《台灣社會研究季刊》 第123期:


返家,落土了?紮得出新芽?嘉義海線青年移鄉者的考察/陳祈瑋、王舒芸(123111.12 1-59





This article aims to understand young people’s life experiences surrounding the actions of “relocation to the countryside” and the establishment of the form of life after relocating to disadvantage villages in Tongshi Township, Chiayi County, during the education and initial employment stages of life courses. Seeing relocation as a “temporal-spatial” reflection and the implementation of the priorities under young people’s current life stage, we examine relocation as embodiment of the temporal-spatial structure of opportunities presented by urban-rural relations, and attempt to map out the timeline and spatial structure of the relations between individuals in their life courses. Furthermore, we outlined three facets of the actions of “relocation to the countryside:” “retreating to a safe haven,” “actively accumulating family wealth,” and “taking care of the elderly”.

For establishing forms of life, the villages examined are particularly disadvantaged when compared with urban areas using modernity as benchmark. Opportunities that allow one to reach life goals tilt toward urban areas, and environments for educational or occupational competition have become increasingly tough. Consequently, moving to the countryside does not necessarily mean young people will permanently reside in the countryside. Instead, they will move to other townships for the sake of fulfilling other life goals. Thus, it is better understood as an “interim relay station” in young people’s blueprint for the future stages of life. Children’s lack of adequate schooling poses a particularly visible phenomenon under declining birth rates, which, in turn, leads to even worse schooling in the countryside and widening educational inequality.

This article proposes to reconsider the relationship between “young people’s relocation to the countryside” and disadvantaged villages from two viewpoints: 1. Reexamining the disadvantages of villages; 2. reinvestigating young people’s life tasks and current priorities and providing corresponding market or public services to close the gap between the material basis and social relationships afforded by urban and rural areas. This may lead to further reconsideration of human conditions under the neoliberal orders.

Keywords: rural shrinkage, young people’s relocation to countryside, structural constraints in rural opportunities, life course, human geography

試論晚明男色的身分與政治:以《龍陽逸史》為中心/甯應斌123111.12 61-112



This essay begins with an introduction to the nanse (male beauty) novel of late-Ming dynasty and then discusses whether the nanse was comparable to the homosexual in the early modern of the West in terms of its collective consciousness and identity, focusing on the “scientific” discourse that functioned in the construction of homosexuality/nanse. This essay argues that the Chinese god-demon-ghost-goblin stories initially serve as “scientific/mythological” discourse (and later supplemented by naturalist enlightenment narratives) in constructing the nanse identity. Furthermore, this essay maintains that the practice of prostitution is the key to the forming of collective consciousness and identity of nanse, rather than the topical performance of radical literati. In latter sections of the essay, the prevalent evaluation of nanse from an egalitarian or feminist viewpoint is criticized, and thereby this essay demonstrates the difference between Chinese nanse and Western homosexual, both as historically originated conceptual-systems. The essay ends with the outlook of nanse as a new paradigm in recounting the same-sex phenomenon and its politics.

Keywords: nanse (male beauty), late-Ming dynasty, mythological novel, man-on-man vogue, pederast

青年人性消費的嬗變與酒吧空間的污名轉向/孟芯緯123111.12 113-181



The starting point of this paper is to elaborate the marginal urban commercial entertainment space and culture in small cities including F city. It focuses on the evolution of sexual consumption of youth in F City and the transformation of bars’ stigma. Through the analysis of the youth’s sexual consumption behavior, the problem of violent conflict in bars, their entanglement with drugs, the shill bars and the bars with erotic stigma, this paper outlines the general evolution process of sexual consumption places/ spaces in F City since 2000 and the basically synchronous change process of sexual consumption, and the corresponding change process of the stigma cognition of bars. As bars, replacing bath centers, nightclubs and disco halls, have increasingly become the main sexual consumption space, the main type of sex consumption in these spaces has gradually shifted from direct sexual consumption into indirect sexual consumption. In a significant portion of urban residents’ perceptions, the stigma attached to bars has shifted from causing violence and drug abuse to causing eroticization. In addition, this paper argues that the marginal spaces as such function to stabilize the urban conventional life in those small cities.

