《台灣社會研究季刊》 第122期:


原住民團結經濟的實踐與挑戰:以Ina 廚房與社福組織的協作為例/黃盈豪(122111.12 1-40



Solidarity economy is an important means of indigenous peoples in resisting colonization. However, existing literature rarely discusses the practice of and challenges to the solidarity economy of indigenous peoples in the context of Taiwan. Solidarity economy emphasizes cooperation, equality, democratic participation, and environmentally friendly economic activities. Such economy clearly analyzes current situations and uses collective economic actions in resistance. How can the integration of solidarity economy and social services be the new direction for social welfare groups in promoting local unity and organizational empowerment? And how is such economy to be reembedded within their respective tribal contexts and political-economic environments? Through multiple methods including in-depth interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and secondary data analysis, this study, with its analysis of the cooperation between the Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation and the Tafalong tribe’s Ina Kitchen in Hualien as the starting point, discusses the experience of a small and medium-sized social welfare organization that actually invests in the development of solidarity economy. The four findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, solidarity economy can reduce reliance on capital and state subsidies, allowing tribes and social welfare organizations to be more autonomous; secondly, solidarity economy of indigenous peoples partakes of the character of tribal collective mutual assistance and cultural inheritance; thirdly, solidarity economy brings new imagination and working methods of helping people to social workers. Finally, this study discovers that the keys to success for the operation of the solidarity economy of indigenous peoples are internal democracy and giving back to the community. The cooperation between the Good Shepherd Social Welfare Foundation and Ina Kitchen indicates that the foundations of solidarity economy and independent industries are important regulating valves when social welfare organizations face changes in state policies and uncertainty in related welfare services measures, as well as bargaining chips for action in the process of indigenous tribes’ fight against oppression and resistance against colonization.

Keywords: solidarity economy, social welfare organization, indigenous social worker, welfare colonialism, indigeneity

「混雜」催生「純粹」:同妻身份的生成與效應/郭曉飛(122111.12 41-82



From the perspective of social constructivism, this paper analyzes how the Tongqi identity as a Chinese native phenomenon is constructed. Sociology, anthropology, law, communication and public health, as well as the concrete content of these disciplines, have participated in the shaping of the identity of Tongqi . The specific factors include: the gap between the ideal and reality of the trinity of sex, love and marriage; the compulsory requirement for Tongqi’s husbands’ confessions concerning their sexual orientation during divorce processes; the censorship mechanism of traditional media and the identity building mechanism of new media; AIDS labeling in the "eld of public health. In the view of postcolonial theory, hybridity often challenges the authenticity and purity of colonial culture. As a phenomenon of “hybridity”, Tongqi challenges the hegemonic culture, and at the same time, gives birth to “purity”. On the contrary, the discourse denouncing gay men concealing sexual orientation and marrying women further consolidates the binary opposition of sexual orientation. This analysis reveals the insights and limitations of postcolonial theory, and also highlights the differences and consistency between Tongqi identity construction and homosexual identity construction.

Keywords: Tongqi, social constructivism, post colonialism, hybridity, purity

跨語際的觀念再造:一個1920年代中國女性同性戀愛話語的檢視/陳冉涌(122111.12 83-132



With the introduction of western scientific knowledge and feminist thoughts in the 1920s, Chinese intellectuals were getting familiar to a mount of new concepts, including Ai(love), Lian’ai(love/romantic relationship), Xing(sex/sexuality) and Xingbie(gender). A group of Chinese educated men translated western social and biological theories through Japanese translations, and led the heated discussions about love and sexology. The new theories, female homosexual knowledge included, benefited the development of women movement in China. Multiples of attention had been paid to the issue of female homosexual at that time, and there were a lot of same-sex relationships emerged in female factories and schools. At the same time, the most famous female novelists had composed works about female same-sex relationships. These works written in the 1920s attracted researchers’ attentions in the 1990s, and thus triggered the studies of female homosexual in modern China. However, most of researches focused on the comparisons and connections between the western concepts and Chinese examples. !us, this article will talk about the role that Japanese translation had played during the reception and the outcome and influence appeared in China. The point that female homosexual discourse in the 1920s was accompanied with the introductions of the love theory and biological knowledge. The European thinkers, such as Ellen Key and Edward Carpenter, had provided the basic theoretical substance. The knowledge bridge was built by translations from Japanese thinkers, such as Sakai Toshihiko and Yamakawa Kikue; the Chinese translations, made from Japanese translation by Zhang Xichen and the other intellectuals, had played a key role in the process. Basically, female homosexual discourse in the 1920s was restrained by the dominant heterosexual opinions, and in reality, the discourse was unfortunately trapped, marginalized and gradually degraded since the 1930s.

