《台灣社會研究季刊》 第121期:


法益保護與法制規範:德國性工作的除罪化歷程/許雅斐(121111.4 1-41

法益保護的概念常隨著社會發展的樣態,透過憲法的比例原則調控基本權利的範疇。性犯罪法作為對社會整體結構的約束與監管,它既因應社會集體心理而改變,也受到法理原則的制約。最重要的是,法益所要保護的價值與對象往往在論證中持續浮現。從德國過去百年間性工作管制政策變動的過程來看,1900年至1973年間雖有以法益界線限制刑罰範圍的呼聲,但保護性道德仍是立法者主要的關切;1973至2002年間,性自主權則被視為重要法益。在過去10 年間,德國法律學者對比例原則的理性論證顯然已進一步擴展法益保護原則的運作空間,也遏止對不明確法益的侵害。終究,對法益的保護,應被理解為憲法人權保障的終極關切,因此構成了無條件保障基本權利的內在制約。本文將由此觀點分析台灣的性工作管制政策。


Modern-day criminal codes will reveal that the policy behind sexual offense legislation is the negative perception of sexual autonomy. According to Johannes Brüggemann, the most important change of sexual criminal law arose from the definition of fornication. In the early 1970s, fornication meant to include any extramarital sexual intercourse between at least two persons and any activity of a sexual character for the purpose of seduction. According to this definition, Kanwischer believed it suited a general morality, which equated sexual relations to harm. However, as sexual autonomy increasingly became a dominant facet of society, the principle of protection of legal goods was used to define the boundary of sexual crimes. In 1973, it was a settled belief that criminal law served the purpose of realizing the common good and legal peace by protecting legal goods. The state may, in this view, exercise its power solely to protect freedoms and rights and should it use its power for a contrary purpose, then a breach over the constitutionality of laws will transpire. It is stressed that immoral behavior must not be punished for its own sake, but rather only for the infringement of a legal right. This view brought about a change in the sexual-political landscape and consequently a major historical shift, which demarcated the line in the state’s protection of legal goods. In this respect, the experience in Germany may serve as an important lesson for criminal legislation in Taiwan, where Article 231 of The Criminal Code remains under the title “Offenses against Sexual Morality.” This research seeks not only to build on existing work in this field but also to shift emphasis to sexual autonomy and its relation to the legal framework. Therefore, the shifting boundaries of the principle of legal goods in Germany will be a significant point for this research.

Keywords: legal goods (Rechtsgut, bein juridigu), legal goods protection principle, proportionality principle, purpose legitimacy, sex work, sexual autonomy

從共同體到企業集體:空間實踐視角下的華西與獵德「村集體」之轉型和發展/楊一萌(121111.4 43-89



Looking into the cases of “Huaxi Village” and “Liede Village” in China, this article tries to analyze how the transformation of the “village collectives” emerges under different political economic contexts, what spatial strategies they adopt to sustain the collective practice and promote the development of the villages in response to different political economic conditions, and what crises exist. This article argues that “village collectives” practice in the form of “enterprise collectives”, and that “space” is a comprehensive perspective to examine the logic of their practice. First, the autonomy of the “village collective” enterprises in the state-led urban-rural development is related to their geographical conditions. The collective practices of Huaxi and Liede need to be understood within the spatial context of industrialization in southern Jiangsu and “urban villages” in Guangzhou. Second, the “village collectives” rely on collective economic performance as a manifestation of their governance legitimacy, and the economic efficiency of space becomes an important consideration in their practice. Thus, the “village collectives” of Huaxi and Liede have been competing for space on the basis of profitability, negotiating with “neighboring villages”, municipalities, and developers. Finally, the cultural construction of space, as collective symbolic capital, is also involved in the corporate practices of the “village collectives”. It not only contributes to the accumulation of political capital and consolidates the autonomy of collective practices, but also directly supports the performance growth of the collective economy. This article concludes that the entrepreneurialization of “village collectives” and its shift to an exclusive interest community inevitably leads to spatial differentiation and social exclusion, as well as facing crises of capital accumulation and legitimacy. In order to move towards the sustainable development of the village community, we need to rethink the issue of spatial justice in the practice of “village collectives”.

Keywords: community, village collective, enterprise collective, spatial practice, rural development

聽!Vuvu 在唱歌:原住民部落歌謠傳唱文化照顧模式初探/劉麗娟、蕭鄉唯、張雯喬(121111.4 91-133



With the advent of the elderly society, the elderly and long-term care issues have become one of the important contemporary social issues. The very question of who and how to take care of older adults exerts influence on the quality of life of older adults . Recently, research on how to take care of the culture of the indigenous people, based on the premise of cultural sensitivity, has attracted much attention. From the perspective of cultural care, this paper explains why the indigenous older adults care must take culture into consideration, and what impact the lack of cultural care may produce. This paper chooses the Tjuaqau Tribe Cultural Health Station in Taitung County as the practice field, and uses action research and participating observations to look at the traditional Paiwan folk songs as a mode of cultural care. This paper presents the development of the traditional songs of the Paiwan tribe, its value, significance and characteristics. On the other hand, it demonstrates the role of the tribal older adults in the station and their influence on the activities of the transmission of traditional songs. In conclusion, this paper attempts to analyze the cultural implications of the traditional songs transmitted in the Tjuaqau Tribe Cultural Health Station, and to express the future possibility of using the traditional songs of the Paiwan tribe as cultural care.

Keywords: Paiwan, Tjuaqau Tribe, cultural care, traditional songs, Tribe Cultural Health Station



在「冒犯」中自我療癒:以脫口秀為表徵的當代青年治癒敘事/劉珊杉(121111.4 135-162



In recent years, Rock & Roast, a TV show of stand-up comedy, has become increasingly popular among young people in China. The “offensive” laughter in the show is the key to its engaging audiences. At the same time, it also points to the structures of feeling of young people. Mocking pain is not only a pleasant feeling enjoyed by the audiences; it is also an important way that young people deal with the reality of pain and the negative emotions it engenders. However, this real pain cannot be easily healed. In fact, the emotional resonance evoked by laughter is why young people succumb to bad reality and laugh bitterly. Healing pain through “offensive” laugher shows the work of the affective politics. It reveals how the young people perceive their situation through emotions and how their psychological structure is shaped by ideology through the management of emotions. !is complexity is conditioned by a pervasive melancholia which is inseparable from the lack of hope for any change in a future dominated by neo-liberal capitalism.

Keywords: stand-up comedy, social emotion, affective politics, emotion management, structures of feeling



專題導言/魏玓(121111.4 163-165

「超前部署」新聞的出路:從科技巨頭的廣告收入說起/馮建三(121111.4 167-198

從全球媒體工會策略談起:引介2019年歐盟數位版權法保護創作者行動/程宗明(121111.4 頁199-208

平台資本主義:文化產業平台化的奇觀與危機/蔡蕙如(121111.4 209-217

平台政治與Podcast內容生產/蔡如音(121111.4 219-231

從小世界到大宇宙:巨型數位平台對於日常生活的衝擊/曹家榮(121111.4 233-240

「返/反」平台的流通文化/林玉鵬(121111.4 241-248


紀念曹征路/陳信行(121111.4 249-252