《台灣社會研究季刊》 第98期:


專題導言/瞿宛文(98 民104.3 頁1-9)

台灣戰後農村土地改革的前因後果/瞿宛文(98 民104.3 頁11-67)



關鍵詞: 土地改革、土改的動機與理由、強制性現代化、國共競爭說、台灣

In Taiwan’s early postwar period, the Nationalist government successfully carried out rural land reform. How to evaluate this reform became a controversial issue since democratization began in the late 1980s. This paper
examines the causes and effects of land reform and argues for a historical perspective to evaluate this important event. The Nationalist government implemented land reform in Taiwan then, not only because it wanted to make sure the Chinese Communists would not have a basis to mobilize peasant revolt, but also because it had been competing with the CCP to lead China’s modernization project. CCP’s success provided the Nationalists the motivation to carry out land reform in Taiwan. Moreover, some favorable conditions, including the Japanese legacy, the US aid and the agency it supported (JCRR), and an abundance of well-trained land
administrators from the mainland all contributed to the success of implementation of reform. The reasons adopted by the reformers to push land reform usually included unequal land distribution, high rent, unfair use of landlord power, peasant poverty, backward agriculture, etc. Actually, at that time, the reformers used these as the thesis for mobilizing peasants. To discredit the Nationalists, the democratic movement in Taiwan also tried to question the need for and effects of land reform. It is argued here that this kind of discourse, being politically motivated, adopts an ahistorical perspective and is not helpful for us to understand the circumstances in which land reform occurred. That is, land reform took place as Chinese elite competed to modernize China, and land reform was really part of the forced modernization project for a developing country. It is more useful to examine the causes and effects of land reform fromthis historical perspective.

Keywords: land reform, motivation and reasons for land reform, forced modernization, KMTCCP-competition thesis, Taiwan


兼顧地主的土地改革︰台灣實施耕者有其田的歷史過程/廖彥豪、瞿宛文(98 民104.3 頁69-145)



The current dominant discourse in Taiwan, which grew out of the democratic movement since the late 1980s, argues that the Nationalist Party- State with its unrivalled governing power was able to impose its authoritarian
rule unchallenged from the early postwar years. The fact that the Nationalist government successfully undertook land reform in that early period is central to the argument. Supposedly successful implementation of land reform shows that the landlord class was too weak to resist the reform and was further weakened by it.
This study examines the historical process in which the “land-to-the-tiller”program was legislated into law in 1952-1953. The findings are contrary to the aforementioned thesis about land reform. It is found that, during the legislating process, the landlord class not only did not accept the reform passively, but formed an alliance and actively lobbied against it. As a result, the landlords were able to greatly limit the extent of the reform. In contrast to the radical reform on the Chinese mainland, land reform in Taiwan took a middle-of-theroad path, in which the government also took the landlord’s interests into consideration. The reform took this route because the Nationalists had to accede to the US interventions, were conservative by nature, and lackedadequate state capacity. By using land reform this way in the fight against the Nationalists, the democratic movement actually has adopted the stance of the landlord class in formulating the current dominant discourse. As a result, it cannot affirm the progressive element in land reform, and be helpful in the formulation of a progressive land policy.

Keywords: land reform, land-to-the-tillers program, mainstream discourse, weak landlord thesis, KMT-CCP-competition thesis


由鄉莊社會到現代社會:從土地所有制度演進重看台灣戰後初期農村土地改革/何欣潔(98 民104.3 頁147-193)


關鍵詞: 土地改革、土地所有制度、土地所有權、業佃關係、鄉莊社會

This paper examines land reform in Taiwan from a historical perspective.Since early Ching dynasty, Chinese peasants began to settle in Taiwan in large numbers and brought the tenancy system with them from the Mainland to cultivate the land. After 1895, the Japanese colonial government had succeeded to build up a modern sugar economy in Taiwan and modernize the agriculture sector. It carried out a land reform to introduce modern land property rights system. While on Mainland China, the Nationalist government had advocated peaceful land reform to counter the rising influence of the CCP, but failed to implement it before its defeat in 1949. In Taiwan, KMT remembered the lessons of its failure. It carried out land reform and controlled the rural area in Taiwan. As part of the modernization plan in Taiwan, the land-to-the-tiller program turned tenant peasants into small holders, established modern private land ownership institution, and transformed the organization of peasant society.

Keywords: land reform, land institute, property rights, farm tenancy, peasant economy


導言/丘延亮、陳永龍(98 民104.3 頁195-197)

以團結經濟抵禦發展主義的歷史考察/鍾秀梅(98 民104.3 頁199-217)


關鍵詞: 社會經濟、異化、資本主義、合作、團結經濟、另類發展

Upon a succinct survey on Taiwan literary representations of rural
development, this article clarifies the relations of social economy and solidarity
economy in rural Taiwan. It also articulates the concepts of alternative
movements of egalitarian practices in the countryside. The author suggests that
once these conventional solidarity economies were revived, they will serve as
effective means to curb rampant developmentalism.

Keywords: social economy, alienation, capitalism, cooperation, solidarity economics, alternativedevelopment


花東原住民面對觀光的土地文化衝突/蔡政良(98 民104.3 頁219-237)


關鍵詞: 傳統領域、觀光發展、土地權、東海岸、阿美族

This paper explores the conflicts between the tourism development of the
government and the land-cultural issues among indigenous peoples from the
aspects of historical process of the land and contemporary daily life among the
indigenous peoples in eastern Taiwan. The tourism policy of the government
toward the eastern Taiwan does not base on the indigenous peoples’ cultures
but on a rhetorical discourse focuses on economic development. Therefore,
indigenous peoples are not only far away from the tourism business but also
facing the problems of land, environmental, and cultural issues, moreover, the
indigenous peoples are forced to be marginalized continuously. Some indigenous people have been trying to develop the tourism in eastern Taiwan in these years to avoid being marginalized and land losing which need more information in the future, however, the key point is still the autonomy of land using on the indigenous traditional territory.