Keywords: direct sexual consumption, indirect sexual consumption, bars, stigma, violent conflict, drugs, erotic



追逐自由的省時戰?數位中介食物外送的勞動體制/蔡宛芸、王志弘123111.12 183-235

由便利需求與數位科技推動的食物外送平台服務,塑造出食物地景與運送勞動的新面貌。外送工作看似享有勞動時間與計件薪酬的自由及彈性,實則充斥著趕件的時間壓力與移動風險。本文以「數位黑箱」、「虛擬自由」、「移動異化」等概念,探討數位中介之運送勞動體制的特質。作者以台北都會區兩間食物配送平台foodpanda 和Uber Eats 的外送員為對象,通過訪談平台業務、外送員和工會成員,觀察網路社群討論,並實際參與外送工作,探討前述論題。作者主張科技中介食物配送過程的便利,立足於平台業者的計件制及數位黑箱調控,令外送員在複雜勞動環境中從事血汗勞動。看似自由的外送工作,實為科技中介與資本積累塑造的幻象。勞動風險並非個人行動所致,而是勞動體制的產物。最後,作者檢視通過個人抵抗與集體抗爭而協商勞動體制的可能。


Food delivery platform services driven by consumers’ need for convenience and digital technology have shaped new dimensions through which people reconsider foodscape and delivery labor. Delivery workers seem to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working hours and piece-rate pay, but in fact, they are confronted with time pressure and movement risks. Focusing on the delivery workers of two food delivery platforms foodpanda and Uber Eats in the Taipei metropolitan area, this article uses concepts such as “digital black box”, “virtual freedom” and “mobile alienation” to explore the characteristics of the delivery labor system of digital intermediaries. Through interviews with the platform clerks, delivery workers and union members, as well as observation of online community discussions and actual participation in delivery work, the authors argue that the couriers are in fact engaged in the condition of sweated labor in a complex labor environment where the piece-rate system and the digital black-box regulation by the platform operators are adopted for the convenience of technology-mediated food distribution process. The seeming freedom of delivery work is actually an illusion created by technology intermediary and capital accumulation. Labor risks are not caused by individual actions, but the product of the labor regime. In the latter part of this article, the authors further examine the possibility of negotiating with labor regime through individual and collective resistance.

Keywords: freelance, piece system, mobile alienation, make up work, labor risk



導言/邱士杰123111.12 237-240

劉進慶及其戰後台灣經濟論/邱士杰123111.12 241-255

劉進慶與「社會科學」的時代/汪力123111.12 257-266

從邱士杰的《戰後台灣經濟的左翼分析》談朴玄埰與劉進慶的相遇/延光錫(123111.12 267-272

劉進慶與林書揚的台灣新殖民地社會論/林哲元(123111.12 273-291


關鍵詞: 新殖民地、新殖民主義、殖民地性、帝國主義、民族主義

“Neo-colony” or “neocolonialism” refers to how the old colonial system broke down after World War II and imperialism became indirectly colonized by local agents. After independence, the former colonial or semi-colonial countries and regions had some form of independent sovereignty, but their economies and policies were still under imperialist dominance. Liu Shinkei defines the Taiwan society in the two decades following WWII as a “neo-colonial and semi-feudal society”. The concept of “neocolonial” is used with caution, preferring to establish a theory of “coloniality” through various periods. Lin Shuyang defines Taiwan as a neo-colonial capitalist society, with the general characteristics of dependency, deformity, and backwardness. This social nature determines that both the old bureaucratic comprador ruling clique and the emerging bourgeois separatist forces in Taiwan are both reactionary in nature, and that the only way for the working people of Taiwan to overcome the state of Taiwan’s neo-colonial society is through an anti-imperialist national unification movement. Liu Shinkei’s views on this issue in his recent years tend to be consistent with those of Lin Shuyang.

Keywords: neo-colony, neocolonialism, coloniality, imperialism, nationalism

《戰後台灣經濟分析》裡的官僚資本、金融業與抵抗/鄭紹鈺123111.12 293-299