Keywords: homosexual, women’s liberation, translingual practice, Funŭ Zazhi (Ladies’ Journal), Seito (Bluestockings)



以紀錄片拍攝作為勞動教育的方法實踐與反思/鄭怡雯(122111.12 133-159



This article first explains the background why labor education is implemented by the way of documentary filmmaking and how the general course “Labor Image and Contemporary Taiwan Society” is designed based on the theoretical contexts of visual pedagogy and empirical philosophy. Combining “labor concepts” with “documentary education,” this cross-domain curriculum is aimed to cultivate the students’ labor awareness through the process of learning how to make labor documentary. While students are involved to interacting with the person being documented, they are expected to rethink and digest the ideas of labor taught in the earlier stage as well as understand the working circumstance of the employed in capitalist society through this process. Through five course stages of teaching process, this article further reflects on teaching effectiveness and analyzes how to improve the future course design in the last. Hopefully, it can be beneficial for raising the labor education in Taiwan’s university environment and creating a wider variety of labor education programs.

Keywords: labor education, labor documentary, visual pedagogy, empirical philosophy, teaching practice



反對性/別:性的文明化及其不滿/卡維波(122111.12 161-191

原本指涉男女兩性的sex,在步入20 世紀的西方人企圖文明化男女交合的用語時,創造出sex的新意義(性交),由於這個新意義有擴張到男女交合之外的泛性論趨勢,最終又發明了性變態心理與sexuality。Sex的文明化在現代平等的趨勢下出現了非正式化(不守等級秩序老規矩之自在但自制)與性自由的運動,由此促進sexuality的發達與普遍,以致於在公共領域中,生物生理概念的sex越來越讓位於個人-心理與社會-政治概念的sexuality,後者逐漸變成文明化sex的新力量,取代了宗教禮教的舊力量。由此形成sex 可能反對sexuality的形勢。


The modern meaning of sex was invented and expanded to cover sodomy and other acts than copulation, and was further civilized in a modernizing West. The incessant expansion of the meaning of sex or pan-sexualism eventually invented the notion of sexuality today. Sexuality is further promoted and universalized when civilizing under the influence of modern value of equality promotes informalization, replacing aristocratic etiquette of sex, and sexual freedom between men and women, gays and straights, so that the biological and physical conception of sex is gradually conceded to the personal-psychological-social-political conception of sexuality. Now sexuality with its “political correctness”, a new form of moralizing, has become a new force of civilizing of sex, replacing religion as the older force of civilizing. The conjuncture of sex against sexuality is thus possibly coming.

Keywords: pan-sexualism, informalization, civilizing, (new) moralism, sequestration, sex, sexuality



導言/廖彥豪(122111.12 193-195

《農村土地改革與工業化》的意義與幾點不同的思考/薛化元(122111.12 197-211

民營化的連續與斷裂?讀瞿宛文教授《農村土地改革與工業化》/侯嘉星(122111.12 213-222

我們從台灣的土地改革學到什麼?兼論《農村土地改革與工業化》/劉瑞華(122111.12 223-239

對發展型國家理論的批判性繼承:評瞿宛文的《農村土地改革與工業化》/林子新(122111.12 241-249

回應《農村土地改革與工業化》新書論壇的評論/瞿宛文(122111.12 251-271