Keywords: indigenous peoples, traditional territory, tourism, development, land, Eastern Taiwan,Amis


環境與發展的文化政治:台灣阿美族都蘭部落的傳統領域抗爭/羅素玫(98 民104.3 頁237-257)


關鍵詞: 傳統領域、社會抗爭、集體行動、儀式、年齡階層組織

This article deals with the concrete on the group resistance of the people
of ‘Tolan Niyaro against the impact of developmentalism in the past years.
It reviews the ways in which tribal organizations use their “tradition” as a
mechanism of cultural politics to negotiate and argue against external ideologies, as well as the contradictions imbedded therewith. In challenging the so-called mainstream developmental arguments, the tribal elders and youth adopted a strategy of “inventing traditions”. They created many renewed tribal practices for enhancing age group solidarity. Such a process could be seen as the manifestation of their tribal cultural subject-hood and was significant for their internal negotiation as well as for in-depth meaning-exposition at a very concrete level.

Keywords: traditional territory, social struggle, collective action, rituals, age organization


採集與微型生態菜園的沃土生計/盧建銘(98 民104.3 頁259-287)

撒烏瓦知部落(Sa’owac Niyaro’)是受政府迫遷拆除後重建的部落,部落為了一起面對抗爭,開始共同經營採集生活。採集與生態菜園連結阿美族文化的功能、意義和象徵,也衍生出其它的文化展演形式;此一家園生計系統的建構,對當代經濟體系下非原住民部落的農村與地方經濟,有很大的啟示作用。

關鍵詞: 生存抗爭、區域經濟、社群共同體、阿美族、生態共生系統

After being dismantled by the district government some five years ago,the
people of Sa’owac Niyaro’ swiftly rebuilt not only their living quarters but also
their livelihood. They not only created a new form of collective economy to endure through all the hardship but also managed to strengthen their social relations and tribal solidarity. The collection economy coupled with their ecoenhancinglivelihood practices could be said to have-been the most imaginative development of a concrete solidarity economy. The author tried to comprehend and explain the intricacies therewith involved. It was suggested that such an eco-enhancing livelihood project should be understood as an example, even for the regional economies for other non-aborigines communities.

Keywords: living Struggle, regional economy, community, Amis people, co-ecosystem


原住民古道舊社與活的文化保存/鄭安睎(98 民104.3 頁289-303)


關鍵詞: 隘勇線、傳統領域、土地流失、歷史保存、數位典藏

During the Japanese occupation period the Japanese colonizer established their defile line to divide-and-encircle the Mountain-dwelling aborigines. It is just such a policy and administrative device which was responsible for the land lost by the encircled aborgines tribes. In investicating the relics of those defile line, the author had ran into many abandoned ancient-mountainpaths, abandoned tribal settlement ruins and historically significant sites and artifacts. However it is also founded at these so-called “ruins” were still recognized and utilized by quite a few tribal elders and hunters. The activities of re-visiting the ancient-mountain-paths are in effect a way to live up their hunting practices and a way to conserve their “Living” culture.

Keywords: defile line, traditional territory, land lost, historical conservation, digital archives


泰雅族家園生計實踐在當代社會的義涵/官大偉(98 民104.3 頁305-318)


關鍵詞: 原住民族、生物多樣性、土地知識、發展主義、人地關係

Revealing the essence of economy as “the maintenance of home”, this paper:1) point out the influence of colonial narrative that marginalizes the indigenous experiences of land; 2) take the Tayal traditional agriculture as an example, and explore the ecological meaning of Tayal livelihood practices; 3) Address the inspiration it bring to contemporary Taiwan society. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes such a reflection in not out of nostalgia. Instead of that, the reflection is a seeking of future possibility from the articulation of present and past.

Keywords: indigenous people, biodiversity, land knowledge, developmentalism, human-land relations


自然與社會的自我防護運動/陳永龍(98 民104.3 頁319-340)

本文從K. Polanyi 和F. Braudel 的理論視野出發,簡要論述資本主義經濟對市場、社會與自然的侵吞;必須透過經濟與社會「雙向運動」的認識,才能理解所謂「天災」其實是大自然的一部分,是自然對經濟社會的自我保護形制;而各種家園生計、文化政治等社會抗爭,則是社會體抵禦「人禍」的自我保護。

關鍵詞: 物質生活、市場經濟、資本主義、原初豐裕社會、社會我防護、大自然的反撲

The author set forth his arguments from the perspectives of Polanyi’s theory as well as Braudel’s three-tiered social formation scheme. The article reviewed the dynamics involved in the capitalist accumulation regime which causes various social and natural calamities. To counter such man-made disasters the author suggested that we must understand the mechanism of societal self-defense and recognitize its manifestation in concrete acts of social resistances.

Keywords: material life, market economy, capitalism, original affluent society, societal self-defense, natural self-defense


編按/夏曉鵑(98 民104.3 頁341-342)
從「現實政治」到「罷課不罷學」/許寶強(98 民104.3 頁343-348)
從太陽花學運談起:反全球化與反中/瞿宛文(98 民104.3 頁349-361)
新自由主義全球化下的知識份子與社會運動/林孝信(98 民104.3 頁363-369)
我的兩個在地實踐/古學斌(98 民104.3 頁371-383)
學術生產與知識分子︰高教工會的實踐/陳政亮(98 民104.3 頁385-395)
部落實踐團結經濟/吳明季(98 民104.3 頁397-403)
從支農到返鄉︰梁漱溟鄉村建設中心人才培養的轉型/李管奇(98 民104.3 頁405-411)