《台灣社會研究季刊》 第119期:


台灣紅藜新興經濟中的「小農」製造?災後離鄉的原住民農產業參與及困境/黃舒楣、張宇忻、胡哲豪Valagas Gadeljeman(119民110.8 頁1-65)



More than a decade has passed since the 2009 Typhoon Morakot. Several thousand Indigenous people were forced to accept collective relocation given the disastrous effects of the typhoon. This research examines how the displaced Indigenous people adapt their livelihood strategies to the new normal driven by recovery, with a focus on the emerging interest in growing red quinoa as a new crop economy. It raises questions about how the Indigenous farmers participate in the crop economy while they are mostly lacking access to farmlands after relocation? How have the Indigenous farmers responded to the challenges of meeting the demand and the unstable price as a result of competition? This research investigates the complicated movements, competitions, and internal conflicts. It sees the particular farming away from home in the context of post-disaster recovery as a natural-sociotechnical arrangement and examines the practices in which the technique is performed in general and looks into the contract-farming of quinoa growing in Indigenous townships in particular. Eventually, it calls into question the construction of the imagined “small farmers” by the market as shaped by the particular contract farming.

Keywords: post-disaster recovery, Indigenous people, community resilience, small farmers, red quinoa, Typhoon Morakot, natural-sociotechnical arrangement

台灣工人文學中消失的左翼視角:從「工人文學的回顧與前瞻」座談會談起/李亞橋(119110.8 67-107



The “class” perspective in worker literature came to be gradually overlooked in the development of Taiwan literature owing to the contestation of national ideologies during the 1980s. While the period between the 1970s and the 1984 forum “Retrospect and Outlook of Worker literature” was pivotal to worker literature, there were two problems: the lack of worker literature writers and the literary works on the one hand, and the greater political influence on literature under which worker literature became marginal and a sub-genre of Taiwan literature on the other hand. Chen Ying-Zhen’s “Third World Theory”, which also developed in this period, provides a contrast to such a development with its left-wing class concerns. The Washington Building series is Chen’s enactments of the “Third World Theory”, but this series was not regarded as a part of worker literature in the development of Taiwan literature. As the genre of worker literature nowadays has expanded its definition to become labor literature, this essay tries to reconstruct the history of labor literature from the perspective of the left-wing historical interpretation. In so doing, this essay will present the particularity of labor literature in the history of the development of Taiwan’s labor literature and show how the “class” perspective in labor literature came to be overlooked owing to the contestation of national ideologies.

Keywords: worker literature, labor literature, Taiwan literature, Chen Ying-Zhen, Third World theory, the Washington Building series

台灣氣候行動中兒少之經驗與協商:世代的觀點/廖書荷、張弘潔(119110.8 109-151

氣候變遷對兒少的健康和生命造成直接與間接的巨大威脅。2018年8月瑞典少女Greta Thunberg開始靜坐,而後發展成史上最大規模的全球「周五護未來」的氣候罷課運動(Fridays For Future)。過去文獻對兒少發起環境運動之研究有限,本研究從童年社會學的角度,運用「世代」(generation)概念探討兒少在氣候行動中的經驗、詮釋、協商與因應。本研究之資料來自參與觀察2019年在台灣的四波氣候行動,以及訪談19 位發起或參與氣候行動之兒少。



Climate change threatens children’s health and life directly and indirectly. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish girl, initiated a climate strike in August 2018, and the strike later developed into an unprecedented global climate movement “Fridays For Future”. Previous studies on Taiwanese children and young people participating in environmental movements are rare. This study uses the concept of “generation” to explore the experiences of young people participating in the climate movements. The data are drawn from interviews with 19 young people who initiated or participated in the climate movements and the participatory observation in four climate movements in Taiwan in 2019.

The first youth climate strike movement in Taiwan was initiated by high school students. By negotiations with teachers, they enjoyed relatively sufficient decision-making powers in the processes of the movement. Yet, since the second climate movement, local environmental organizations started to intervene and moved the site of the actions from the campus to the street. While the “authoritarian” environmental organizations took over the power of decision-making, young people were marginalized in the public space. Nevertheless, there were also some “collaborative” environmental organizations built up partnership with the young activists. This study highlights that two major obstacles of the youth participating in climate movements are the pressure of the consecutive examinations due to diplomaism and the imbalance of power in the child-adult interaction.

Keywords: climate strike, sociology of childhood, children, generation, Fridays For Future



香港文藝刊物中的三個陳映真專輯述評/葉嘉詠(119110.8 153-165



關於「人民」與「民主」的辯證:陳忠信訪談錄/林麗雲訪談,陳忠信、林麗雲整理(119110.8 167-194

歷史與劇場:從《范天寒和他的弟兄們》 談起

專題導言:運動中的歷史與劇場/李哲宇(119110.8 195-199

儀式、歷史與劇場的追溯/鍾喬(119110.8 201-211

在劇場裡寫詩/王瑋廉(119110.8 213-215

歷史記憶與劇場再現:從《范天寒與他的弟兄們》與自我生命政治的交鋒談起/許仁豪(119110.8 217-227

汪俊彥(119110.8 229-235

劇場外的現實劇:論《范天寒和他的弟兄們》/張宗坤(119110.8 237-248