 頁 361-392)

對於傳播學界,1991年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主科思(Ronald Coase)的論旨,而特別是他的傳媒觀點,有其意義。根據主流經濟學的固有看法,傳媒「內容」具有公共財與外部性兩種性質,造成市場失靈,因此,政府宜研擬合宜的傳播政策,介入傳媒市場。但科斯得獎的重要理由,正在他破除定論,鬆動外部性應由國家干預的正當性,科斯另文也挑戰公共財必定由政府提供的史實。此外,從1950至1979年,科斯分別針對傳播課題,撰寫了八篇論文,更能清晰展現他的理念,可說是激烈地反對政府介入。是以,科斯先說,公營壟斷廣播出現於英國,多屬時代精神所致,以此暗示BBC 模式出於偶然;次則質疑美國聯邦傳播委員會,指其電波公共信託模式徒然製造尋租機會;繼之,他論稱言論與一般產品並無不同,政府介入規範二者的水平,應該相當;然後,科斯再往前推進,宣稱廣告無非是言論的一種特殊類型,付費打歌是出資者無意讓閱聽人知道出資者身分的廣告,而政府對於這些廣告與打歌現象的管制效果,經常適得其反。本文引述這些論說且有所對話與批評,最後則指出,建構有效且民主的政府,仍然是面對傳媒內容特殊性時,難以迴避的選擇。


As a prestigious Nobel Prize winner in economics, Ronald Coase’s media discourses deserve specific attention. With its ‘public goods’ and ‘externalities’ natures, media ‘content’ is one key case where market fails to bring about satisfactory performance and therefore calls into the state to intervene. Coase has however made his name known exactly for his argument against the inevitable outcome of government actions whenever market ‘fails’. Five of his media essays published between 1950 and 1979 are critically reviewed. Coase considers the creation of BBC has more to do with accidents than any careful state reasoning, FCC adopts a public-trustee model to allocate radio spectrum only to provide its bureaucrats opportunities of rent-seeking, and the state has no more legitimacy in regulating speech, advertising and payola than in regulating goods in general, what’s more, in cases when the state does intervene, the ensuing results are often deteriorating, rather than improving. This paper reflects upon Coase’s radical rhetoric and concludes that, contrary to his ideal, it’s wiser and more practical to have a more effective and democratic state macro regulating the media market, not to leave market on its own.

Keywords:public goods, externality, Ronald Coase, media economics, communication policy